Eva Rajo
Visar 63 publikationer
Ka band microstrip fed slot array antenna with PMC packaging
Gap waveguide technology for millimeter-wave antenna systems
Design of a Butler Matrix at 60GHz in Inverted Microstrip Gap Waveguide Technology
Design of a transition from WR-15 to microstrip packaged by gap waveguide technology
Investigation of Transitions for Use in Inverted Microstrip Gap Waveguide Antenna Arrays
Prospective new PMC based gap waveguide shielding for microwave modules
Planar Dual-Mode Horn Array with Corporate-Feed Network in Inverted Microstrip Gap Waveguide
Design of a four-element horn antenna array fed by inverted microstrip gap waveguide
Study of Q-Factors of Ridge and Groove Gap Waveguide Resonators
Design of a Dual-Mode Horn Element for Microstrip Gap Waveguide Fed Array
Bed of Springs for Packaging of Microstrip Circuits in the Microwave Frequency Range
Evaluation of losses in microstrip gap waveguide for slot antennas applications
New Microstrip Gap Waveguide on Mushroom-Type EBG for Packaging of Microwave Components
Improving microstrip filters with gap waveguide packaging
New low loss inverted microstrip line using gap waveguide technology for slot antenna applications
Developing hard waveguides based on gap waveguide concept
Design of microwave circuits in ridge gap waveguide technology
Q-factor comparisons between new gap waveguide technology and standard rectangular waveguide
Soft Surfaces for Reducing Mutual Coupling Between Loaded PIFA Antennas
Compact loaded PIFA for multifrequency applications
Packaging of active and passive microwave circuits using lid or bed of curved posts
EBG-based gap waveguide for applications up to THz
Losses in ridge gap waveguide compared with rectangular waveguide and microstrip lines
Concept of gap waveguide and measured results for first demonstrator
Packaging of microstrip circuits using gap waveguide approach
Planar Soft Surfaces and Their Application to Mutual Coupling Reduction
Alternative ridge gap waveguide design using a mushroom-type EBG surface
Design of Transition from Coaxial Line to Ridge Gap Waveguide
Parallel plate cavity mode suppression in microstrip circuit packages using a lid of nails
Local metamaterial-based waveguides in gaps between parallel metal plates
Comparison of blockage widths of ideally hard cylinders of different cross-sectional shapes
Blockage reduction of rhombic cylinders using meta-surfaces
Blockage reduction in thick cylinders by shaping hard cross sections
Comparison of bandgaps of mushroom-type EBG surface and corrugated and strip-type soft surfaces
Reducing Sidelobes from Blocking Struts by Metamaterials Cloaking and Shape Optimization
Mushroom Surface Cloaks for Making Struts Invisible
Size reduction using strip-type soft surfaces rather than patch-type EBGs
Comparison between bandgaps and bandwidths of back radiation of different narrow soft ground planes
Bandgaps and bandwidths of different soft surfaces used as finite ground planes of small antennas
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