Larisa Beilina
My main research interests are concentrated on the solution of ill-posed and Coefficient Inverse Problems (CIPs) PDE using an adaptive finite element and on the globally convergent numerical methods for CIPs. Adaptive finite element method for hyperbolic CIPs was developed in my PhD thesis in 2003 and the globally convergent method was developed together with prof. M.V.Klibanov from University of North Carolina at Charlotte, USA in 2008. In 2011 the globally convergent method was verified on the blind experimental data in the field collected by the Forward Looking Radar of the US Army Research Laboratory.

Showing 146 publications
Frequency inversion method and device for malignant melanoma detection using RF/microwaves
Time-Adaptive Determination of Drug Efficacy in Mathematical Model of HIV Infection
A stabilized P1 domain decomposition finite element method for time harmonic Maxwell’s equations
Methods of Quantitative Reconstruction for Acoustic Coefficient Inverse Problem
Truncated SVD for Applications in Microwave Thermometry
Change Point Detection for Process Data Analytics Applied to a Multiphase Flow Facility
Preface for Proceedings of JSPS/SAC Workshops at Chalmers 2021 & 2022
Gas Dynamics with Applications in Industry and Life Sciences
A Discontinuous Galerkin Approach for Stabilized Maxwell’s Equations in Pseudo-Frequency Domain
On the Maxwell-wave equation coupling problem and its explicit finite-element solution
Convergence of stabilized p1 finite element scheme for time harmonic maxwell’s equations
In celebration of the 75th birthday of Professor Anatoly Yagola
Microwave thermometry with potential application in non-invasive monitoring of hyperthermia
Convergence of explicit p1 Finite-Element Solutions to Maxwell’s Equations
Numerical analysis of least squares and perceptron learning for classification problems
Preface to Springer Proceedings in Mathematics and Statistics
The finite element method and balancing principle for magnetic resonance imaging
Determining the conductivity for a nonautonomous hyperbolic operator in a cylindrical domain
Numerical studies of the lagrangian approach for reconstruction of the conductivity in a waveguide
On finite element method for magnetic resonance imaging
A Priori Error Estimates and Computational Studies for a Fermi Pencil-Beam Equation
Computational design of acoustic materials using an adaptive optimization algorithm
Finite element schemes for Fermi equation
Adaptive finite element method in nanophotonic simulations
Reconstruction of annular bi-layered media in cylindrical waveguide section
Iterative regularization and adaptivity for an electromagnetic coefficient inverse problem
Numerical linear algebra: Theory and applications
Quantitative imaging technique using the layer-stripping algorithm
Computational design of nanophotonic structures using an adaptive finite element method
Adaptive optimization algorithm for the computational design of nanophotonic structures
Uniqueness and stability of time and space-dependent conductivity in a hyperbolic cylindrical domain
Application of the finite element method in a quantitative imaging technique
Globally strongly convex cost functional for a coefficient inverse problem
Reconstruction of dielectric constants in a cylindrical waveguide
Simultaneous reconstruction of Maxwell’s coefficients from backscattering data
The layer-stripping algorithm for reconstruction of dielectrics in an optical fiber
Determination of permittivity from propagation constant measurements in optical fibers
Methods of quantitative reconstruction of shapes and refractive indices from experimental data
Relaxation property for the adaptivity for ill-posed problems
Statistical analysis of extreme changes in the muscular strength in the extremities
Inverse eigenvalue problems in the theory of weakly guiding step-index optical fibres
Reconstruction from blind experimental data for an inverse problem for a hyperbolic equation
Adaptive finite element method in reconstruction of dielectrics from backscattered data
Adaptive FEM with relaxation for a hyperbolic coefficient inverse problem
Adaptive approximate globally convergent algorithm with backscattered data.
Approximate globally convergent algorithm with applications in electrical prospecting
Inverse Problems and Large-Scale Computations
Approximate global convergence in imaging of land mines from backscattered data
A posteriori error estimates for Fredholm integral equations of the first kind
Reconstruction from blind experimental data for an inverse problem for a hyperbolic equation
Time-adaptive FEM for distributed parameter identification in biological models
Applied Inverse Problems. Select Contributions from the First Annual Workshop on Inverse Problems
A posteriori error estimates for Fredholm integral equations of the first kind
Time-adaptive FEM for distributed parameter identification in biological models
Relaxation property of the adaptivity technique for some ill-posed problems
Adaptive FEM with relaxation for a hyperbolic coefficient inverse problem
Approximate global convergence in imaging of land mines from backscattered data
Approximate Global Convergence and Adaptivity for Coefficient Inverse Problems
Adaptive approximate globally convergent algorithm with backscattered data
Adaptive Finite Element Method for a coefficient inverse problem for the Maxwell's system
Why a minimizer of the Tikhonov functional is closer to the exact solution than the first guess
Adaptive Hybrid Finite Element/Difference method for Maxwell's equations
Globally convergent numerical methods for coefficient inverse problems for imaging inhomogeneities
Adaptive Finite Element Method for an Electromagnetic Coefficient Inverse Problem
Recent Advances in Numerical Methods for Inverse Problems Resolution
Global convergence for Inverse Problems
Synthesis of global convergence and adaptivity for a hyperbolic coefficient inverse problem in 3D
Hybrid Discontinuous Finite Element/Finite Difference Method for Maxwell's Equations
Adaptive finite element method for a coefficient inverse problem for the Maxwell's system
Adaptive algorithm for an inverse electromagnetic scattering problem
Synthesis of Global Convergence and Adaptivity for a Hyperbolic Coefficient Inverse Problems in 3D
Globally convergent numerical methods for coefficient inverse problems for imaging inhomogeneities
A Globally Convergent Numerical Method and Adaptivity for a Hyperbolic Coefficient Inverse Problem
A globally convergent numerical method for a coefficient inverse problem
A posteriori error estimation in biomedical imaging
A posteriori error estimation for an inverse scattering problem
An adaptive hybrid FEM/FDM method for an inverse scattering problem in scanning acoustic microscopy
A posteriori error estimation in computational inverse scattering
An inverse medium problem for scanning acoustic microscopy
Nonobtuse tetrahedral partitions that refine locally towards Fichera-like corners
Adaptive finite element/difference methods for time-dependent inverse scattering problems
Efficiency of a hybrid method for elastic waves
Adaptive hybrid finite element/difference methods: applications to inverse elastic scattering
Hybrid FEM/FDM method for an inverse scattering problem
Adaptive finite elemen/difference method for inverse elastic scattering waves
Adaptive Finite element/Difference methods for inverse elastic scattering waves
Adaptive hybrid FEM/FDM methods for inverse scattering problems
Adaptive hybrid FEM/FDM methods for inverse scattering problems
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