Tobias Fredberg

Professor at Entrepreneurship and Strategy 00

Tobias Fredberg is Professor at the Division of Entrepreneurship and Strategy.

Image of Tobias Fredberg

Showing 72 publications


What AI Knows: Shaping Work and Pushing Ideas on Changing Organizations

Tobias Fredberg, Gavin M. Schwarz
The Journal of applied behavioral science. Vol. 60 (4), p. 581-588
Other text in scientific journal

Ethical dilemmas in collaborative action research

Tobias Fredberg, Johanna Pregmark
Handbook of Research Methods in Organizational Change, p. 452-466
Book chapter

Learning From Collaborative Action Research in Three Organizations: How Purpose Activates Change Agency

Johanna Pregmark, Tobias Fredberg, Rita Berggren et al
The Journal of applied behavioral science. Vol. 59 (4), p. 617-646
Journal article

Organizational transformation: Handling the double-edged sword of urgency

Tobias Fredberg, Johanna Pregmark
Longe Range Planning. Vol. 55 (2)
Journal article

Beer, Michael: It’s Not the Seed, It’s the Soil

Tobias Fredberg, Johanna Pregmark
The Palgrave Handbook of Organizational Change Thinkers: volume 1-2, Second Edition. Vol. 1, p. 163-182
Book chapter

När krisen blir ett reningsbad

Tobias Fredberg
Göteborgs-Posten (GP)
Newspaper article

Glöm inte det här när krisen är över

Tobias Fredberg
Göteborgs-Posten (GP)
Newspaper article

Entreprenören central för samhällsförändring

Tobias Fredberg
Göteborgs-Posten (GP)
Newspaper article

Change in Tightly Coupled Systems: The Role and Action of Middle Managers

Rita Berggren, Johanna Pregmark, Tobias Fredberg et al
Research on Organization Change and Development; edited by Debra A. Noumair, and Abraham B. (Rami) Shani, p. 183-209
Book chapter

Låt inte de dåliga krafterna vinna debatten

Tobias Fredberg
Göteborgs-Posten (GP), p. 12-12
Newspaper article

Systemet bakom förändring: Varför förändring misslyckas och vad vi kan göra åt det

Tobias Fredberg, Johanna Pregmark
Management of Innovation and Technology. Vol. 2020 (3)
Magazine article

Varför gör inte alla som Lego?

Tobias Fredberg
Göteborgs-Posten (GP)
Newspaper article

Konsten att lyckas med misslyckanden

Tobias Fredberg
Göteborgs-Posten (GP)
Newspaper article

Hemligheten bakom lönsamma företag

Tobias Fredberg
Göteborgs-Posten (GP)
Newspaper article

Uppdraget de flesta misslyckas med

Tobias Fredberg
Göteborgs-Posten (GP)
Newspaper article

Då spelar organisationens syfte roll

Tobias Fredberg
Göteborgs-Posten (GP)
Newspaper article

Beundrade företag är ofta usla arbetsgivare

Tobias Fredberg
Göteborgs-Posten (GP)
Newspaper article

Hur tjänar din arbetsgivare sina pengar?

Tobias Fredberg
Göteborgs-Posten (GP)
Newspaper article

När skälet till antalet fel fick en annan förklaring

Tobias Fredberg
Göteborgs-Posten (GP)
Newspaper article

Konsten att förändra beteende

Tobias Fredberg
Göteborgs-Posten (GP)
Newspaper article

Det är en vanlig uppfattning att folk är emot förändring

Tobias Fredberg
Göteborgs-Posten (GP)
Newspaper article

Organization renewal through entrepreneurial initiatives: When the seed changes the soil

Tobias Fredberg, Johanna Pregmark
Research in Organizational Change and Development. Vol. 26, p. 99-126
Journal article

Explicating the role of innovation intermediaries in the “unknown”: a contingency approach.

Marine Agogué, Elsa Berthet, Tobias Fredberg et al
Journal of Strategy and Management. Vol. 10 (1), p. 19-39
Journal article

Michael Beer: It's not the seed, it's the soil

Tobias Fredberg, Johanna Pregmark
The Palgrave Handbook of Organizational Change Thinkers, p. 107-125
Book chapter

Transformation in a tightly nested system: Employing fast cycles of change

Tobias Fredberg, Johanna Pregmark
Research in Organizational Change and Development. Vol. 24, p. 185-219
Journal article

Breaking through in a tightly nested system

Tobias Fredberg, Johanna Pregmark
Academy of Management Conference Vancouver 2015
Paper in proceeding

Beyond the Change Curve: The Anatomy of Engaging Change Projects

Tobias Fredberg, Magnus Finnström
Strategic Management Society meeting, Denver
Paper in proceeding

If I Say It's Complex, It Bloody Well Will Be: CEO Strategies for Managing Paradox

Tobias Fredberg
The Journal of applied behavioral science. Vol. 50 (2), p. 171-188
Journal article

