Carl Wänström

Senior Lecturer at Supply and Operations Management

Carl Wänström is a senior lecturer and a researcher at the division supply and operations management. His main area is operations management, where he is an expert in lean management, a focus area since 2003. Wänström’s uses a socio-technical approach to understand: how to design, organise and manage production teams and continuous improvement infrastructure, to create a learning organisation based on lean practices, how the choice of packaging types impact design of assembly workstations and in turn the efficiency and ergonomics, and how packaging types impact materials handling processes. Wänström has also been working with materials planning processes (mainly tactical level): focusing on information quality deficiencies, during production transfer processes, and in engineering change situations. Wänström’s point of departure is operations management, but his research is interdisciplinary using e.g. human factors engineering, job design theory, self determination theory, and organisational learning. The research is empirically driven and carried out in close collaboration with manufacturing companies. Further, Carl is supervising PhD students, teaching master courses as well as courses in continuing and professional studies.

Research areas:
• Lean Management
• Continuous improvement infrastructure
• Behavioural operations
• Work organization and management
• Socio-technical systems
• Materials planning and materials handling processes

Image of Carl Wänström

Showing 48 publications


Developing lean leaders through action learning

Malin C Hallin, Katrin Skagert, Carl Wänström
Proceedings 31st EurOMA conference
Paper in proceeding

Front-line managers opportunities to create a learning environment

Malin C Hallin, Carl Wänström, Katrin Skagert
Other conference contribution

Challenges in introducing automated guided vehicles in a production facility–interactions between human, technology, and organisation

Nils Thylén, Carl Wänström, Robin Hanson
International Journal of Production Research. Vol. 61 (22), p. 7809-7829
Journal article

Solutions for improved hospital-wide patient flows – a qualitative interview study of leading healthcare providers

Philip Åhlin, Peter Almström, Carl Wänström
BMC Health Services Research. Vol. 23 (1)
Journal article

When patients get stuck: A systematic literature review on throughput barriers in hospital-wide patient processes

Philip Åhlin, Peter Almström, Carl Wänström
Health Policy. Vol. 126 (2), p. 87-98
Review article

Continuous Improvement Processes and Learning Climate as Antecedents for Learning and Motivation in Production Teams

Susanne Kullberg, Elin Edén, Carl Wänström
Advances in Transdisciplinary Engineering. Vol. 21, p. 221-232
Paper in proceeding

Operators’ work situation - a key to successful lean organizations

Carl Wänström, Lars Medbo, Malin C Hallin et al
Proceedings of the EurOMA Conference. Vol. 2020
Paper in proceeding

Process theory applied at a surgery unit

Peter Almström, Carl Wänström
Other conference contribution

Towards differentiated information sharing in supplier relations: Contextual considerations of information utilisation

Paulina Myrelid, Patrik Jonsson, Riikka Kaipia et al
Proceedings of the annual EurOMA conference 2017
Paper in proceeding

A structured procedure for materials planning during production transfer

Anna M K Fredriksson, Carl Wänström, Mats Johansson et al
Production Planning and Control. Vol. 26 (9), p. 738-752
Journal article

Assuring materials availability during the production transfer process – Critical characteristics of the materials planning environment

Anna M K Fredriksson, Carl Wänström, Lars Medbo
Journal of Manufacturing Technology Management. Vol. 25 (3), p. 310-333
Journal article

Manufacturing and supply chain flexibility - Towards a tool to analyse production network coordination at operational level

Anna M K Fredriksson, Carl Wänström
Strategic Outsourcing. Vol. 7 (2), p. 173-194
Journal article

Factors impacting manual picking on assembly lines: An experiment in the automotive industry

Christian Finnsgård, Carl Wänström
International Journal of Production Research. Vol. 51 (6), p. 1789-1798
Journal article


Anna M K Fredriksson, Carl Wänström
International Conference on Production Research, Falls de Igassau, Brazil
Paper in proceeding

Selection of packaging systems in supply chains from a sustainability perspective - the case of Volvo

Henrik Pålsson, Christian Finnsgård, Carl Wänström
Packaging Technology and Science. Vol. 26 (5), p. 289-310
Journal article

Sustainability and cost efficiency in Supply Chains

Henrik Brynzér, Patrik Fager, Christian Finnsgård et al

Trajectories for successful lean transformations: Case studies of four Swedish SMEs

