Kaj Lindecrantz
Showing 71 publications
Development and preliminary evaluation of an Android based heart rate variability biofeedback system
A randomized controlled study about the use of eHealth in the home health care of premature infants
Does indomethacin for closure of patent ductus arteriosus affect cerebral function?
Automatic classification of background EEG activity in healthy and sick neonates
Comparison of Dry-Textile Electrodes for Electrical Bioimpedance Spectroscopy Measurements
Home e-health system integration in the smart home through a common media server
System för uppföljning av kroniskt sjuka i hemmet
Effects of inflammation on cerebral electric activity in fetal sheep
Effects of inflammation on cerebral electric activity in fetal sheep
Electrical Bioimpedance Cerebral Monitoring
Comparing a Supervised and an Unsupervised Classification Method for Burst Detection in Neonatal EEG
Design Evaluation of a Home-Based Telecare System for Chronic Heart Failure Patients
Current Source Design for Electrical Biompedance Spectroscopy
Classification of Burst Suppression and Tracé Alternant in Neonatal EEG
Utvärdering av system för uppföljning av hjärtsviktspatienter i hemmet
Evaluation of a Disease Management System for Chronic Heart Failure Patients
Classification of burst and suppression in the neonatal electroencephalogram
Care@Distance – Disease Management för hjärtsviktspatienter i hemmet
Care@Distance - Home Monitoring System for CHF Patients
Effects of inflammation on cerebral electric activity in fetal sheep
A Novel Approach for Estimation of Electrical Bioimpedance: Total Least Square
The Transcephalic Electrical Impedance Method. Principles for Brain Tissue State Monitoring
Enhancement of a Voltage Controlled Current Source for Wideband Electrical Bioimpedance Spectroscopy
Detection of Bursts in the EEG of Post Asphyctic Newborns
Detektion av burst-aktivitet i Burst-Suppression - EEG hos nyfödda barn efter asfyxi
Sex differences in electrocortical activity in human neonates
Spectral distance for ARMA models applied to electroencephalogram for early detection of hypoxia
Care@Distance, Home Monitoring System for Patients with Congestive Heart Failure
Care@Distance – IT-baserad hemvård av hjärtsviktspatienter
The difficulty of appreciating slowness
Detection of Bursts in the EEG of Post Asphyctic Newborns
Electrical Bioimpedance Cerebral Monitoring
Infraslow EEG activity in burst periods from post asphyctic full term neonates
Bioelectrical Impedance During Hypoxic Cell Swelling: Modelling of Tissue as a Suspension of Cells
Evolution of Cerebral Bioelectrical Resistance at Various Frequencies During Hypoxia in Fetal Sheep
Brain Electrical Impedance at Different Frequencies: The Effect of Hypoxia
Spectral analysis of burst periods in EEG from healthy and post-asphyctic full-term neonates
Long Term EEG-Monitoring in Neonatal and Child Intensive Care
A Maritime Medical Consulting System
Ett nytt digitalt system för intensivvårdsövervakning med flerkanaligt EEG och CFM
A Maritime Medical Consulting System
A General System Used in Monitoring of Cerebral and Circulatory Function in Neonatal Care
Long Term EEG-Monitoring in Neonatal and Child Intensive Care
Telemedicine Support Onboard a Large Passenger Ferry - Experiences from M/S Stena Germanica
Telemedicine Support Onboard a Large Passenger Ferry - A Technical Description of the System
Spectral Analysis of Heart Rate Variability During Desflurane and Isoflurane Anesthesia
Spinning och autonom influens på hjärtat: Analys av hjärtfrekvensvariation
Recording Non-Nutritive Sucking in the Neonate; Description of an Automated System for Analysis
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