Leveraging on open innovation: A study of why organizations engage in open innovation collaboration

Maria Elmquist, Tobias Fredberg, Susanne Ollila
NFF conference in Iceland, August 2013
Paper in proceeding

Counteracting the Lack of Trust in Global Business: Creating Economic and Social Value with Stakeholders

Tobias Fredberg
G20 youth conference in St Petersburg
Paper in proceeding

A contingency approach of open innovation intermediaries - the management principles of the "intermediary of the unknown"

Marine Agogué, Elsa Berthet, Tobias Fredberg et al
13th EURAM conference, Istanbul, June 26-29
Paper in proceeding

Strategic Management

Tobias Fredberg, Thomas Kalling
Management. An advanced introduction, p. 288-
Book chapter

What Do Good Global Leaders Do?

Tobias Fredberg, Flemming Norrgren
Harvard Business Review (January 19)
Magazine article

Role Confusion in Open Innovation Intermediary Arenas

Tobias Fredberg, Maria Elmquist, Susanne Ollila et al
New Forms of Collaborative Innovation and Production on the Internet, eds. Wittke, V. & Hanekop, H.
Book chapter

Higher Ambition: How Great Leaders Create Economic and Social Value

Michael Beer, Russell A Eisenstat, Nathaniel Foote et al

The paradox of tie strength in customer relationships for innovation: a longitudinal case study in the sports industry

Tobias Fredberg, F. T. Piller
R and D Management. Vol. 41 (5), p. 470-484
Journal article

Why good leaders pass the credit and take the blame

Tobias Fredberg
Harvard Business Review
Magazine article

Developing and sustaining change capability via learning mechanisms: A longitudinal perspective on transformation

Tobias Fredberg, Flemming Norrgren, Abraham AB Shani
Research on Organizational Development and Change, eds. Pasmore, WA, Woodman, R and Shani AB
Book chapter

The Higher Ambition Leader

N. Foote, R. Eisenstat, Tobias Fredberg
Harvard Business Review. Vol. 89 (9), p. 94-+
Magazine article

Communities of Practice for Open Innovation - Enabling Organizational Creativity?

Anna Yström, Susanne Ollila, Tobias Fredberg et al
ICICKM - 7th International Conference on Intellectual Capital & Knowledge Management, 11-12 Nov, Hong Kong
Paper in proceeding

Implications of openness: A study of (all) the growing literature on open innovation

Eleni Giannopoulou, Anna Yström, Susanne Ollila et al
Journal of Technology Management and Innovation. Vol. 5 (3), p. 162-180
Journal article

Triangulating relations to explore openness of innovation

Maria Elmquist, Tobias Fredberg
Academy of Management Conference, Chicago, August 2009
Paper in proceeding

Exploring the management of collaborative arenas from a platform perspective

Maria Elmquist, Tobias Fredberg, Susanne Ollila
IPDM Conference, Enschede, The Netherlands, June 7-9, 2009
Paper in proceeding

Exploring the field of open innovation

Maria Elmquist, Tobias Fredberg, Susanne Ollila
European Journal of Innovation Management. Vol. 12 (3), p. 326-345
Journal article

In Search of Sustainable High Performance

Tobias Fredberg, Michael Beer, Nathaniel Foote et al
Academy of Management Conference, Chicago, August 2009
Paper in proceeding

Organizing Customers: Learning from Big Brother

Tobias Fredberg
Longe Range Planning. Vol. 42 (3), p. 320-340
Journal article

Open Innovation - Forschung in Europa

Maria Elmquist, Tobias Fredberg, Susanne Ollila
IP Manager - Journal for the Knowledge Economy. Vol. 2009 (3), p. 50-51
Journal article

Selected Biography

Tobias Fredberg
Designing Research for Publication, p. 392-
Book chapter

Making it Happen: Leadership and the Practice of Strategy

Tobias Fredberg, Michael Beer, Russell A Eisenstat et al
Strategic Management Society Meeting
Paper in proceeding

Managing Open Innovation: Present Findings and Future Directions

Tobias Fredberg, Maria Elmquist, Susanne Ollila

Business Models for M-Services: Exploring the E-Newspaper Case from a Consumer View

Carina Ihlström, Thomas Kalling, Maria Åkesson et al
Journal of Electronic Commerce in Organizations. Vol. 6 (2), p. 29-57
Journal article

Social Piloting as Testing Methodology for Media Innovations

Andreas E Tasch, Tobias Fredberg
Strategic Management in the Media Industry: Reflections on Innovation, p. 241-261
Book chapter

Embracing Commitment and Performance: CEOs and Practices Used to Manage Paradox

Tobias Fredberg, Michael Beer, Russell A Eisenstat et al

The uncompromising leader

R. A. Eisenstat, M. Beer, N. Foote et al
Harvard Business Review. Vol. 86 (7-8), p. 50-+
Journal article

Introducing the e-Newspaper:Identifying Initial Target Groups

Carina Ihlström, Maria Åkesson, Jesper Svensson et al
Journal of Media Business Studies. Vol. 4 (3), p. 41-62
Journal article

