Stanislaw Gubanski
Showing 308 publications
Analyses of unexplained faults in transmission lines in the power grid of Ethiopia
Controllable impulse PD diagnostic method - a new step into testing insulation system performance
Square Shaped Waveform Pulse Control to minimize PD Exposure within Motor Insulation
Polymer composition and electrical devices
Detection of Electrical Tree Formation in XLPE Insulation through Applying Disturbed DC Waveforms
Charging and Discharge Currents in Low-Density Polyethylene and its Nanocomposite
Electrical Detection of Degradation in Specimens of HVDC Cable Insulation
Enhanced charge injection in rough HVDC extruded cable interfaces
Highly structured graphene polyethylene nanocomposites
Space charge behavior in silicone rubber from in-service aged HVDC composite insulators
Simulations of Electrical Discharges in Air Using Stabilized Drift-Diffusion Model
Charge transport in a double-layered enamel insulation during surface potential decay
Partial discharge characteristics in motor insulations under exposure to multi-level inverters
Influence of manufacturing process on electrical properties of LDPE-GnP nanocomposites
Computer Simulations of Discharges along Insulator Surfaces
Surface Potential Decay on LDPE and its Nanocomposites
Three-Dimensional Nanometer Features of Direct Current Electrical Trees in Low-Density Polyethylene
Effect of Interfaces on Surface Potential Decay on Double Layered HTV Silicone Rubber Samples
On the Conducting and Non-conducting Electrical Trees in XLPE Cable Insulation Specimens
Charge Transport in LDPE Nanocomposites Part II—Computational Approach
PD characteristics at Square Shaped Voltages Applying Two Different Detecting
Insulating materials for next generations of HVAC and HVDC cables
Novel electrical properties of extruded LDPE-GnP filled nanocomposites
Charge Transport in LDPE Nanocomposites Part I—Experimental Approach
Surface Potential Decay on LDPE and LDPE/Al2O3 Nano-Composites: Measurements and Modeling
Open-circuit Thermally Stimulated Currents in LDPE/Al2O3 Nanocomposite
Ultrasonic phased array detection of internal deffects in composite insulators
Dielectric properties of graphene nanoplatelets filled LDPE
Invariant Dielectric Strength upon Addition of Low Amounts of HDPE to LDPE
AC and DC Pre-stressed Electrical Trees in LDPE and its Aluminum Oxide Nanocomposites
PD characteristics at Square Shaped Voltages Applying Two Different Detecting Techniques
Space charge controlled electric field preceeding inception of electric tree in XLPE at ac voltage
Loss Current Studies of Partial Discharge Activity
Mapping of Fields Induced by Electrical Trees in Polyethylene
Electrical treeing in polyethylene-alumina-filled nanocomposites for HVDC applications
Outdoor Polymeric Insulators: Role of Corona in Performance of Silicone Rubber Housings
High electron affinity: a guiding criterion for voltage stabilizer design
Space charge controlled electric field preceding inception of electric tree in XLPE at AC voltage
A New Application Area for Fullerenes: Voltage Stabilizers for Power Cable Insulation
DC electrical conductivity of LDPE-based nanocomposites
Study of Partial Discharge Activity by Excess Current
Potential Decay on Silicone Rubber Surfaces Affected by Bulk and Surface Conductivities
Modifications of dielectric properties of polyamides induced by long-term exposure to corona
Dielectric strength of γ-radiation cross-linked, high vinyl-content polyethylene
Electrical Treeing Behavior at High Temperature in XLPE Cable Insulation Samples
Fiftieth Anniversary of TDEI (Editorial)
Mechanisms of Surface Potential Decay on Enamel Wire Coatings
Spontaneous Partial Discharge Oscillations Studied by Excess Current
Electrical Characterization of a New Enamel Insulation
Partial Discharge Behavior of a Newly Developed Enamel Insulation at Various Voltage Rise Times
On Excess Current During and After Partial Discharge Activity
