David Bolin
Visar 42 publikationer
Locally tail-scale invariant scoring rules for evaluation of extreme value forecasts
Joint spatial modeling of significant wave height and wave period using the SPDE approach
Functional ANOVA modelling of pedestrian counts on streets in three European cities
Deformed SPDE models with an application to spatial modeling of significant wave height
A Bayesian General Linear Modeling Approach to Cortical Surface fMRI Data Analysis
3D high spatial resolution visualisation and quantification of interconnectivity in polymer films
The Rational SPDE Approach for Gaussian Random Fields With General Smoothness
Numerical solution of fractional elliptic stochastic PDEs with spatial white noise
Statistical modelling and analysis of big data on pedestrian movement
Bayesian Generalized Two-way ANOVA Modeling for Functional Data Using INLA
Latent Gaussian random field mixture models
Prediction of diffusive transport through polymer films from characteristics of the pore geometry
Efficient Covariance Approximations for Large Sparse Precision Matrices
Efficient Adaptive MCMC Through Precision Estimation
Calculating probabilistic excursion sets and related quantities using excursions
A three-dimensional statistical model for imaged microstructures of porous polymer films
Spatial modeling with R-INLA: A review
Quantifying the uncertainty of contour maps
Fast Bayesian whole-brain fMRI analysis with spatial 3D priors
Spatially adaptive covariance tapering
Calibrating regionally downscaled precipitation over Norway through quantile-based approaches
Modeling the Polarimetric mm-wave Propagation Channel using Censored Measurements
Excursion and contour uncertainty regions for latent Gaussian models
Geostatistical Modelling Using Non-Gaussian Matern Fields
Statistical Prediction of Global Sea Level From Global Temperature
Statistical Modeling and Estimation of Censored Pathloss Data
Modeling the cluster decay in mm-wave channels
Multivariate latent Gaussian random field mixture models
Assessing the Uncertainty in Projecting Local Mean Sea Level from Global Temperature
Spatial statistik och beräkningsintensiva metoder
Spatial Matérn Fields Driven by Non-Gaussian Noise
A comparison between Markov approximations and other methods for large spatial data sets
Non-traditional stochastic models for ocean waves
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Visar 4 forskningsprojekt
STEPFlow_Spatio-temporal modelling and estimation of pedestrian flow
Stordatabaserad autonom navigationssystem för säker och effektiv frakt
Latenta hoppfält för spatial statistik
Approximation och simulering av Lévy-drivna SPDE