Burcak Ebin
Mer information finns på den engelska sidan

Visar 45 publikationer
Zinc speciation in fly ash from MSWI using XAS - novel insights and implications
Silver cementation mechanism for leaching silicon solar cells in nitric acid
Disordered Crystal Structure and Anomalously High Solubility of Radium Carbonate
Valuable metal recycling from thin film CIGS solar cells by leaching under mild conditions
One step production of silver-copper (Agcu) nanoparticles
Major Challenges and Opportunities in Silicon Solar Panel Recycling
Production of energy saving materials from the waste mixtures of REEs
Major challenges and opportunities in silicon solar module recycling
BizMet: Competitive sustainable business from metal recycling - Bizmet academy
Considerations when Modelling EV Battery Circularity Systems
Recovery of industrial valuable metals from household battery waste
Chemical Transformations in Li-Ion Battery Electrode Materials by Carbothermic Reduction
Spent Pot Lining -CYCLE - novel zero waste technology
Options for sustainable battery recycling systems
Pyrometallurgical Processes for the Recovery of Metals from WEEE
Production of zinc and manganese oxide particles by pyrolysis of alkaline and Zn–C battery waste
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Visar 22 forskningsprojekt
Återvinning av kritiska och strategiska metaller från solceller
Utforska strategier för återvinning av polymer solid state-batterier under utvecklingen
Recycling of critical metals from thin-film solar modules by electrochemistry
Återvinning av nödvändig metall från avfallssolceller för återanvändning i hållbar solenergiindustri
High temperature corrosion and ash research, part 2
Challenges and needs in future circular material systems for electric and autonomous vehicles
Competetive Sustainable Business from Metal Recycling (BizMet)
SPL‐CYCLE: Closing the loop of the Spent Pot‐line (SPL) in Al smelting process
Production of nanostructured metal particles from various electronic waste
Återvinning av silver från CIGS-solceller
Utvinning av zink från kasserade alkaliska batterier genom pyro-kemi
Återvinning av användbara metaller ur metalldamm från stålproduktion med hydrokemiska metoder
Återvinning av alkaliska och Zn-C batterier
Hydro och pyrokemisk metallåtervinning från batterier