Maral Babapour Chafi
Visar 44 publikationer
Design for UX in Flexible Offices – Bringing Research and Practice Together
Post-pandemic office work: Perceived challenges and opportunities for a sustainable work environment
Ergonomics of Office Work in a VR Environment: A State-of-the-art Literature Review
COREQ checklist for the research project PreKo, 2018-2021
How to make advanced online user studies meaningful
Workspace preferences and non-preferences in Activity-based Flexible Offices: Two case studies
Contextual user research methods for eliciting user experience insights in workplace studies
Fysisk arbetsmiljö för hälsa, välmående och prestation
Predictors of Preference for the Activity-based Flexible Office
What Negative Space has to do with Design Fixations in HCI Research
Appropriation of an Activity-based Flexible Office in Daily Work
Use profiles in Activity-based Flexible Offices – A case study
Policies for sharing workspaces in activity-based flex offices
PENSIERI - An Inquiry into Sketching and Modelling in Design
Media and representations in product design education
Externalisation activities and creativity in design process
From passive memory back-ups to interactive situating materials
Roles of externalisation activities in the design process
Roles of Visualisation Tools in Form Design Process
Bridging the Discrepancy between Reflective Practice and Systematic Form Generation Approaches
Visualizing the design process–an educational approach for the synthesis of design diaries
The Influence of Self-reflective Diaries on Students' Design Processes
Innovative Form Design - A Formal Aesthetics Design Approach for Creative Form Generation
A comparison of Diary Method Variations for Enlightening Form Generation in the Design Process
A comparison of Diary Method Variations for Enlightening Form Generation in the Design Process
Creating Novel Product Form Based on Formal Aesthetics – A Method for Advanced Form Design Education
Adoption of ergonomic features in a new reach truck cabin design – a usability study
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Visar 3 forskningsprojekt
Friska och välmående arbetsplatser - Fysisk arbetsmiljö med fokus på belastningsergonomi
Modell för prediktiv bedömning av kognitiv belastning – PreKo