Björn Pålsson
Björn Pålsson is Associate Professor in railway mechanics at the division of dynamics.
Showing 56 publications
Assessment of Structural Requirements for Crossing Panel Design using Dynamic Load Case Scenarios
Evaluating the mix of maintenance activities on railway crossings with respect to life-cycle costs
Influence of model parameters on the predicted rail profile wear distribution in a curve
Model-Based Remote Health Monitoring of Ballast Conditions in Railway Crossing Panels
A whole system model framework to predict damage in turnouts
Editorial for S&C benchmark special issue
Condition Monitoring of Railway Crossing Geometry via Measured and Simulated Track Responses
On the influence of crossing angle on long-term rail damage evolution in railway crossings
Long-term rail profile damage in a railway crossing: Field measurements and numerical simulations
Multiscale modelling of train–track interaction phenomena with focus on contact mechanics
Simulation of damage in railway crossings - a comparison of rail steel grades R350HT and rolled Mn13
The role of contact mechanics in multiscale modelling of train-track interaction phenomena
A linear wheel–crossing interaction model
Metamodel for elasto-plastic wheel–rail contact with application to damage in a railway crossing
Switch panel design based on simulation of accumulated rail damage in a railway turnout
Numerical prediction of rail corrugation growth on curves
Optimisation of railway crossing geometry considering a representative set of wheel profiles
Switch panel design based on simulation of accumulated rail damage in a railway turnout
Robust evaluation of rail damage and track forces using representative load collectives
Simulation of track settlement in railway turnouts
Design optimisation of switch rails in railway turnouts
D-RAIL Deliverable D3.3 — Guidelines on derailment analysis and prevention
Optimisation of railway crossing geometry considering a set of representative wheel profiles
D-RAIL Deliverable D3.2 — Analysis and mitigation of derailment, assessment and commercial impact
Design Optimization of Switch Rails in Railway Turnouts
Track gauge optimisation of railway switches using a genetic algorithm
Wheel-rail interaction and damage in switches and crossings
Kinematic Gauge Optimization of Switches Using Genetic Algorithms
Track model validation for simulation of train–turnout dynamics
Simulation of wheel-rail contact and damage in switches & crossings
Simulation of wheel-rail contact and damage in switches & crossings
Simulation of wheel–rail contact and subsequent material degradation in switches & crossings
The Use of Resonant Structures for Miniaturizing FMAVs
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Showing 7 research projects
Railway condition monitoring and analysis of settlements using InSAR
Driving research and innovation to push Europe's rail system forward (IN2TRACK3)
Model based condition monitoring of switches and crossings (CHARMEC TS21)
Research into enhanced track and switch and crossing system 2 (In2Track-2)
Optimization of materials in track switches (CHARMEC TS17)