Tobias Köhnke
Visar 30 publikationer
Identifying breach mechanism during air-gap spinning of lignin–cellulose ionic-liquid solutions
Mass transport during coagulation of cellulose-ionic liquid solutions in different non-solvents
Dry-jet wet-spun lignin-based carbon fibre precursors: Phenomena and properties
Ice templated and cross-linked xylan/nanocrystalline cellulose hydrogels
Nanoreinforced xylan-cellulose composite foams by freeze-casting
Ice templated xylan-nanocrystalline cellulose aero/hydrogels
NMR cryoporometry to study the fiber wall structure and the effect of drying
Kraft pulp hornification: A closer look at the preventive effect gained by glucuronoxylan adsorption
Modification of kraft pulp fibres by adsorption of cationized (glucurono)arabinoxylan
The effect of barley husk arabinoxylan adsorption on the properties of cellulose fibres
Adsorption of cationized barley husk xylan on kraft pulp fibres
Fractionation and Characterization of Xylan Rich Extracts from Birch
The effect of xylan adsorption on pulp and paper properties
Improving cellulose fibre properties by controlled adsorption of xylans
Reassembly of xylans as a tool for modification of lignocellulosic fibers from surface to bulk
New wood fiber-based products through alteration of kraft pulp characteristics
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