Loud killers and already-invented-here: managing change in professional organizations

Niclas Adler, Maria Elmquist, B Frössevi et al
the Academy of Management, Philadelphia, August 4-8, 2007.
Paper in proceeding

Introducing the e-newspaper: Identifying initial target groups

Tobias Fredberg, M. Åkesson, J. Svensson et al
Journal of Media Business Studies. Vol. 4 (3), p. 41-62
Journal article

Managing Open Innovation: Present Findings and Future Directions,

Tobias Fredberg, Maria Elmquist, Susanne Ollila

Organizing Customer Relations for Innovation and Change

Tobias Fredberg
presented at the Second International Symposium for Organizing Customer Interaction and Creativity, Paris, April 20-21, 2007
Paper in proceeding

Real Options for Innovation Management,

Tobias Fredberg
International Journal of Technology Management. Vol. 39 (1/2), p. 72-85
Journal article

The Paradox of Strong and Weak Ties

Tobias Fredberg, F.T. Piller
Academy of Management Conference, Atlanta, GA, Aug. 12-16, 2006
Paper in proceeding

Audience view on new technology for media consumption

Tobias Fredberg, C. Ihlström, M. Åkesson et al
presented at the JIBS workshop Consuming Audiences, Copenhagen, September 29-30, 2006
Other conference contribution

Changing with Customers: From listening-in to participation for Innovation and Strategic Change

Tobias Fredberg, F.T. Piller
presented at the Strategic Management Society Conference, Vienna, Oct. 29 – Nov 1, 2006
Other conference contribution

Creating joint action in large media contexts: institutionalizing voluntary cooperation

Tobias Fredberg
presented at the MMTC Organizing Media workshop, Gothenburg, October 20-21, 2006
Other conference contribution

Leading Open Innovation: Creating Centripetal Innovation Capacity

Tobias Fredberg, A.S. Huff, K.M. Möslein et al
symposium paper at the Academy of Management Conference, Atlanta, GA, Aug. 12-16, 2006
Paper in proceeding

Leading Open Innovation and Cooperation: A Global Challenge to Managerial Responsiveness

Tobias Fredberg, A.S. Huff, R. Reichwald et al
symposium paper, IFSAM VIIIth World Congress 2006, September 28-20, Freie Universität Berlin, Germany
Other conference contribution

The Big Brother Issue: Analyzing the media system around a reality TV-show

Tobias Fredberg, Susanne Ollila
Growth and Dynamics of Maturing New Media Companies,ed. by Cinzia dal Zotto; ( JIBS Research Reports No. 2005-2), p. 55-71
Book chapter

Management of Experience Design

Susanne Ollila, Tobias Fredberg
European Academy of Management Conference
Paper in proceeding

Setting stages

Susanne Ollila, Tobias Fredberg

Jam Sessions for collaborative management research

Sofia Börjesson, Tobias Fredberg
Collaborative research organisations, foundations for learning, change and theoretical development, SAGE Publications, Thousand Oaks, Ca.
Book chapter

Lighting the Campfire: The creation of a community of interest around a media company

Tobias Fredberg
JMM International Journal on Media Management. Vol. 4 (1), p. 4-12
Journal article

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Showing 10 research projects


Scandinavian Growth Creators 2

Tomas Karlsson Entrepreneurship and Strategy
Alexandra Nash Entrepreneurship and Strategy
Kristoffer Janblad Brandin Entrepreneurship and Strategy
Tobias Fredberg Entrepreneurship and Strategy


System transformation in medtech to meet future healthcare demands

Tobias Fredberg Entrepreneurship and Strategy


Ambidexterity driven change: Innovative projects as components of transformation

Tobias Fredberg Entrepreneurship and Strategy
Johanna Pregmark Entrepreneurship and Strategy


Driving Innovation through a higher purpose

Johanna Pregmark Entrepreneurship and Strategy
Flemming Norrgren Entrepreneurship and Strategy
Tobias Fredberg Entrepreneurship and Strategy


Corporate Entrepreneurship/ Entrepreneurial Leadership Lab (CELL)

Tobias Fredberg Entrepreneurship and Strategy


Organizing and Renewal in Media Companies

Tobias Fredberg Entrepreneurship and Strategy
Flemming Norrgren Entrepreneurship and Strategy


Organisering av innovation och förändring i mediebolag

Tobias Fredberg Entrepreneurship and Strategy


Utveckling av ledarförmåga för entreprenörskap och innovation i transnationella företag

Tobias Fredberg Entrepreneurship and Strategy


Managing and organising open innovation

Susanne Ollila Entrepreneurship and Strategy
Anna Yström Entrepreneurship and Strategy
Maria Elmquist Technology Management and Economics
Tobias Fredberg Entrepreneurship and Strategy

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