Göran Lindahl
Göran Lindahl is an Associate Professor at the Division of Construction Management at Chalmers. He is also an Adjunct Associate Professor at the Tampere Technical University between 2011 - 2016. Göran is active in both research and education. His focus is primarily on Project Management and Facilities Management, often from a client perspective. Topics related to his research are organisation, management, design processes including issues of participation and stakeholder management. Particular focus in research is on planning of workplaces and health care facilities and issues related to usability. He is also active in research related to energy issues and the built environment. In education focus is on project management, facilities management, governance in and of the construction sector.
Active in Center for Health Care Architecture, CVA and Center for Management of the Built environment, CMB

Showing 93 publications
Rethinking Day Surgery Model of Care and Built Environment: A Design Dialogue Study
Understanding Healthcare Design Transformations. Insights from the Swedish Experience
Benchmarking Relevance for Hospital Design and Planning: An International Web-Based Survey
Concept programmes to support healthcare design.Analysis and discussion of the Swedish case
Fraud events in the coolest of neighbourhoods: A case study from Gothenburg, Sweden
Toward a Future Orientation: A Supportive Mental Health Facility Environment
Sensory Design in the Birth Environment: Learning from Existing Case Studies
The Swedish Health Promoting Healthcare network and the built environment
How Virtual Reality is used when involving healthcare staff in the design process
Future-proofing in healthcare building design
Evidence-informed health care infrastructures: test of SustHealthv2 tool on hospital pilot cases
Why space is not enough: Service innovation and service delivery in senior housing
Public management in turbulent times: COVID‐19 as an ecosystem disruptor
The dynamic capabilities of public construction clients in the healthcare sector
Complex Projects Assessment. The Impact of Built Environment on Healthcare Staff Wellbeing
Exploring diffrent design spaces - VR as a tool during building design
Dynamic capabilities and risk management: Evaluating the CDRM model for clients
BIM related innovation in healthcare precinct design and facilities management
Health promotion and the built environment - views from Swedish healthcare organisations
Assessing BIM performance in building management organisations
Health promotive ambitions related to building design – the case of Angered Nearby Hospital
Applying the dynamic capabilities framework in the case of a large public construction client
Nordic workplace concept development from office as a city to city as an office
BIM performance and capability
Shared decision making in designing new healthcare environments-time to begin improving quality
Take a Chance on Me? Construction Clients' Perspectives on Risk Management
Nordic campus retrofitting concepts - Scalable practices
Developing Capabilities for Public Construction Clients
Implications of cost overruns and time delays on major public construction projects
Implementation of strategies: A case study of a municipality owned housing company
The Usability of facilities: Experiences and effects
Facilities in use, Nordic studies about usability of workplaces
USEframe - a Framework to understand and map usability research
Project Management - Wise after the event
User-oriented Benchmarking for Usability of Real Estate- The REBUS research project
Swedish construction clients' views on project success and measuring performance
Attention! - there are users in the facilities
Clients’ goals and the construction project management
Kv Krönet - En studie av ett samverkansprojekt med strategi att minska felkostnader
Evaluation of individual characteristics in partnering projects
Construction Clients Requirements Innovation in Construction Project Management
Formal and informal communication in a project organisation: The case of a large construction projec
User-client´s goals and the construction project management process
User-Clients’ Goals and the Construction Project Management Process
From organization to actor: Clients and users needsof facilities in the health care sector
From organization to actor: the process of achiev-ing usable facilities in the healthcare sector
Construction Client’s Needs – Innovation in Construction
Performance in provision of facilities: a study of buildings in the health care sector
Byggherrens förutsättningar med speciell inriktning på tidiga skeden och mätmetoder
Trust, Participation and Hospital Design Two Approaches One Result.
Project-based learning: a contradiction in terms?
The innovative workplace, a process and a place
Collaboration, Learning and Working Processes in Project Groups in Partnering Projects
Managing Project Culture - the Case of the Hotel Gothia Towers Project
The Hotel Gothia Towers: a successful partnering project
Roller, relationer och kunskapsuppbyggnad i partnerlika organisationer: Hotel Gothia Towers
Performance of Industrial Buildings – Pilot study in Bilprovningen plant Aröd
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Showing 12 research projects
Sustainable and inclusive hybrid workplaces - anywhere and anytime? (SIWH)
Konceptual program, primary health care facilities
Standardization for urban and situational crime prevention
Strengthening Architecture and Built Environment Research - SABRE
Enpatientrum i Sverige. Sammanställd utvärdering av ett antal genomförda projekt
Skandinavisk nettverk for innovasjon i byggenaeringen (SNIB)
Facing the energy challenge: Innovative business models for renovation of buildings