Christian Müller
Christian Müller is a Professor at Chalmers since 2017. He received an ERC Consolidator Grant in 2022, an ERC Starting Grant in 2014 and became a SSF Future Research Leader in 2016. He has been a Wallenberg Fellow and since 2021 he is a Wallenberg Scholar.
Prior to his appointment at Chalmers, where he had been working as an Assistant and then Associate Professor from 2012-2017, he completed a one-year research fellowship at the Institut de Ciència de Materials de Barcelona (ICMAB-CSIC) and a two-year post-doctoral stay at Linköpings universitet. He holds a Dr.Sc. in Materials Science from the Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule (ETH) Zürich (2008), for which he was awarded the ETH medal, as well as a M.Sci. and B.A. in Natural Sciences from Cambridge University (2004).
His group focuses on the physical chemistry of organic semiconductors, polymer blends and composites, and develops new plastic materials for wearable electronics and energy technologies ranging from organic solar cells and thermoelectrics to power cables. He has published more than 170 papers and 3 book chapters. Moreover, he is a co-inventor of more than 20 patents or patent applications.

Showing 167 publications
Progress in the Stability of Small Molecule Acceptor-Based Organic Solar Cells
Low-bandgap oligothiophene-naphthalimide oligomeric semiconductors for thermoelectric applications
Highly Ductile Polypropylene Based Ternary Blends for High Voltage Insulation
Small signal analysis for the characterization of organic electrochemical transistors
Polymer composition for wire and cable applications with advantageous electrical properties
Poly(benzodifurandione) Coated Silk Yarn for Thermoelectric Textiles
Impact of doping on the mechanical properties of conjugated polymers
Impact of Oligoether Side-Chain Length on the Thermoelectric Properties of a Polar Polythiophene
Alternative Concepts for Extruded Power Cable Insulation: from Thermosets to Thermoplastics
Polyethylene Based Ionomers as High Voltage Insulation Materials
Hexanary blends: a strategy towards thermally stable organic photovoltaics
Polymer-Based n-Type Yarn for Organic Thermoelectric Textiles
On the fundamentals of organic mixed ionic/electronic conductors
Bulk-Processed Plasmonic Plastic Nanocomposite Materials for Optical Hydrogen Detection
Double Doping of Semiconducting Polymers Using Ion-Exchange with a Dianion
Tuning of the elastic modulus of a soft polythiophene through molecular doping
Double Doping of a Low-Ionization-Energy Polythiophene with a Molybdenum Dithiolene Complex
Doping Approaches for Organic Semiconductors
Delocalization Enhances Conductivity at High Doping Concentrations
Electrically Conducting Elastomeric Fibers with High Stretchability and Stability
Huge potential for electronic textiles made with new cellulose thread
Toughening of a Soft Polar Polythiophene through Copolymerization with Hard Urethane Segments
Vitrification of octonary perylene mixtures with ultralow fragility
Organic and hybrid thermoelectrics
Synergistic reinforcement of a reversible Diels-Alder type network with nanocellulose
Conducting materials as building blocks for electronic textiles
DC Electrical Trees in XLPE Induced by Short Circuits
Polymorphism in Non-Fullerene Acceptors Based on Indacenodithienothiophene
Highly Permeable Fluorinated Polymer Nanocomposites for Plasmonic Hydrogen Sensing
Ground-state electron transfer in all-polymer donor-acceptor heterojunctions
Machine-Washable Conductive Silk Yarns with a Composite Coating of Ag Nanowires and PEDOT:PSS
All-Polymer Conducting Fibers and 3D Prints via Melt Processing and Templated Polymerization
Electrical Characterization of a New Crosslinked Copolymer Blend for DC Cable Insulation
Sequential Doping of Ladder-Type Conjugated Polymers for Thermally Stable n-Type Organic Conductors
A polymer-based textile thermoelectric generator for wearable energy harvesting
Robust PEDOT:PSS Wet‐Spun Fibers for Thermoelectric Textiles
Green Conducting Cellulose Yarns for Machine-Sewn Electronic Textiles
Chemical Doping of Conjugated Polymers with the Strong Oxidant Magic Blue
Comparison of Different Methods for Characterization of DC Conductivity of Insulating Polymers
Thermoelectrics: From history, a window to the future
Enhanced Thermoelectric Power Factor of Tensile Drawn Poly(3-hexylthiophene)
Double doping of conjugated polymers with monomer molecular dopants
Highly structured graphene polyethylene nanocomposites
Asymmetric Aqueous Supercapacitor Based on p- and n-Type Conducting Polymers
Solar Energy Storage by Molecular Norbornadiene–Quadricyclane Photoswitches: Polymer Film Devices
Thermally Activated in Situ Doping Enables Solid-State Processing of Conducting Polymers
