Thomas Pettersson
Thomas is Associate professor in the Division of Water Environment Technology, leader of the research theme Hazards and risks for drinking water resources and treatment, at Chalmers. Thomas expertise is within drinking water research.
He is the director of the DRICKS program, which is a collaboration between Chalmers, University of Gothenburg and Swedish municipalities. DRICKS is a framework project consisting of individual research projects with the objective of providing a safe and healthy drinking water. Research in the entire drinking water system is carried out – from source to tap. Thomas supervises several PhD students.
Renewal strategies of drinking water pipes. The project analyzes the need for renewal of water pipes from a health and economical perspective.
Modelling of contaminant transport in water sources. The project aims to calculate how much pathogens that are transported to the raw water intake, at the drinking water plant, and the health risks it poses for drinking water consumers. An assessment of which measures are most effective to reduce the risks, from an economic as well as a health perspective, are investigated.
Showing 76 publications
Partial renewal of granular activated carbon filters for improved drinking water treatment
Occurrence and removal efficiency of parasitic protozoa in Swedish wastewater treatment plants
Hydrodynamic modelling and forecasting of microbial water quality in a drinking water source
Hydrodynamic Modelling of Microbial Water Quality in a Drinking Water Source
Uncertainty modelling in multi-criteria analysis of water safety measures
Evaluation of a passive sampler for the speciation of metals in urban runoff water
VASS Dricksvatten - uppgifter, nyckeltal och modell för säkert dricksvatten för vattenverk
Hydraulic and hydrological simulations of the sewer system in the Majorna area, Gothenburg
Replacement predictions for drinking water networks through historical data
Benchmarkingmodell för dricksvattenförsörjning i Sverige
Cost-effectiveness analysis of risk-reduction measures to reach water safety targets
Fate and transport modelling of microbial pollution in a lake used as a drinking water source
Microbial Contaminants Removal in a Stormwater Pond
Comparing risk-reduction measures to reach water safety targets using an integrated fault tree model
Setting Up a Numerical Model of a DAF Tank: Turbulence, Geometry, and Bubble Size
Förnyelseplanering av vatten- och avloppsförsörjningsnät i 18 svenska kommuner
Variability analysis of pathogen and indicator loads from urban sewer systems along a river
Microbial impact from human and animal faecal sources around the drinking water source Lake Rådasjön
Quantitative risk assessment of water supply systems from source to tap
Mikrobiologisk förorening av ytvattentäkter - kommunala avloppsutsläpp och stokastisk simulering
Generic Framework for Integrated Risk Management in Water Safety Plans
Comparing Raw Water Options to Reach Water Safety Targets Using an Integrated Fault Tree Model
Integrated risk analysis from source to tap: Case study Göteborg
Tillit och medvetenhet – viktiga konsumentaspekter för vattensektorn
Risk management to reduce the global risks for a tragedy of water
Bättre flotation med numerisk modellering?
Identification and management of microbial contaminations in a surface drinking water source
Dissolved air flotation A 2-dimensional CFD model of a small pilot DAF tank
Avloppsutsläpp och mikrobiologisk påverkan i råvattentäkten Göta älv
Ökade föroreningar i råvattnet – hur förebygger vi hälsoriskerna?
Tungmetaller och PAH i ett efterbehandlingssystem för vägdagvatten i Gårda
Riskhantering inom dricksvattenförsörjning – från råvatten till tappkran
Evolution on Pollutant Removal Efficiency in Stormwater Ponds due to Changes in Pond Morphology
Svenska dagvattendammar: om provtagning, avskiljning och dammhydraulik
Organic contaminants in urban sediments and vertical leaching in road ditches
Underground sedimentation systems for treatment of highway runoff in dense city areas
Characteristics of suspended particles in a small stormwater pond
Performance of an in situ passive sampling system for metals in stormwater
Transport of stormwater pollution - from the source to the stream
The effects of variations of water quality on the partioning of heavy metals in a stormwater pond
Pollutant removal efficiency in two stormwater ponds in Sweden
Modelling of flow pattern and particle removal in an open stormwater detention pond
Particle removal in detention ponds modelled for a year of successive rain events
Water quality improvement in a small stormwater detention pond
FEM-Modelling of Open Stormwater Detention Ponds
Pollution Reduction in Stormwater Detention Pond - Field study and modelling experiments
Modelling of open stormwater detention ponds
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Showing 15 research projects
Building a Better Climate with Water Research (AquaClim)
Mistra InfraMaint 1.2 Smart Maintenance by AR and VR
Framtagande av utbildningsmaterial till QMRA- verktyget
Cryptosporidium and Giardia: Water quality modelling, microbial source tracking and risk assessment
Bridging Science and Society – stories to build water literacy
Vidareutveckling av MRA-verktyget, Fas 1
SENSATION - Online sensorsystem för resurseffektiv vattenhantering
Online sensor system for resource-efficient water management