Lars Medbo, Dan Carlsson, Peter Olsson et al
Proceedings of 1st International Scientific Conference on Lean Technologies: Lean Tech 12. Vol. 1 (1), p. 240-
Paper in proceeding

Manufacturing flexibility and Materials Supply Systems

Mats Johansson, Carl Wänström, Lars Medbo
Proceedings of the 5th SPS Conference
Paper in proceeding

Swedish Production System (SwePS) – ett kompetenslyft för fordonsindustrin inom Lean Produktion

Ulrika Ny Harlin, Per Gullander, Björn Langbeck et al
Proceedings from VINNOVA conference on "Lean och innovationsförmåga – hinder, möjligheter och kunskapsluckor", p. 10-
Other conference contribution

Delivery plan quality deficiencies and the efficiency of manufacturing planning and control

Paulina Myrelid, Patrik Jonsson, Carl Wänström
Proceedings of the 19th International EurOMA Conference, Amsterdam, July 2012
Paper in proceeding

Designing a pull oriented material planning system - human, technical and organizational considerations

Sara Kilicaslan, Carl Wänström, Lars Medbo
Proceedings of the 19th International EurOMA Conference, Amsterdam, July 2012
Paper in proceeding

Materials planning activities during production transfer and start-up

Anna M K Fredriksson, Carl Wänström, Mats Johansson et al
Proceedings of the 19th International EurOMA Conference, Amsterdam, July 2012
Paper in proceeding

An evaluation model for sustainable packaging systems in supply chains - the case of Volvo

Henrik Pålsson, Christian Finnsgård, Carl Wänström
Proceedings from the 23rd annual NOFOMA Conference
Paper in proceeding

Impact of materials exposure on assembly workstation performance

Christian Finnsgård, Carl Wänström, Lars Medbo et al
International Journal of Production Research. Vol. 49 (24), p. 7253-7274
Journal article


Anna M K Fredriksson, Carl Wänström
NOFOMA 2011, Harstad
Paper in proceeding

Materials flow mapping: a tool for describing and assessing performance of material flows in supply chains

Christian Finnsgård, Lars Medbo, Mats Johansson et al
Proceedings from the EurOMA Conference, Cambridge
Paper in proceeding

The impact of outsourcing on materials planning

Anna M K Fredriksson, Carl Wänström, Lars Medbo
EurOMA, Porto, 2010
Paper in proceeding

The impact of materials feeding design on assembly process performance

Carl Wänström, Lars Medbo
Journal of Manufacturing Technology Management. Vol. 20 (1), p. 30 - 51
Journal article

Assessing information quality in manufacturing planning and control processes

Mattias Gustavsson, Carl Wänström
International Journal of Quality and Reliability Management. Vol. 26 (4), p. 325 - 340
Journal article

Factors impacting manual picking at assembly lines - an experiment in the automotive industry

Christian Finnsgård, Carl Wänström
In 16th International Annual EurOMA Conference: Implementation – realizing Operations Management knowledge. 14-17 June, 2009, Göteborg.
Paper in proceeding

Slutrapport för projektet Swedish Production System (SwePS) inom VINNOVAs forskningsprogram MERA

Johan Svenningstorp, Lena Moestam-Ahlström, Lars Medbo et al

Requirements in the value stream - Between materials supply- and assembly processes

Christian Finnsgård, Carl Wänström, Lars Medbo
In 16th International Annual EurOMA Conference: Implementation – realizing Operations Management knowledge. 14-17 June, 2009, Göteborg.
Paper in proceeding

The impact of materials exposure on the conditions at the workstation

Christian Finnsgård, Lars Medbo, Carl Wänström et al
Proceedings of EurOMA conference, Groningen, The Netherlands
Paper in proceeding

The impact of engineering change on materials planning

Carl Wänström, Patrik Jonsson
Journal of Manufacturing Technology Management. Vol. 17 (5), p. 561-584
Journal article

Materials planning strategy impact on phase-out performance - a case study in the automotove industry

Carl Wänström, Patrik Jonsson, Per Medbo
Proceedings of the annual NOFOMA conference '06
Paper in proceeding

Creating a model to facilitate the allocation of materials planning resources in engineering change situations

Carl Wänström, Fredrik Lind, Oskar Wintertidh
International Journal of Production Research. Vol. 44 (18-19), p. 3775-3796
Journal article

