Johan Bengtsson Palme

Assistant Professor at Systems and Synthetic Biology

Image of Johan Bengtsson Palme

Showing 10 publications


Aberrant microbiomes are associated with increased antibiotic resistance gene load in hybrid mice

Victor Hugo Jarquin-Diaz, Susana Carolina Martins Ferreira, Alice Balard et al
Journal article

Low coverage of species constrains the use of DNA barcoding to assess mosquito biodiversity

Maurício Moraes Zenker, Tatiana Pineda Portella, Felipe Arley Costa Pessoa et al
Scientific Reports. Vol. 14 (1)
Journal article

Metagenomic assemblies tend to break around antibiotic resistance genes

Anna Abramova, Antti Karkman, Johan Bengtsson Palme
BMC Genomics. Vol. 25 (1)
Journal article

A global baseline for qPCR-determined antimicrobial resistance gene prevalence across environments

Anna Abramova, Thomas U. Berendonk, Johan Bengtsson-Palme
Environment International. Vol. 178
Journal article

Development of early life gut resistome and mobilome across gestational ages and microbiota-modifying treatments

Ahmed Bargheet, Claus Klingenberg, Eirin Esaiassen et al
EBioMedicine. Vol. 92
Journal article

Latent antibiotic resistance genes are abundant, diverse, and mobile in human, animal, and environmental microbiomes

Juan Salvador Inda Diaz, David Lund, Marcos Parras Moltó et al
Microbiome. Vol. 11 (1), p. 44-
Journal article

Towards monitoring of antimicrobial resistance in the environment: For what reasons, how to implement it, and what are the data needs?

Johan Bengtsson-Palme, Anna Abramova, Thomas U. Berendonk et al
Environment International. Vol. 178
Review article

Microbial and human transcriptome in vaginal fluid at midgestation: Association with spontaneous preterm delivery

Tove Wikstrom, Sanna Abrahamsson, Johan Bengtsson-Palme et al
Clinical and Translational Medicine. Vol. 12 (9)
Journal article

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Showing 6 research projects


Predicting the future spread of antibiotic resistance genes, has been granted funding

Erik Kristiansson Applied Mathematics and Statistics
Johan Bengtsson Palme Systems and Synthetic Biology
Science for Life Laboratory (SciLifeLab)
Knut and Alice Wallenberg Foundation


Surveillance for Emerging Antimicrobial Resistance through Characterization of the uncharted Environmental Resistome

Johan Bengtsson Palme Systems and Synthetic Biology
Swedish Research Council (VR)

1 publication exists

SIDA sub-program 13, Diarrheal diseases

Johan Bengtsson-Palme Systems and Synthetic Biology


Predicting future pathogenicity and antibiotic resistance

Johan Bengtsson-Palme Systems and Synthetic Biology
Swedish Foundation for Strategic Research (SSF)

4 publications exist

Low-level Exposure to Antibiotics Disturbs Interactions among Non-pathogenic bacteria in the Gastrointestinal tract

Johan Bengtsson-Palme Applied Mathematics and Statistics
Swedish Research Council (VR)


EMBARK: Establishing a Monitoring Baseline for Antibiotic Resistance in Key environments

Johan Bengtsson-Palme System Biology
Swedish Research Council (VR)

7 publications exist
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