Toheed Ghandriz
Showing 25 publications
Applying quantum approximate optimization to the heterogeneous vehicle routing problem
Development of the Västra Götaland operating cycle for long-haul heavy-duty vehicles
An open assessment tool for standardized performance measures of long combination vehicles
Benefit Analysis of introducing electric Propulsion on Converter Dollies
A Model for Energy Consumption in Heavy Vehicle Braking
Real-time Predictive Energy Management of Hybrid Electric Heavy Vehicles by Sequential Programming
Predictive Energy and Motion Management for Multitrailer Heavy-Duty Vehicles
A Vehicle Longitudinal Dynamical Model for Propulsion System Tailoring
Computationally Efficient Nonlinear One-and Two-Track Models for Multitrailer Road Vehicles
Methods for Reducing Highspeed Off-Tracking in Multitrailer Heavy-Duty Vehicles
Multitrailer Vehicle Simulation: Generation and Integration of Differential Equations
Transportation Mission Based Optimization of Heavy Vehicle Fleets including Propulsion Tailoring
Structural topology optimization of multibody systems
Sensitivity Analysis of Optimal Energy Management in Plug-in Hybrid Heavy Vehicles
Optimization Based Design of Heterogeneous Truck Fleet and Electric Propulsion
Structural Topology Optimization of Multibody Systems having contacts between flexible bodies
Structural Topology Optimization of Multibody Systems
Generic Modelica Framework for MultiBody Contacts and Discrete Element Method
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Showing 3 research projects
High Capacity Vehicles with ELectrically PropellEd Dolly (HELPED)
Using i-dolly for local distribution of container trailers to logistic terminals from a dry port
Optimal Distributed Propulsion