Maria Elmquist
Maria Elmquist (formerly Backman) has been Chalmers’ Deputy President, responsible for leadership and equality, since January 2024. Her work has appeared in journals such as Research Policy, R&D Management and Creativity and Innovation Management. She has published over fifty scientific articles and conference contributions, a book on concept car development and several book chapters.
As a Professor in Technology Management, Maria Elmquist’s research at the Department of Technology Management and Economics, revolves around management of innovation in technology-based firms, focusing on how innovation can be enabled in large organizations, how organizations can develop innovation capabilities and how innovation can be enabled through collaboration, in networks or eco-systems. Ongoing research investigates the role of design and design practice in innovation aiming to understand how innovation can be managed in contexts characterized by uncertainty and the unknown. She is currently supervising two PhD students, on the topics of innovation in emerging ecosystems and designing agile organizations.
She is also an affiliated researcher to the Centre de Gestion Scientifique (CGS) at Mines ParisTech.

Showing 58 publications
Making sense in “less-hierarchical” forms of organizing
Jakten på hållbar beredskap i svensk livsmedelsförsörjning
Joining forces to create value: The emergence of an innovation ecosystem
Practicing Agility: Proposing an Agile Organization Design Manifesto
Agile Organizations: Challenges and Tensions from the Employee Perspective
Innovation Theory and the (Re-)foundation of Management: Facing the Unknown
Framing Design Thinking: The Concept in Idea and Enactment
Öppna innovationsarenor: organisering av gemensamt kunskapsskapande
Beyond intermediation: The open innovation arena as an actor enabling joint knowledge creation
The Challenges of Using Design Thinking in Industry - Experiences from Five Large Firms
Design thinking: Exploring values and effects from an innovation capability perspective
Exploring the use of design thinking in large organizations: towards a research agenda
From Collaboration to Innovation: challenges and opportunities in building Open Arenas
Perceptions of the value of Design Thinking in innovation in large firms
Leveraging on open innovation: A study of why organizations engage in open innovation collaboration
Aiming at innovation: a case study of innovation capabilities in the Swedish defence industry
Implementing Design Thinking in Large Organizations
Att utveckla innovationsförmåga i stora industriella företag – erfarenheter från Volvo Personvagnar
Enabling knowledge creation among competitors: the open innovation arena
Role Confusion in Open Innovation Intermediary Arenas
Managing Open Innovation: Exploring Challenges at the Interfaces of an Open Innovation Arena
CBIs studie om innovationsledning
Developing Innovation Capabilities: A Longitudinal Study of a Project at Volvo Cars
Communities of Practice for Open Innovation - Enabling Organizational Creativity?
Implications of openness: A study of (all) the growing literature on open innovation
The value of a failed R&D project: emerging evaluation criteria for innovation projects
Exploring the management of collaborative arenas from a platform perspective
Exploring the field of open innovation
Triangulating relations to explore openness of innovation
Managing learning in the automotive industry – the innovation race for electric vehicles
The concept of interessement: The story of a power-split technology for hybrid electric vehicles
Open Innovation - Forschung in Europa
Managing learning strategies in the automotive industry – the race for hybridization
Managing Open Innovation: Present Findings and Future Directions
On the way to electric cars - a case study of a hybrid electric vehicle project at Volvo Cars
Loud killers and already-invented-here: managing change in professional organizations
Vehicles for innovation and learning: The case of a neglected concept car project
Enabling Innovation: Exploring the prerequisites for innovative concepts in R&D
Vehicles for Innovation: the case of a neglected concept car project at Volvo Cars
Managing Open Innovation: Present Findings and Future Directions,
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Showing 7 research projects
Innovation lab for sustainable preparedness in food supply
Developing innovation capabilities in the emerging ecosystem of autonomous driving Phase II
Utveckla innovationsförmåga i det framväxande ekosystemet kring självkörande fordon
Hur kan Design Thinking bidra till innovationsarbete i svenska företag
The role of innovation functions for innovative product development in large firms.
Design thinking and its contribution to innovation capabilities in large firms
Managing and organising open innovation