Agin Vyas

Showing 20 publications


Supercapacitors and rechargeable batteries, a tale of two technologies: Past, present and beyond

Azega Rajendra Babu Kalai Arasi, Anderson David Smith, Niladri Roy Chowdhury et al
Sustainable Materials and Technologies. Vol. 41
Journal article

Alkyl-Amino Functionalized Reduced-Graphene-Oxide–heptadecan-9-amine-Based Spin-Coated Microsupercapacitors for On-Chip Low Power Electronics

Agin Vyas, Simin Zare Hajibagher, Ulises Mendez Romero et al
Physica Status Solidi (B): Basic Research. Vol. 259 (2)
Journal article

Spin-Coated Heterogenous Stacked Electrodes for Performance Enhancement in CMOS-Compatible On-Chip Microsupercapacitors

Agin Vyas, Simin Zare Hajibagher, Ulises Mendez Romero et al
ACS Applied Energy Materials. Vol. 5 (4), p. 4221-4231
Journal article

Durable Activated Carbon Electrodes with a Green Binder

Azega Rajendra Babu Kalai Arasi, Mohammad Mazharul Haque, Agin Vyas et al
Physica Status Solidi (B): Basic Research. Vol. 259 (2)
Journal article

Comparison of Thermally Grown Carbon Nanofiber-Based and Reduced Graphene Oxide-Based CMOS-Compatible Microsupercapacitors

Agin Vyas, Simin Zare Hajibagher, Qi Li et al
Physica Status Solidi (B): Basic Research. Vol. 258 (2)
Journal article

Investigation of vertical carbon nanosheet growth and its potential for microsupercapacitors

Andres Velasco, Agin Vyas, K. Wang et al
Journal of Physics: Conference Series. Vol. 1837 (1)
Paper in proceeding

Multi-Objective Design Optimization of Fractal-based Piezoelectric Energy Harvester

Bogdan Pamfil, Richard Palm, Agin Vyas et al
2021 IEEE 20th International Conference on Micro and Nanotechnology for Power Generation and Energy Conversion Applications, PowerMEMS 2021, p. 6-9
Paper in proceeding

Finger Number and Device Performance: A Case Study of Reduced Graphene Oxide Microsupercapacitors

Qi Li, Anderson David Smith, Agin Vyas et al
Physica Status Solidi (B): Basic Research. Vol. 258 (2)
Journal article

Impact of electrode geometry and thickness on planar on-chip microsupercapacitors

Agin Vyas, Kejian Wang, Qi Li et al
RSC Advances. Vol. 10 (52), p. 31435-31441
Journal article

Towards Integrated Flexible Energy Harvester and Supercapacitor for Self-powered Wearable Sensors

Agin Vyas, Qi Li, R. van den Eeckhoudt et al
Paper in proceeding

Enhanced Electrode Deposition for On-Chip Integrated Micro-Supercapacitors by Controlled Surface Roughening

Agin Vyas, Kejian Wang, Alec Anderson et al
ACS Omega. Vol. 5 (10), p. 5219-5228
Journal article

Surface Roughening with Iron Nanoparticles for Promoted Adhesion of Spin Coated Microsupercapacitor Electrodes

Agin Vyas, Qi Li, F. Cornaglia et al
MRS Advances. Vol. 4 (23), p. 1335-1340
Paper in proceeding

Investigation of palladium current collectors for vertical graphene-based microsupercapacitors

Agin Vyas, F. Cornaglia, T. Rattanasawatesun et al
Journal of Physics: Conference Series. Vol. 1319 (1)
Paper in proceeding

Carbon-Based Electrode Materials for Microsupercapacitors in Self-Powering Sensor Networks: Present and Future Development

Anderson David Smith, Qi Li, Agin Vyas et al
Sensors. Vol. 19 (19)
Journal article

A Micromachined Coupled-Cantilever for Piezoelectric Energy Harvesters

Agin Vyas, Henrik Staaf, Cristina Rusu et al
Micromachines. Vol. 9 (5)
Journal article

Toward CMOS compatible wafer-scale fabrication of carbon-based microsupercapacitors for IoT

Anderson David Smith, Qi Li, A. Anderson et al
Journal of Physics: Conference Series. Vol. 1052 (1)
Paper in proceeding

Graphite paper / carbon nanotube composite: A potential supercapacitor electrode for powering microsystem technology

Qi Li, Anderson David Smith, Mohammad Mazharul Haque et al
Journal of Physics: Conference Series. Vol. 922 (1)
Paper in proceeding

Smart design for MEMS Piezoelectric Harvester

Agin Vyas, Henrik Staaf, Peter Enoksson
Micronano System Workshop MSW 2016, 17-18 May, Lund, Sweden
Paper in proceeding

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Showing 1 research projects


Wideband optical antennae for use in energy harvesting applications - GreEnergy

Agin Vyas Electronics Material and Systems
European Commission (EC)

2 publications exist
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