Marco Fratarcangeli
Showing 33 publications
Improved Accuracy for Prism-Based Motion Blur
Affective colormap design for accurate visual comprehension in industrial tomography
Fast Analytical Motion Blur with Transparency
Interactive Sculpting of Digital Faces Using an Anatomical Modeling Paradigm
Fast Nonlinear Least Squares Optimization of Large-Scale Semi-Sparse Problems
Interactive Assembly and Animation of 3D Digital Garments
Medial ElasticsElastics: Efficient and Collision-Ready Deformation via Medial Axis Transform
Parallel iterative solvers for real-time elastic deformations
Fast Quadrangular Mass-Spring Systems using Red-Black Ordering
Parallel Multigrid for Nonlinear Cloth Simulation
Preface - Proceeding of the ACM Conference on Virtual Reality Software and Technology, VRST 2017
Skin Deformation Methods for Interactive Character Animation
Multi-Variate Gaussian-Based Inverse Kinematics
Inverse Kinematics Using Dynamic Joint Parameters
Skin deformation methods for interactive character animation
sLayer: a System for Multi-Layered Material Sculpting
State of the art in skinning techniques for articulated deformable characters
Vivace: a practical gauss-seidel method for stable soft body dynamics
Practical Offline Rendering of Woven Cloth
Scalable Partitioning for Parallel Position Based Dynamics
Low-cost Experimental Setups for Mid-air 3D Reconstruction
Fast Rendering of Image Mosaics and ASCII Art
Position-Based Skinning for Soft Articulated Characters
A GPU-based Implementation of Position Based Dynamics for Interactive Deformable Bodies
Near Real-Time Multi-GPU omegaK Algorithm for SAR Processing
Interactive, musculoskeletal model for animating virtual faces
Position-based facial animation synthesis
Facial motion cloning with radial basis functions in MPEG-4 FBA
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Showing 2 research projects
Parallel Algorithms for Interactive Simulations of 3D Soft Tissues
Interactive 3D deformable bodies design