Lisa Govik
Lisa Melander is a Assistant Professor at the Division of Supply and Operations Management. Her research interests include sustainable transports, business models, green innovation, actor collaboration and purchasing. Today Lisa conducts research on sharing charging infrastructure, circular business models in e-mobility, actor collaboration in geofencing and start-ups in geofencing.
Showing 51 publications
Sourcing for high technology innovation: Engaging to absorb knowledge pre-contract
Networked business models on a nascent market for sustainable innovation
Digital platforms for sharing and booking electrical vehicle charging infrastructure
Electrifying Construction Transport: Unveiling a Heroic Vision for Sustainability transition
Drivers for and barriers to electric freight vehicle adoption in Stockholm
How sustainable are urban transport services? A comparison of MaaS and UCC
Green innovation networks: A research agenda
Social cross-functional vendor selection in technologically uncertain sourcing situations
Interactions and digitalization of public procurement
How can charging infrastructure be shared among actors? Business models as enablers or barriers
The multiple levels of trust when selecting suppliers – Insights from an automobile manufacturer
ORGANIZING FOR THE PURCHASING OF INNOVATION: Insights from two auto manufacturers
Getting innovations out of interactions in the public procurement context
Success factors for environmentally sustainable product innovation
Collaboration beyond the supply network for green innovation: insights from 11 cases
Future goods transport in Sweden 2050: Using a Delphi-based scenario analysis
Organizing supplier interfaces in technological development
The myopia of purchasing in selecting suppliers in a technologically uncertain environment.
Customer and supplier collaboration in green product innovation: external and internal capabilities
Improving Green Product Innovation Through Collaboration
Resource interaction in product development: a cross-functional analysis
Sourcing trust is a multi-level concept - Insights from an automobile manufacturer
Student motivation: experiences from the course "International Business Relationships"
Developing supplier interfaces in technological development
Integrating Supplier Knowledge in New Product Development Projects: Decoupled and Coupled Approaches
Development of service contracts Consequences for networked business models
Achieving sustainable development by collaborating in green product innovation
Organizational challenges when collaborating in product innovation projects
Kunder och leverantörer i öppna respektive slutna innovationssamarbeten
Att hantera osäkerheter vid val av leverantör i öppen innovation
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Showing 14 research projects
Governance structures for sustainable supply chain transport system networks
Sustainable circular supply of technology to the automotive (SusTeq)
Electrified Construction Fleet
Circular business model through conversion to electric
Business models for open platform for shared charging infrastructure
Accelerating the implementation of open platforms for shared charging infrastructure
GeoSence - Geofencing strategies for implementation in urban traffic management and planning
Open platform for shared charging infrastructure
Interactions and role development in the geofence network
Innovative business models for a large-scale diffusion of solar PV
DIgital business models for energy efficient goods transports (pre study)
Efficient Maintenance for Sustaninable Transport Solutions (EMATS)