Robin Hanson
Robin Hanson is an associate professor at the division of Supply and operations management.

Showing 53 publications
Automated Loading and Unloading Operations: A Systematic Review
Conditions for achieving high levels of automation in loading and unloading of autonomous trucks
Hybrid digital manufacturing: Capturing the value of digitalization
Challenges and requirements in the introduction of automated loading and unloading
Supporting flexibility of kit preparation for mixed_model assembly
Links between kit quality and kit preparation design
Requirements Affecting the Design of Automated Guided Vehicle Systems
Dual Robot Kit Preparation in Batch Preparation of Component Kits for Mixed Model Assembly
Design of AGV systems in working environments shared with humans: A multi case study
Gripper types and components in robotic bin picking
Kit preparation for mixed model assembly – efficiency impact of the picking information system
Man-hour efficiency of manual kit preparation in the materials supply to mass-customised assembly
Time efficiency and physical workload in manual picking from large containers
Performance Characteristics of Robotic Mobile Fulfilment Systems in Order Picking Applications
Introducing automated guided vehicles in existing materials feeding systems
Robot based compact storage and retrieval systems performance in order picking applications
Manual picking from flat and tilted pallet containers
Order picking in dense areas – productivity impact of confirmation methods
Automated order picking: A literature review
Picking from pallet and picking from boxes: a time and ergonomic study
Manual Picking from Large Containers – Time Efficiency and Physical Workload
Aspects influencing man-hour efficiency of kit preparation for mixed-model assembly
Performance effects of using external warehouses in materials supply to assembly
Flexibility of materials preparation processes in production systems
Order batching and time efficiency in kit preparation
Impact of unit load size on in-plant materials supply efficiency
Kit preparation using batching – quantitative results from two experiments
In-plant materials supply by kitting – location of kit preparation
A comparison of kitting and continuous supply in in-plant materials supply
Valet mellan kitting och kontinuerlig försörjning
Kitting and time efficiency in manual assembly
In-plant materials supply: Supporting the choice between kitting and continuous supply
Assembly station design: A quantitative comparison of the effects of kitting and continuous supply
Location of kit preparation – Impact on in - plant materials supply performance
Impact of unit load size on in-plant materials supply efficiency
A comparison of kitting and continuous supply in in-plant materials supply
Effects of using minomi in in-plant materials supply
Assembly station design - a quantitative comparison of the effects of kitting and continuous supply
On the options available in the design of in-plant materials supply systems
Kitting and time efficiency in manual assembly
Performance impact of options for routing and delivery initiation in tugger train delivery systems
Effects of using minomi in lineside materials supply
On the choice of approach for materials supply to mass customised line assembly
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Showing 7 research projects
SCALE - Supply Chain Automation of Loading/unloading for increased Efficiency
ELISTAFT: Efficient Logistics Interfaces Supporting a Transition to Autonomous Freight Transport
FAKTA - Flexible Automation of Kitting Transport and Assembly
AKTA - Automation of Kitting, Transport and Assembly
Utformning av processer för effektiv materialkonfigurering