Mia Bondelind
Mia Bondelind is a senior lecturer in the Division of Water Environment Technology, research theme Hazards and risks for drinking water resources and treatment, at Chalmers.
Mias research lies within the inter-disciplinary field of environmental systems and advanced mathematical modeling. Her position are focused on drinking water. Among other research questions trust and confidence for drinking water and water producers among consumers are investigated. Additionally, water treatment plants are evaluated by the development of a model for benchmarking. Other research interests include: sustainable water technologies and systems, multiphase flows with particles and droplets and computational fluid dynamics. Mia’s teaching obligations lie within the area of hydraulics, modeling and water and wastewater technologies.
Showing 32 publications
Transport of Traffic-Related Microplastic Particles in Receiving Water
Temperature-dependent mechanisms of DOM removal by biological activated carbon filters
Prioriterade nyckeltal för VA-verksamheten
Partial renewal of granular activated carbon filters for improved drinking water treatment
Safe drinking water and waterborne outbreaks
Kommunikationsstrategier och konsumentperspektiv vid händelser på distributionsnätet
VASS Dricksvatten - uppgifter, nyckeltal och modell för säkert dricksvatten för vattenverk
A model to estimate the size of aggregates formed in a Dissolved Air Flotation unit
Eulerian modelling of the formation and flow of aggregates in dissolved air flotation
Benchmarkingmodell för dricksvattenförsörjning i Sverige
Setting Up a Numerical Model of a DAF Tank: Turbulence, Geometry, and Bubble Size
Integrated risk analysis from source to tap: Case study Göteborg
Bättre flotation med numerisk modellering?
Dissolved air flotation A 2-dimensional CFD model of a small pilot DAF tank
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Showing 7 research projects
Microplastics in road runoff: occurrence, properties and transport modelling
Work model for digitalization aspects in the education of engineers in the Built-Environment sector
Prioriterade nyckeltal för VA-verksamheten
Dricksvattenrisker - Beslutstöd för översyn och optimering av dricksvattenberedning
Beslutstöd för att förhindra mikrobiologisk förorening i dricksvatten
Brukarperspektiv - kommunikation och information vid försämrad vattenkvalitet
Pre-study on ship propulsion induced pollutant transport in the river Göta Älv