Alexander Sehlström

Visar 18 publikationer


Form-finding of shells containing both tension and compression using the Airy stress function

Masaaki Miki, Emil Adiels, William Baker et al
International Journal of Space Structures. Vol. 37 (4), p. 261-282
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift

Design of tension structures and shells using the Airy stress function

Alexander Sehlström, Karl-Gunnar Olsson, Christopher John Kenneth Williams
International Journal of Space Structures. Vol. 37 (2), p. 94-106
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift

Should Torroja’s prestressed concrete Alloz aqueduct be thought of as a beam or a shell?

Alexander Sehlström, Karl-Gunnar Olsson, Christopher John Kenneth Williams
Engineering Structures. Vol. 264
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift

Architectural design methods used in engineering Master's thesis projects

Alexander Sehlström, Mats Ander, Karl-Gunnar Olsson
Övrigt konferensbidrag

Tensioned principle curvature cable nets on minimal surfaces

Alexander Sehlström, Christopher John Kenneth Williams
Advances in Architectural Geometry 2021, p. 84-107
Paper i proceeding

The analytic and numerical form-finding of minimal surfaces and their application as shell structures

Alexander Sehlström, Christopher John Kenneth Williams
Proceedings of the IASS Annual Symposium 2020/21 and the 7th International Conference on Spatial Structures
Paper i proceeding

Förspända träkonstruktioner

Alexander Sehlström
Bygg & Teknik (8)
Artikel i övrig tidskrift

Unloaded prestressed shell formed from a closed surface unattached to any supports

Alexander Sehlström, Christopher John Kenneth Williams
IASS Symposium 2019 - 60th Anniversary Symposium of the International Association for Shell and Spatial Structures; Structural Membranes 2019 - 9th International Conference on Textile Composites and Inflatable Structures, FORM and FORCE. Vol. 2019, p. 167-174
Paper i proceeding

Prestress in Nature and Technics

Alexander Sehlström

På besök hos Mike Schlaich i Berlin

Alexander Sehlström
WSP Byggprojektering Tekniknytt
Artikel i övrig tidskrift

Wood Fusion Pavilion 2018

Alexander Sehlström

Schweiz runt på 144 timmar

Alexander Sehlström
WSP Byggprojektering Tekniknytt, p. 2-12
Artikel i dagstidning

Pre-stressed Geodesic Gridshell

Alexander Sehlström, Johanna Isaksson, Mattias Skeppstedt
Poster (konferens)

The use of virtual work for the formfinding of fabric, shell and gridshell structures

Emil Adiels, Mats Ander, Erica Hörteborn et al
Proceedings of the Advances in Architectural Geometry conference 2018, p. 286-315
Paper i proceeding

Moving Mesh and Image Registration in FEniCS

Jenny Larsson, Anders Logg, Klas Modin et al
Proceedings of 30th Nordic Seminar on Computational Mechanics – NSCM30, p. 180-183
Övrigt konferensbidrag

Prestressed gridshell structures

Alexander Sehlström, Mats Ander, Christopher John Kenneth Williams et al
Proceedings of the IASS Symposium 2017
Paper i proceeding

On multi-objective topology optimization and tracing of Pareto-optimal structures

Alexander Sehlström, Håkan Johansson, Mats Ander
Övrigt konferensbidrag

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