Ivan Sanchez-Diaz
Ivan Sanchez-Diaz is an Associate Professor at the Division of Supply and Operations Management. His research focuses on freight demand modeling and the design of urban freight transportation policy. His work involves the development of statistical analysis, behavioral models, and analytical models for freight transportation systems planning.

Showing 57 publications
Effects of freight curbside management on sustainable cities: Evidence and paths forward
Smart loading zones. A data analytics approach for loading zones network design
Evaluating spatial inequity in last-mile delivery: a national analysis
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Using Machine Learning to Predict Freight Vehicles' Demand for Loading Zones in Urban Environments
Enabling Factors and Durations Data Analytics for Dynamic Freight Parking Limits
Seeking equity and justice in urban freight: where to look?
Assessing the eco-efficiency benefits of empty container repositioning strategies via dry ports
Dynamic Stochastic Electric Vehicle Routing with Safe Reinforcement Learning
Managing household freight: The impact of online shopping on residential freight trips
Property owners as possible game changers for sustainable urban freight
Value-Added Services at Dry Ports: Balancing the Perspectives of Different Stakeholders
Generalized noortman and van es’ empty trips model
Bus rapid transit (Brt) and urban freight—competition for space in densely populated cities
Electric Vehicle Routing Problem with Machine Learning for Energy Prediction
A Multiclass Tour Flow Model and Its Role in Multiclass Freight Tour Synthesis
Assessing the magnitude of freight traffic generated by office deliveries
Spatial patterns of logistics facilities in Gothenburg, Sweden
The Role of Food Hubs in Enabling Local Sourcing for School Canteens
A Time-Efficiency Study of Medium-Duty Trucks Delivering in Urban Environments
Energy consumption estimation integrated into the Electric Vehicle Routing Problem
Implications of activity classification aggregation in urban freight trip generation linear models
Exploring the Application of Urban Form Profiles in Freight Trip Generation
Potential of Implementing Urban Freight Strategies in the Accommodation and Food Services Sector
Characterization and analysis of metropolitan freight patterns in Medellin, Colombia
Accommodating urban freight in city planning
Electric vehicle routing problem – a nested two level approach
Fostering unassisted off-hour deliveries: the role of incentives
Shifting Urban Freight Deliveries to the Off-Peak Hours: A Review of Theory and Practice
Urban traffic congestion and freight transport: A comparative assessment of three European cities
Modeling Urban Freight Generation: A Study of Commercial Establishments’ Freight Needs
Urban freight-parking practices: The cases of Gothenburg (Sweden) and Delhi (India)
Aggregation Level, Variability, and Linear Hypotheses for Urban Delivery Generation Models
Freight Demand Management and the Potential of Receiver-Led Consolidation Programs
Sustainable Urban Freight Systems and Freight Demand Management
Exploring Carriers Perceptions about City Logistics Initiatives
Urban Freight-Parking Practices: The Cases of Gothenburg (Sweden) and Delhi (India)
An exploratory analysis of spatial effects on freight trip attraction
The Role of Classification Systems In Freight Trip Attraction Modeling
Identifying Freight Intermediaries. Implications for Modeling of Freight Trip Generation
Improving Freight System Performance in Metropolitan Areas: A Planning Guide
An investigation of the effects of critical infrastructure on urban mobility in the city of Medellín
A time-dependent freight tour synthesis model
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Showing 14 research projects
Understanding Potentials of the Urban freight Sector for the 15-minute-city (POTUS)
E-Laas: Energy optimal urban Logistics As A Service
Understanding curbside demand using big data analytics & business models - A freight perspective
Synergies in Autonomous Transportation (SAT)
Using data analytics for smart loading zones management in cities
EL FORT - Optimering av elfordonsflotta i Real-Tid - (Fas 2)
Autonomous and Connected Trucks for Electric Distribution (ACTED)
Suburban logistics - efficient use of infrastructure
Gothenburg Urban Freight Platform