Jannik Roes
Jannik Theyssen is a doctoral student at the Division of Applied Acoustics in the Department of Architecture and Civil Engineering at Chalmers. Working in collaboration with the competence centre for railway mechanics at Chalmers (CHARMEC), in his project he researches the sound radiation from the rolling contact between railway wheels and tracks. The project goal is to develop a scientific basis for noise criteria for slab tracks. State-of-the-art numeric models are used to model the model the structural vibrations as well as the radiation from the wheel and the rail.
The project is carried out in close cooperation with CHARMEC's industrial stakeholders, especially the Swedish Transport Administration (Trafikverket).

Showing 20 publications
Efficient calculation of the three-dimensional sound pressure field around a slab track
Towards time-domain modelling of wheel/rail noise: Effect of the dynamic track model
A time-domain approach to predict sound radiation from track vibrations
Transient Modelling of Curve Squeal Considering Varying Contact Conditions
A time-domain model for railway rolling noise
On the efficient simulation of pass-by noise signals from railway wheels
Using track-elasticity for noise mitigation on low-vibration track
Simulating rolling noise on ballasted and slab tracks: vibration, radiation, and pass-by signals
Efficient calculation of the three-dimensional sound pressure field around a railway track
The Influence of Track Parameters on the Sound Radiation from Slab Tracks
The low-noise potential of low-vibration track
The application of dither to mitigate curve squeal
The application of dither for suppressing curve squeal
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Showing 4 research projects
Integrated track design for reduced noise effects
Driving research and innovation to push Europe's rail system forward (IN2TRACK3)
Research into enhanced track and switch and crossing system 2 (In2Track-2)