Jiaming Wu
Jiaming Wu is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Architecture and Civil Engineering. His research interest lies in modeling and optimization of intelligent transport systems, with particular focuses on electromobility, connected and automated vehicles, and intersection control. He is now leading and involved with several research projects funded by the European Commission, Swedish Energy Agency, Swedish Transport Administration, etc.
He is currently serving as the Associate Editor for the journal of IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, Editor of Multimodal Transportation, and a committee member of several international conferences. He publishes widely in top-tier journals such as Transportation Research Part A/B/C/D.

Showing 34 publications
Collaborative electric vehicle routing with meet points
Safety-Oriented Personalized Service Strategy in Air-Ground Integrated Mobility
Capacity of Vehicular Networks in Mixed Traffic With CAVs and Human-Driven Vehicles
Generative AI-Enabled Sensing and Communication Integration for Urban Air Mobility
A GREAT Architecture for Edge-Based Graph Problems Like TSP
Fleet availability analysis and prediction for shared e-scooters: An energy perspective
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Guidance Method of Connected Autonomous Vehicles Under Automatic Control Intersections
Interaction-Aware Trajectory Prediction for Autonomous Vehicle Based on LSTM-MLP Model
Cooperative Incident Management in Mixed Traffic of CAVs and Human-Driven Vehicles
Investigating the Influence of ADAS on Drivers’ Evasive Behaviors During Car-Following on Highways
Traffic safety analysis of inter-tunnel weaving section with conflict prediction models
Dynamic Programming-Based Optimal Charging Scheduling for Electric Vehicles
Future connected vehicles: Communications demands, privacy and cyber-security
Intersection control with connected and automated vehicles: a review
Longitudinal control for person-following robots
Traffic signal coordination control for arterials with dedicated CAV lanes
An Online Processing Method for the Cooperative Control of Connected and Automated Vehicle Platoons
The cooperative sorting strategy for connected and automated vehicle platoons
A Platoon Regulation Algorithm to Improve the Traffic Performance of Highway Work Zones
Are shared electric scooters energy efficient?
Safety effects of road pavement resurfacing: A case study of city-wide scale projects in China
Emergency vehicle lane pre-clearing: From microscopic cooperation to routing decision making
A deep learning approach to real-time CO concentration prediction at signalized intersection
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Showing 16 research projects
The Game of Own: exploring the impact of charging stations ownership on the potential of V2G
Smart charging stations Operations in the era of vehicle-to-grid (V2G) bidirectional Charging
Energy efficiency analysis for co-existing shared and electric micromobility systems
Mobile charging as a service for electric vehicles
ERGODIC: Combined passenger and goods transportation in suburb traffic
FEAT: Fleet management for efficient and sustainable electric micromobility systems
LEAR: Robust LEArning methods for electric vehicle Route selection
ATEM - Accelerating transport electrification by machine learning
Accelerating transport electrification by machine learning
RHEA: Demand-supply asymmetRy mitigation witH modular Electric bus plAtforms
ICV-Safe: Testing safety of intelligent connected vehicles in open and mixed road environment
Public transit shared mobility - connected and safe solutions