Timur Shegai
Research Activities: Experimental nanophotonics and strong light-matter interactions, Casimir physics, ultrastrong coupling, plasmonics, surface-enhanced Raman scattering, quantum plasmonics, excitons in transition metal dichalcogenides (TMDs), TMD nanophotonics, nonlinear and ultrafast optics, self-assembly.

Showing 70 publications
Defect-assisted reversible phase transition in mono- and few-layer ReS<sub>2</sub>
Ultranarrow Semiconductor WS<sub>2</sub> Nanoribbon Field-Effect Transistors
Self-Hybridized Vibrational-Mie Polaritons in Water Droplets
Quantum trapping and rotational self-alignment in triangular Casimir microcavities
Unconventional saturation effects at intermediate drive in a lossy cavity coupled to few emitters
Tunable critical Casimir forces counteract Casimir–Lifshitz attraction
The Rise and Current Status of Polaritonic Photochemistry and Photophysics
Perfect Absorption and Strong Coupling in Supported MoS<inf>2</inf> Multilayers
Nanostructured Transition Metal Dichalcogenide Multilayers for Advanced Nanophotonics
Polaritonic linewidth asymmetry in the strong and ultrastrong coupling regime
Probing optical anapoles with fast electron beams
Ultrastrong Coupling of a Single Molecule to a Plasmonic Nanocavity: A First-Principles Study
Polariton chemistry: Molecules in cavities and plasmonic media
Boosting Second-Harmonic Generation in Monolayer Rhenium Disulfide by Reversible Laser Patterning
Giant optical anisotropy in transition metal dichalcogenides for next-generation photonics
Tunable self-assembled Casimir microcavities and polaritons
Abundance of cavity-free polaritonic states in resonant materials and nanostructures
Optical material anisotropy in high-index transition metal dichalcogenide Mie nanoresonators
Circular dichroism mode splitting and bounds to its enhancement with cavity-plasmon-polaritons
Room-Temperature Lasing from Mie-Resonant Nonplasmonic Nanoparticles
Present and Future of Surface-Enhanced Raman Scattering
Ultrastrong coupling between nanoparticle plasmons and cavity photons at ambient conditions
Photophysical properties of halide perovskite CsPb(Br1-xIx)3 thin films and nanowires
Transition metal dichalcogenide metamaterials with atomic precision
Broadband optical properties of monolayer and bulk MoS<inf>2</inf>
Transition metal dichalcogenide nanodisks as high-index dielectric Mie nanoresonators
Strong plasmon-molecule coupling at the nanoscale revealed by first-principles modeling
Collective Strong Light-Matter Coupling in Hierarchical Microcavity-Plasmon-Exciton Systems
Novel Nanostructures and Materials for Strong Light-Matter Interactions
Suppression of photo-oxidation of organic chromophores by strong coupling to plasmonic nanoantennas
Tunable Hybrid Fano Resonances in Halide Perovskite Nanoparticles
Molecule signatures in photoluminescence spectra of transition metal dichalcogenides
Coherent perfect absorbers: Linear control of light with light
Hybrid dielectric waveguide spectroscopy of individual plasmonic nanoparticles
Optical Magnetism and Plasmonic Fano Resonances in Metal Insulator-Metal Oligomers
Dimer-on-mirror SERS substrates with attogram sensitivity fabricated by colloidal lithography
Directional Nanoplasmonic Antennas for Self-Referenced Refractometric Molecular Analysis
Plasmon-Exciton Interactions in a Core-Shell Geometry: From Enhanced Absorption to Strong Coupling
Approaching the strong coupling limit in single plasmonic nanorods interacting with J-aggregates
Plasmonic nanoantennas for SERS, directional light, sensing and strong coupling
Simulating light scattering from supported plasmonic nanowires
Directional Scattering and Hydrogen Sensing by Bimetallic Pd-Au Nanoantennas
Unidirectional Broadband Light Emission from Supported Plasmonic Nanowires
A bimetallic nanoantenna for directional colour routing
Mode-specific directional emission from hybridized particle-on-a-film plasmons
Angular Distribution of Surface-Enhanced Raman Scattering from Individual Au Nanoparticle Aggregates
Coloring fluorescence emission with silver nanowires
Raman spectroelectrochemistry of molecules within individual electromagnetic hot spots
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Showing 8 research projects
Tunable Optomechanical Microcavities with Nanofluidic Access for Photochemistry under Confinement
Tunable optical resonators and metamaterials through Casimir self-assembly
2D material-based technology for industrial applications (2D-TECH)
Stark plasmon-exciton koppling för effektiva foton-foton interaktioner
Kvantplasmonik – en teknologi för foton-fotonväxelverkan på kvantnivå vid rumstemperatur
Möjliggöra kvantoptik vid rumstemperatur via plasmoner
Hybrid optical antennas for effective quantum light sources