Oskar Wigström
Visar 32 publikationer
Robust and energy efficient trajectories for robots in a common workspace setting
A Column Generation-Based Gossip Algorithm for Home Healthcare Routing and Scheduling Problems
Robust and Energy Efficient Trajectories in a Stochastic Common Workspace Setting
Reinforcement learning in real-time geometry assurance
Energy and Peak Power Optimization of Time-Bounded Robot Trajectories
Energy and Peak-power Optimization of Time-bounded Robot Trajectories
Computationally efficient energy optimization of multiple robots
Decomposition and distributed algorithms for home healthcare routing and scheduling problem
Conflict Between Energy, Stability, and Robustness in Production Schedules
Conflict between Energy, Stability and Robustness in Production Schedules
Energy and peak-power optimization of existing time-optimal robot trajectories
Modeling and Optimization of Hybrid Systems for the Tweeting Factory
Comparing MILP, CP, and A* for Multiple Stacker Crane Scheduling
On the conflict between energy, stability and robustness in production schedules
Optimization of hybrid Petri nets with shared variables
Energy Optimization of Multi-robot Systems
Modeling and Optimization of Hybrid Systems
A Gossip Algorithm for Home Healthcare Scheduling and Routing Problems
Unified model for synthesis and optimization of discrete event and hybrid systems
Towards Integrated OR/CP Energy Optimization for Robot Cells
An Integrated CP/OR Method for Optimal Control of Modular Hybrid Systems
Model-free approaches for the energy minimization of robot trajectories
Sustainable production automation - Energy optimization of robot cells
Benders/Gossip Methods for Heterogeneous Multi-Vehicle Routing Problems
Integrated OR/CP Optimization for Discrete Event Systems with Nonlinear Cost
High-Level Scheduling of Energy Optimal Trajectories
Optimization of Hybrid Systems with Known Paths
Optimization of operation sequences using constraint programming
Scheduling model for systems with complex alternative behaviour
Energy optimization of trajectories for high level scheduling
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Visar 1 forskningsprojekt
Automation and Robotics for EUropean Sustainable manufacturing (AREUS)