Improvement of Frequency Response for a Zero-Flux Current Measuring System
Charge decay on enamel wire surface
Partial Discharges in Motor Wires at PWM Voltages of Different Smoothness
Correction of Geometric Influence in Permittivity Determination
Impulse testing of hybrid gas-solid polymer insulation systems
Performance of a hybrid insulation system
Effects of long term corona and humidity exposure of silicone rubber based housing materials
Moisture in Cellulose Insulation of Power Transformers - Statistics
TDEI issue CMD Editorial - Condition Monitoring and Diagnostics
The Effect of DC Electro-thermal Ageing on Electrical Treeing in Polyethylene
Condition Monitoring and Diagnostics
Enhanced accuracy in dielectric response material characterization by air reference method
PD Properties when Varying the Smoothness of Synthesized Waveforms
Surface Potential Decay on Silicon Rubber Samples at Reduced Gas Pressure
Evaluation of the Performance of Several Object Types for Electrical Treeing Experiments
Special report for SC D1 (Materials and Emerging Test Techniques)
Increasing Transmission Capacity: The View From a New CIGRE Brochure
Investigation of Temperature Effect on Electrical Trees in XLPE Cable Insulation
Measurements of ion mobility in transformer oil: evaluation in terms of ion drift
DC Flashover Characteristics of a Polymeric Insulator in Presence of Surface Charges
Arbitrary Waveform Impedance Spectroscopy used for Accurate Contact-free Dielectric Characterization
Surface charge decay on HTV silicone rubber: effect of material treatment by corona discharges
Surface Charge & DC Flashover Performance of Polymeric Insulators
Electrical Tree Inhibition by Voltage Stabilizers
Move to DC Will Require New Insulation Test Methodologies
Smart Grids and high voltage engineering
Measurement of ion mobility in transformer oils for HVDC applications
Inter-Continental Transmission: Pipe Dream or Future Reality?
Dielectric Properties of Transformer Oils for HVDC Applications
Surface Charges on Cylindrical Polymeric Insulators
Charging of Solid Elements of High-Voltage Insulation by Corona in Gas
Surface Charge Decay on Polymeric Materials under Different Neutralization Modes in Air
Dielectric Response Measurements for Bushing Condition Assessment
Better Understanding Smart Grid
Polymer Nanocomposites - Fundamentals and possible applications to Power Sector
INMR Congress Offered Focus on Bushings & Cable Accessories
Harmonic Limited Test Waveform for Fast AWIS Dielectric Studies
Noise and Aliasing Aspects in a Multiharmonic-Dielectric-Response-Measurement System
Wire-Plane Electrode System for Electrical Tree Initiation Exposed to AC and DC Voltage Stress
Surface Charge Decay of Corona Charged HTV Silicone Rubber Samples due to Bulk Conduction
Resonant PD signal decoupling circuit for rapidly changing voltages
Polymer Nanocomposites - Fundamentals and possible applications to Power Sector
A Versatile System for Electrical Treeing Tests under AC and DC Stress Using Wire Electrodes
Dielectric Properties of XLPE/SiO2 Nanocomposites Based on CIGRE WG D1.24 Cooperative Test Results
AC and DC Corona/Ozone-Induced Ageing of HTV Silicone Rubber
Performance of HTV Silicone Rubber under Artificial AC and DC Corona/Ozone Test
Dielectric Response Diagnoses for Transformer Windings
Evidence for Changing PD Properties at Short Voltage Rise Times
Dielectric response measurements during electrical treeing in sub-picofarad samples
Evaluation of a PD Measuring System for Repititive Steep Voltage Waveforms
Hybrid Insulation in Gas Insulated Systems
AC or DC Corona Ageing of HTV Silicone Rubber
Bushings Technology Review: Current Designs & Future Tendencies
Dielectric Response Diagnoses for Transformer Windings
Influence of rise time on partial discharge extinction voltage at semi-square voltage waveforms
Evaluating Resistance of Polymeric Materials for Outdoor Applications to Corona and Ozone
Nanodielectrics: A "Universal" Panacea for Solving All Electrical Insulation Problems?
