Göran Petersson
Showing 82 publications
Varför inte Kost för Folkhälsa
Oxidativ stress bakom cancer, allergi och åldrande
Mat viktigaste faktorn bakom cancer
Miljöbilar utan cancerogena och allergena avgaser
Ett klororganiskt kosttillskott
ANTIOXIDANTER mot aggressiva syreradikaler
Specific volatile hydrocarbons in smoke from oxidative pyrolysis of softwood pellets
Oxidative pyrolysis of integral softwood pellets
Benzene emitted from glowing charcoal
Phenolic antioxidants in alder smoke during industrial meat curing
Phenolic antioxidants in wood smoke
Coniferyl alcohol from newsprint burning
Methoxyphenols from burning of Scandinavian forest plant materials
Hydrocarbons in biogas from household solid waste
Isoprene from expired air inside a private car
Exposure to volatile hydrocarbons in commuter trains and diesel buses
Gas chromatographic separation of volatile furans from birchwood smoke
Volatile hydrocarbons from domestic wood burning
Ambient solvent hydrocarbons from the gluing of table tennis bats.
Characterization of sixty alkenes in a cat-cracked gasoline naphtha by gas chromatography
Volatile hydrocarbons in exhaust from alkylate-based petrol
Monoterpenes emitted to air from industrial barking of Scandinavian conifers
Assessment of ambient volatile hydrocarbons from tobacco smoke and from vehicle emissions
Assessment by gas chromatography - mass spectrometry of hexenes emitted to air
Photooxidant-forming monoterpenes in air plumes from kraft pulp industries
Protection of terpenes against oxidative and acid decomposition on adsorbent cartridges
Butenes and butadiene in urban air
Assessment of hydrocarbons in vapours of conventional and alkylate-based petrol
Terpenes emitted to air from TMP and sulphite pulp mills
Volatile hazardous hydrocarbons in a Scandinavian urban road tunnel
Proportions of volatile hazardous hydrocarbons in vehicle-polluted urban air
Photoionization assessment of C3-C5 alkadienes and alkenes in urban air
Exposure of commuters to volatile aromatic hydrocarbons from petrol exhaust
Selective assessment of C2-C6 alkenes in air by adsorption sampling and gas chromatography
Conifer monoterpenes emitted to air by logging operations
Hazardous petrol hydrocarbons from refuelling with and without vapour recovery
Ambient monoterpenes from stone groundwood pulp production
Terpener sviktande skyddsbarriär mot skogsdöden
High ambient concentrations of monoterpenes in a Scandinavian pine forest
Bilavgaser som närmiljöproblem
Kolväteutsläpp och fotokemiska oxidanter
Hur man minskar sin dos av bilavgaser
Ambient hydrocarbons from motor-car assembly plants in Scandinavia
Phenolic compounds in kraft black liquor
Reference GLC data for the analysis of phenolic compounds as trimethylsilyl derivatives
Carbohydrate - related hydroxy carboxylic and dicarboxylic acids as trimethylsilyl derivatives
Formation of 1,4-anhydro-3-deoxypentitol-2-carboxylic acids by alkaline degradation of cellulose
Oxygen-alkali treatment of cellobiose
Dicarboxylic acids produced by oxygen-alkali treatment of birch xylan
Methanolysis of galacturonic acid
A McLafferty - type rearrangement of a trimethylsilyl group in silylated hydroxy carbonyl compounds
Partition chromatography and mass spectrometry of tetrulose and pentuloses
Reference mass spectra of pentoses and methylated pentoses
Reference mass spectra of hexoses and methylated hexoses
Mass spectrometry of aldonic and deoxyaldonic acids as trimethylsilyl derivatives
Formation of glucopyranosylglycolic acids during the hydrolysis of cellulose
Mass spectrometry of alditols as trimethylsilyl derivatives
Gas chromatographic separation of aldonic acids as trimethylsilyl derivatives
Mass spectrometric identification of aldonolactones as trimethylsilyl derivatives
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