Tony Huzzard
Visar 22 publikationer
Whole System in the Room: Toward Systems Integration in Healthcare
Exploring and experiencing the corporate business school
The corporatization of the business school: Minerva meets the market
Being branded by the business school
Minerva meets the market: From managerialism to critical reflexivity
Sustainability in healthcare organizations
Editorial: Why a special issue on healthcare action research?
After a Decade of Action Research: Impactful Systems Improvement in Swedish Healthcare
A Physician-Led, Learning-Driven Approach to Regional Development of 23 Cancer Pathways in Sweden
Conclusion: Reflexivity, ethics and the researcher
System-Wide Change in Cancer Care: Exploring Sensemaking, Sensegiving, and Consent
En läkarledd och lärandefokuserad strategi för regional utveckling av 28 cancerprocesser i Sverige
Sensegiving across professional borders: readiness for system-wide change in cancer care
The path to sustainability in health care: Exploring the role of learning microsystems
A Physician-Led and Learning-Driven Approach to Regional Development of 23 Cancer Pathways
A development coalition for sustainability in healthcare
A Development Coalition for Sustainability in Helthcare
A Development Coalition for Sustainability in Health Care
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Visar 1 forskningsprojekt
Mot en mer patientfokuserad och sammanhållen cancervård