Continuous monitoring of dielectric properties of LDPE samples during electrical treeing
Another Look at Brittle Fracture of Composite Insulators
Fatigue Strength & Brittle Fracture of Composite Insulators
Editorial- Outdoor High Voltage Insulation
Dielectric Response Diagnoses For Transformer Windings
Off-line and On-line Dielectric Response Measurements for Diagnostics of Paper-oil Insulation
Role of surface charging in the performance of polymeric high voltage insulation systems
Ageing of Silicone Rubber Insulators in Coastal and Inland Tropical Environment
Insulator Performance Under Wintry Conditions Topic of New Book
Doubling Line Capacity with New Conductors
Smarts Grids? They are already here
Ceramic Insulators Seem to Still Dominate the Market
Influence of compressive stress on dielectric properties of polymers
Measurement and Simulation of Positive Impulse Corona Current
Evaluating Resistance of Materials for Outdoor Insulator Housings to Corona and Ozone
Cavity Partial Discharges at Semi-Square voltages of Different Rise Times
Water Vapour Permeability through Corona Aged Housing Materials
Dielectric Heating in Insulating Materials Subjected to Voltage Waveforms with High Harmonic Content
Charging characteristics of EPDM and silicone rubbers deduced from surface potential measurements
1000 kV Pilot Project Begins New Era
Tracking behaviour in the presence of conductive interfacial defects
Influence of thermal ageing on dielectric responce of oil-paper insulation
Measurement and Analysis of Partial Discharge Current during Square Voltage Waveforms
Tracking Behaviour of Silicone Rubber in the Presence of Conductive Interfacial Defect
A versatile method to study electrical treeing in polymeric materials
Tracking on Insulator Surfaces in Presence of Conductive Defects within Housing to Core Interface
Synthesis and Efficiency of Voltage Stabilizers for XLPE Cable Insulation
Charging of Polymeric Surfaces by Positive Impulse Corona
Insulator Selection for AC Overhead Lines With Respect to Contamination
High voltages with high harmonic content: The influence of dielectric heating
Surface Charge Relaxation in Silicone Rubber and EPDM
Charge relaxation on surfaces of polymeric insulating materials for outdoor applications
South Africa Sets Focus on HVDC
Calculation of Corona Voltage-Current Characteristics in Air
High efficiency voltage stabilizers for XLPE cable insulation
Voltage stabilizers for improving the electrical treeing resistance of XLPE
Measurement of Partial Discharges at Rapidly Changing Voltages
Need for more research on new material formulations
Properties of interfaces between silicone rubber and epoxy
Dielectric Response Measurements Utilizing Semi-Square Voltage Waveforms
Effect of core magnetization on frequency response analysis (FRA) of power transformers
Comparison between Hexa- and Conventional E-type Core Three-Phase Transformers
Electric performance of interfaces in outdoor insulation systems
Ageing of composite insulators
Salt fog evaluation of RTV coatings with different fillers
Remotely controlled helicopters may revolutionize insulator diagnostics
High-frequency modeling of power transformers for use in frequency response analysis (FRA)
Comsol-Simulink integrated computer model for simulations of high voltage power transformers
Evaluation of polymeric materials resistance to corona and ozone
Multi-scale computations of parameters of transformer windings at high frequencies. Part II
Properties of interfaces in silicone rubber
Multi-scale computations of parameters of transformer windings at high frequencies. Part I
Computer Simulations of Space Charge Dynamics and Electric Fields in HVDC Cable Insulation
Voltage Stabilisers for XLPE in High Voltage Applications
Apparatus Insulators Need More Attention from Researchers
News On Diagnostics for Composite Insulators
Will We Be Ready for New Power System Solutions?
Testing interface quality in repaired sheds of composite insulators
Charge Relaxation on Surfaces of Polymeric Insulating Materials for Outdoor Applications
Diagnostic methods for outdoor polymeric insulators
Detection of Surface Partial Discharges at Semi-Square Voltages
High and Low Voltage Dielectric Response Measurements Utilizing Arbitrarily Shaped Waveforms
Computation of Parameters of Power Transformer Windings for Use in Frequency Response Analysis
Dielectric response measurements utilizing non-sinusoidal waveforms
Performance of Silicone Rubber Insulators in Sri Lanka
Dielectric Spectroscopy Measurements on Power Transformers Field Experiences
Infuence of Core Characteristics on Inductance Calculations for Modeling of Power Transformers
Are Nanocomposites the Materials of the Future?