Impact of P3HT materials properties and layer architecture on OPV device stability
Structure/Property/Processing Relationships for Organic Solar Cells
New Materials for Organic Electronics: Improved Properties to Tackle Application Challenges
Glass Forming Acceptor Alloys for Highly Efficient and Thermally Stable Ternary Organic Solar Cells
Cellulose nanofibril-reinforced composites using aqueous dispersed ethylene-acrylic acid copolymer
Highly Efficient Ruddlesden–Popper Halide Perovskite PA2MA4Pb5I16 Solar Cells
Cellulose nanofibrils and amphiphilic copolymer based bio-composites
Influence of crystallinity on the thermoelectric power factor of P3HT vapour-doped with F4TCNQ
Roll‐to‐Roll Dyed Conducting Silk Yarns: A Versatile Material for E‐Textile Devices
Local Chain Alignment via Nematic Ordering Reduces Chain Entanglement in Conjugated Polymers
Influence of Molecular Weight on the Creep Resistance of Almost Molten Polyethylene Blends
All-Organic Textile Thermoelectrics with Carbon-Nanotube-Coated n-Type Yarns
Roll-to-Roll Dyed Conducting Silk Yarns: A Versatile Material for E-Textile Devices
Doping and processing of organic semiconductors for plastic thermoelectrics
Plasmonic Nanospectroscopy for Thermal Analysis of Organic Semiconductor Thin Films
Electromechanical properties of polyamide/lycra fabric treated with PEDOT:PSS
A Solution-Doped Polymer Semiconductor:Insulator Blend for Thermoelectrics
Machine-Washable PEDOT:PSS Dyed Silk Yarns for Electronic Textiles
Correlation between phase-behavior and thermo-mechanical properties of a melt-miscible blend
Bulk Doping of Millimeter-Thick Conjugated Polymer Foams for Plastic Thermoelectrics
Crosslinking of an ethylene-glycidyl methacrylate copolymer with amine click chemistry
A Fullerene Alloy Based Photovoltaic Blend with a Glass Transition Temperature above 200 °C
Glass Transition Temperature of Conjugated Polymers by Oscillatory Shear Rheometry
Highly Insulating Polyethylene Blends for High-Voltage Direct-Current Power Cables
Thermoelectric plastics: from design to synthesis, processing and structure-property relationships
Photoinduced p- to n-type Switching in Thermoelectric Polymer-Carbon Nanotube Composites
Invariant Dielectric Strength upon Addition of Low Amounts of HDPE to LDPE
Molecular Weight Determination by Counting Molecules
A New Application Area for Fullerenes: Voltage Stabilizers for Power Cable Insulation
Two-photon absorption of polyfluorene aggregates stabilized by insulin amyloid fibrils
High electron affinity: a guiding criterion for voltage stabilizer design
Mapping fullerene crystallization in a photovoltaic blend: an electron tomography study
High-Entropy Mixtures of Pristine Fullerenes for Solution-Processed Transistors and Solar Cells
On the Glass Transition of Polymer Semiconductors and Its Impact on Polymer Solar Cell Stability
Dielectric strength of γ-radiation cross-linked, high vinyl-content polyethylene
On the complex refractive index of polymer:fullerene photovoltaic blends
Sub-glass transition annealing enhances polymer solar cell performance
Stability study of quinoxaline and pyrido pyrazine based co-polymers for solar cell applications
Fullerene mixtures enhance the thermal stability of a non-crystalline polymer solar cell blend
Electron microscopy of organic solar cells thermally stabilized with fullerene nucleating agents
A New Tetracyclic Lactam Building Block for Thick, Broad-Bandgap Photovoltaics
Fullerene Nucleating Agents: A Route Towards Thermally Stable Photovoltaic Blends
Neat C60:C70 buckminsterfullerene mixtures enhance polymer solar cell performance
Facile Monitoring of Fullerene Crystallization in Polymer Solar Cell Blends by UV–vis Spectroscopy
Thermoelectric composites of poly(3-hexylthiophene) and carbon nanotubes with a large power factor
Nucleation-limited fullerene crystallisation in a polymer–fullerene bulk-heterojunction blend
Determination of Thermal Transition Depth Profiles in Polymer Semiconductor Films with Ellipsometry
Micro X-ray diffraction mapping of a fluorene copolymer fibre
Bio-Based Materials as Templates For Electronic Devices
New quinoxaline and pyridopyrazine-based polymers for solution-processable photovoltaics
Patterned optical anisotropy in woven conjugated polymer systems
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Showing 8 research projects
Advanced characterization of new insulation materials for next generation of HVDC power cables
High performance and scalable tailored graphene - polyolefin nanocomposites
Next Generation Organic Solar Cells (OPV 2.0)
Mastering Morphology for Solution-borne Electronics
Production of new high-performance CNF biocomposites (Cellulose nano-composites)
Woven and 3D-Printed Thermoelectric Textiles (ThermoTex)
Polyolefins for electricity energy distribution