Carl Wänström
Carl Wänström is a senior lecturer and a researcher at the division supply and operations management. His main area is operations management, where he is an expert in lean management, a focus area since 2003. Wänström’s uses a socio-technical approach to understand: how to design, organise and manage production teams and continuous improvement infrastructure, to create a learning organisation based on lean practices, how the choice of packaging types impact design of assembly workstations and in turn the efficiency and ergonomics, and how packaging types impact materials handling processes. Wänström has also been working with materials planning processes (mainly tactical level): focusing on information quality deficiencies, during production transfer processes, and in engineering change situations. Wänström’s point of departure is operations management, but his research is interdisciplinary using e.g. human factors engineering, job design theory, self determination theory, and organisational learning. The research is empirically driven and carried out in close collaboration with manufacturing companies. Further, Carl is supervising PhD students, teaching master courses as well as courses in continuing and professional studies.
Research areas:
• Lean Management
• Continuous improvement infrastructure
• Behavioural operations
• Work organization and management
• Socio-technical systems
• Materials planning and materials handling processes

Showing 48 publications
Developing lean leaders through action learning
Front-line managers opportunities to create a learning environment
Operators’ work situation - a key to successful lean organizations
Process theory applied at a surgery unit
A structured procedure for materials planning during production transfer
Factors impacting manual picking on assembly lines: An experiment in the automotive industry
Sustainability and cost efficiency in Supply Chains
Trajectories for successful lean transformations: Case studies of four Swedish SMEs
Manufacturing flexibility and Materials Supply Systems
Swedish Production System (SwePS) – ett kompetenslyft för fordonsindustrin inom Lean Produktion
Delivery plan quality deficiencies and the efficiency of manufacturing planning and control
Materials planning activities during production transfer and start-up
An evaluation model for sustainable packaging systems in supply chains - the case of Volvo
Impact of materials exposure on assembly workstation performance
The impact of outsourcing on materials planning
The impact of materials feeding design on assembly process performance
Assessing information quality in manufacturing planning and control processes
Factors impacting manual picking at assembly lines - an experiment in the automotive industry
Slutrapport för projektet Swedish Production System (SwePS) inom VINNOVAs forskningsprogram MERA
Requirements in the value stream - Between materials supply- and assembly processes
The impact of materials exposure on the conditions at the workstation
The impact of engineering change on materials planning
A Simulation Study of the Demand Impact on the Phase-out Performances
Adjusting the Materials Planning Strategy to the Phase-in and Phase-out situation
Anpassning av materialplaneringsstrategin till in- och utfasningssituationen
Assessing the Information Quality in the Materials Phase-in and Phase-out Process
Assessing the Information Quality in the Materials Phase-in and Phase-our Process
Engineering Change from a Logistics Perspective
Engineering Change in the Supply Chain
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Showing 7 research projects
Metodstöd för ledarskap och organisatoriskt lärande i produktionsteam
Increased innovation capacity across organizational boundaries in healthcare
Sustainable supply chain planning strategies
Managing turbulence in production and supply networks
Den nya svenska produktionsmodellen