Jonas Östh
Visar 47 publikationer
The Influence of Occupant's Size, Shape and Seat Adjustment in Frontal and Side Impacts
Human Body Model Muscle Activation Influence on Crash Response
Numerical Reproducibility of Human Body Model Crash Simulations
A method for predicting crash configurations using counterfactual simulations and real-world data
The influence of car passengers’ sitting postures in intersection crashes
Validation of the SAFER Human Body Model Kinematics in Far-Side Impacts
Rear-End Impact Assessment expanded with Pre-Impact Posture Variations
Integrated Safety: Establishing Links for a comprehensive virtual tool chain
Gender differences in Occupant Posture during Driving and Riding
Effects of whole spine alignment patterns on neck responses in rear end impact
A female head–neck model for rear impact simulations
Towards omni-directional active human body models
Development of a 50th Percentile Female Human Body Model
A Female Ligamentous Cervical Spine Finite Element Model Validated for Physiological Loads
Muscle Activation Strategies in Human Body Models for the Development of Integrated Safety
Gender Differences in Occupant Posture and Muscle Activity with Motorized Seat Belts
Development of an Active 6-Year-Old Child Human Body Model for Simulation of Emergency Events
Evaluation at low g-level loading
A Method to Model Anticipatory Postural Control in Driver Braking Events
Feedback Control in LS-DYNA and Application for Modeling Muscle Responses of Car Occupants
Modelling of Car Occupant Muscle Responses in a Finite Element Human Body Model
Modeling Active Human Muscle Responses during Driver and Autonomous Avoidance Maneuvers
Finite Element Musculoskeletal Model with Feedback Control to Simulate Spinal Postural Responses
Human body modeling for integrated safety analyses using THUMS
Human Body Modeling for Integrated Safety Analyses, Adult and Child Models
Active muscle response using feedback control of a finite element human arm model
Human Body Modelling with Active Musculature for Integrated Safety Analyses
Modeling active properties of human musculature using feedback control in LS-DYNA
Closed loop control of FE arm model
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Aktiv human modell för prediktering av mänsklig rörelse, steg 2