Materials Planning in Engineering Change Situations

Carl Wänström
Doctoral thesis

The Impact of material feeding on assembly systems performance - a comparative study between Japan and Sweden’

Carl Wänström, Lars Medbo
18th International Conference on Production Research, Fisciano, Italy
Paper in proceeding

A Simulation Study of the Demand Impact on the Phase-out Performances

Carl Wänström, Patrik Jonsson, Per Medbo
The 11th Annual International EUROMA Conference - Operations Management as a Change Agent, Fontainebleau, France, 27-29 June 2004, ed. by Luk N. Van Wassenhove et al., p. 799-808
Other conference contribution

Adjusting the Materials Planning Strategy to the Phase-in and Phase-out situation

Carl Wänström, Patrik Jonsson
Proceedings of PCCM' 2004 - Eighth International Conference on Manufacturing & Management, volume 2, p. 891-898
Other conference contribution

Anpassning av materialplaneringsstrategin till in- och utfasningssituationen

Carl Wänström, Patrik Jonsson
Produktionslogistik 2004 : effektiva flöden från leverantörer till kunder : artiklar från PLANs forsknings- och tillämpningskonferens i Lund den 19-20 augusti 2004, ed. by Andreas Norrman, p. 27-38
Other conference contribution

Assessing the Information Quality in the Materials Phase-in and Phase-out Process

Carl Wänström
One World? One View of OM? The Challenges of Integrating Research & Practice, Cernobbio, Italy, June 16th - 18th 2003, ed by G. Spina et al.. Vol. 2, p. 779-788
Other conference contribution

Engineering Change in the Supply Chain

Carl Wänström, Mats Johansson

Engineering change from a materials planning perspective

Carl Wänström
Licentiate thesis

Engineering Change from a Logistics Perspective

Carl Wänström, Per Medbo, Mats Johansson
Collaboration in logistics : connecting islands using information technology : conference proceedings / NOFOMA 2001, 14-15 June, Reykjavík, Iceland ; Gunnar Stefansson, ed., Bernhard Tilanus, ed.
Other conference contribution

Engineering Change in the Supply Chain

Carl Wänström, Mats Johansson
Proceedings of 16th - International Conference on Production Ressearch, Prague, Czech Republic, Aug. 2001, ed. by Hanus, D. and Talácko, J.
Journal article

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Showing 7 research projects


Leadership and organizational model for innovative, efficient and socially sustainable production teams

Carl Wänström Supply and Operations Management
Malin C Hallin Supply and Operations Management
Elin Edén Supply and Operations Management
Susanne Kullberg Supply and Operations Management

1 publication exists

Metodstöd för ledarskap och organisatoriskt lärande i produktionsteam

Carl Wänström Supply and Operations Management
Susanne Kullberg Supply and Operations Management
Malin C Hallin Supply and Operations Management
AFA Insurance

3 publications exist

Increased innovation capacity across organizational boundaries in healthcare

Lars Medbo Supply and Operations Management
Carl Wänström Supply and Operations Management


Sustainable supply chain planning strategies

Patrik Jonsson Logistics & Transportation
Mats Johansson Logistics & Transportation
Paulina Myrelid Logistics & Transportation
Carl Wänström Logistics & Transportation
Arni Halldorsson Logistics & Transportation
Jan Holmström Supply and Operations Management
Lars Medbo Supply and Operations Management
Logistik- och transport stiftelsen LTS


Managing turbulence in production and supply networks

Carl Wänström Supply and Operations Management
Paulina Myrelid Supply and Operations Management
Mats Johansson Supply and Operations Management
Arni Halldorsson Service Management and Logistics
Patrik Jonsson Supply and Operations Management

1 publication exists

Den nya svenska produktionsmodellen

Lars Medbo Logistics & Transportation
Mats Johansson Supply and Operations Management
Carl Wänström Supply and Operations Management


Production and Profitability improvement in Serbia Enterprises by adopting Lean Thinking Philosophy and strengthening Enterprise – Academia connections

Dan Carlsson
Lars Medbo Supply and Operations Management
Carl Wänström Supply and Operations Management
Peter Olsson Supply and Operations Management
European Commission (EC)

There might be more projects where Carl Wänström participates, but you have to be logged in as a Chalmers employee to see them.