Sri Lankan Network Re-Constructs Two Years After Tsunami
Partial discharges measured at semi-square voltages
Performance of Biologically Contaminated High Voltage Insulators
Effects of the Insulation Quality on the Frequency Response of Power
Deterioration of internal interfaces between silicone and epoxy resin
Effects of the Insulation Quality on the Frequency Response of Power Transformers
Insulator Users Slow to React to Cleaner Environment
On-line Partial Discharge Monitoring of Powerformer
Performance and Diagnostics of Biologically Contaminated Insulators
High Voltage Valley in Ludvika
Electrical Characterisation of New and Aged Semiconducting Glazes
Effect of Biological Growths on Properties of Silicone Rubber Housings
Modelling of Charge Transport in a Hybrid Gas-Solid Insulation System
Fluorescence lidar imaging of fungal growth on high-voltage outdoor composite insulators
Biological Contamination on Insulators
Frequency Response Analysis (FRA) for Characterization of Power Transformer Insulation
Numerical simulations of dielectric properties of composite material with periodic structure
Dielectric responses of new and aged transformer pressboard in dry and wet states
Development of New Test Set-up for Investigation of Electrical Tree Inception in Polyethylene
Evaluation of interfaces between silicone rubbers using a modified inclined plane test in salt fog
Modern Outdoor Insulation Concerns and Challenges
Influence of heat conductivity on the performance of RTV SIR coatings with different fillers
Super-hydrophobicity: a New Property for HV Components
Model Based Frequency Response Analysis for Characterization of Transformer Insulation
Computer Modelling of Interaction of Gas Discharge Plasma with Solid Dielectric Barriers
Techniques for estimation of biological contamination on insulators using image analysis
Dielectric Response Methods for Diagnostics of Power Transformers
CIGRE Revises Material Properties for Insulators
Dielectric spectroscopy measurements on oil impregnated paper/pressboard samples
Material properties for non.ceramic insulation state of the art
Need to Better Characterize Polymers for Outdoor Applications
Characterization of semiconducting glaze by dielectric spectroscopy in frequency domain
Polish Manufacturer Extends Range of Hollow-Core Insulators
Image Analysis in Insulator Diagnostics
Geometric Design in Composite Insulator Performance
New Laser Technique for Diagnostics of Composite Insulators
Experiences from on-site dielectric spectroscopy measurements on power transformers
Applicability of the FRA method for characterization of insulation of power transformers
Lasers As a Tool to Test Silicone Rubber
Performance and Ageing of Semi-Conducting Glaze Insulators
Dielectric Response Methods for Diagnostics of Power Transformers
Modeling of Negative Streamer Propagation in a Weak Uniform Electric Field
Numerical Simulations of High-Frequency Electrical Discharges Controlled by Dielectric Barriers
Dielectric Mixtures: Electrical Properties and Modeling
Dielectric Properties of Composite Structures: 3D Simulations versus Experiments
Active High Voltage Insulation
High-pressure plasmas for radar wave absorption
The Propagation of Positive Streamers in a Weak and Uniform Background Electric Field
Performance of Different Insulator Designs in Tropical Environments and Diagnostic Possibilities
Use of digital image analysis for studying biological contamination on nonceramic insulators
Electric Field Calculation in Gas Discharge Using Domain Transformation Technique
Discharge Propagation in a Weak Homogeneous Electric Field
Electrical Discharge in an Air Gap with Dielectric-Covered Electrodes
Electric Field Reduction Due to Charge Accumulation in a Dielectric-Covered Electrode System
On Discharge Phenomena in a Covered Electrode System in Air
Electric Field Reduction in a Covered Electrode Gap due to Ionization and Charge Accumulation
Effects of Charge Accumulation in a Dielectric Covered Electrode System in Air
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Showing 6 research projects
PhD Program in Electrical Power and Control Engineering with Addis Abeba University
Impact of processing on properties of polymeric materials for HVDC insulation systems
Åldring av isolationsmaterial för HVDC-kablar
Nya isolationsmaterial för nästa generation av HVDC-kabel