Tobias Fredberg
Tobias Fredberg är biträdande professor vid avdelningen för Entrepreneurship and Strategy.

Visar 72 publikationer
What AI Knows: Shaping Work and Pushing Ideas on Changing Organizations
Ethical dilemmas in collaborative action research
Organizational transformation: Handling the double-edged sword of urgency
Beer, Michael: It’s Not the Seed, It’s the Soil
Entreprenören central för samhällsförändring
Glöm inte det här när krisen är över
Change in Tightly Coupled Systems: The Role and Action of Middle Managers
Låt inte de dåliga krafterna vinna debatten
Systemet bakom förändring: Varför förändring misslyckas och vad vi kan göra åt det
Konsten att lyckas med misslyckanden
Då spelar organisationens syfte roll
Beundrade företag är ofta usla arbetsgivare
Hur tjänar din arbetsgivare sina pengar?
När skälet till antalet fel fick en annan förklaring
Det är en vanlig uppfattning att folk är emot förändring
Organization renewal through entrepreneurial initiatives: When the seed changes the soil
Explicating the role of innovation intermediaries in the “unknown”: a contingency approach.
Michael Beer: It's not the seed, it's the soil
Transformation in a tightly nested system: Employing fast cycles of change
Breaking through in a tightly nested system
Beyond the Change Curve: The Anatomy of Engaging Change Projects
If I Say It's Complex, It Bloody Well Will Be: CEO Strategies for Managing Paradox
Leveraging on open innovation: A study of why organizations engage in open innovation collaboration
What Do Good Global Leaders Do?
Role Confusion in Open Innovation Intermediary Arenas
Higher Ambition: How Great Leaders Create Economic and Social Value
Why good leaders pass the credit and take the blame
Communities of Practice for Open Innovation - Enabling Organizational Creativity?
Implications of openness: A study of (all) the growing literature on open innovation
Exploring the management of collaborative arenas from a platform perspective
Exploring the field of open innovation
Triangulating relations to explore openness of innovation
In Search of Sustainable High Performance
Organizing Customers: Learning from Big Brother
Open Innovation - Forschung in Europa
Making it Happen: Leadership and the Practice of Strategy
Managing Open Innovation: Present Findings and Future Directions
Business Models for M-Services: Exploring the E-Newspaper Case from a Consumer View
Social Piloting as Testing Methodology for Media Innovations
Embracing Commitment and Performance: CEOs and Practices Used to Manage Paradox
Introducing the e-newspaper: Identifying initial target groups
Loud killers and already-invented-here: managing change in professional organizations
Introducing the e-Newspaper:Identifying Initial Target Groups
Managing Open Innovation: Present Findings and Future Directions,
Organizing Customer Relations for Innovation and Change
Real Options for Innovation Management,
The Paradox of Strong and Weak Ties
Creating joint action in large media contexts: institutionalizing voluntary cooperation
Changing with Customers: From listening-in to participation for Innovation and Strategic Change
Audience view on new technology for media consumption
Leading Open Innovation: Creating Centripetal Innovation Capacity
Leading Open Innovation and Cooperation: A Global Challenge to Managerial Responsiveness
The Big Brother Issue: Analyzing the media system around a reality TV-show
Management of Experience Design
Interface Strategies. Internet and the Business of Large Swedish Daily Newspapers
Jam Sessions for collaborative management research
Lighting the Campfire: The creation of a community of interest around a media company
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Visar 10 forskningsprojekt
Scandinavian Growth Creators 2
Systemtransformation i medtech för sjukvårdens framtida behov: innovation och governancemodeller
System transformation in medtech to meet future healthcare demands
Driva innovation genom ett högre syfte
Corporate Entrepreneurship/ Entrepreneurial Leadership Lab (CELL)
Organisering av innovation och förnyelse i mediebolag
Organisering av innovation och förändring i mediebolag
Utveckling av ledarförmåga för entreprenörskap och innovation i transnationella företag
Leda och organisera öppen innovation