Mats Rudemo

Showing 56 publications


Raster Image Correlation Spectroscopy Performance Evaluation

Marco Longfils, Nick Smisdom, Marcel Ameloot et al
Biophysical Journal. Vol. 117 (10), p. 1900-1914
Journal article

Colloidal particle aggregation in three dimensions

Henrike Häbel, Aila Särkkä, Mats Rudemo et al
Journal of Microscopy. Vol. 275 (3), p. 149-158
Journal article

Single particle raster image analysis of diffusion for particle mixtures

Marco Longfils, Magnus Röding, Annika Altskär et al
Journal of Microscopy. Vol. 269 (3), p. 269-281
Journal article

Single particle raster image analysis of diffusion

Marco Longfils, Erich Schuster, Niklas Lorén et al
Journal of Microscopy. Vol. 266 (1), p. 3-14
Journal article

From static micrographs to particle aggregation dynamics in three dimensions

Henrike Häbel, Aila Särkkä, Mats Rudemo et al
Journal of Microscopy. Vol. 262 (1), p. 102-111
Journal article

Valid and efficient manual estimates of intracranial volume from magnetic resonance images

Niklas Klasson, Erik Olsson, Mats Rudemo et al
BMC Medical Imaging. Vol. 15 (1), p. Art. no. 5-
Journal article

Fluorescence recovery after photobleaching in material and life sciences: Putting theory into practice

Niklas Lorén, Joel H Hagman, Jenny Jonasson et al
Quarterly Reviews of Biophysics. Vol. 48 (3), p. 323-387
Journal article

On-chip light sheet illumination enables diagnostic size and concentration measurements of membrane vesicles in biofluids

Hendrik Deschout, K. Raemdonck, S. Stremersch et al
Nanoscale. Vol. 6 (3), p. 1741-1747
Journal article

Identifying directional persistence in intracellular particle motion using Hidden Markov Models

Magnus Röding, M. Guo, David A. Weitz et al
Mathematical Biosciences. Vol. 248 (1), p. 140-145
Journal article

Interactions and Diffusion in Fine-Stranded beta-lactoglobulin Gels Determined via FRAP and Binding

Erich Schuster, Anne-Marie Hermansson, Camilla Öhgren et al
Biophysical Journal. Vol. 106 (1), p. 253-262
Journal article

Estimation of mass thickness response of embedded aggregated silica nanospheres from high angle annular dark-field scanning transmission electron micrographs

Matias Nordin, Christoffer Abrahamsson, Charlotte Hamngren Blomqvist et al
Journal of Microscopy. Vol. 253 (2), p. 166-170
Journal article

MS risk genes are transcriptionally regulated in CSF leukocytes at relapse

Margareta Jernås, Clas Malmeström, Markus Axelsson et al
Multiple Sclerosis. Vol. 19 (4), p. 403-410
Journal article

Automatic Particle Detection in Microscopy Using Temporal Correlations

Magnus Röding, Hendrik Deschout, Thomas Martens et al
Microscopy Research and Technique. Vol. 76 (10), p. 997-1006
Journal article

Measuring absolute nanoparticle number concentrations from particle count time series

Magnus Röding, Hendrik Deschout, Kevin Braeckmans et al
Journal of Microscopy. Vol. 251 (1), p. 19-26
Journal article

Disposable microfluidic chip with integrated light sheet illumination enables diagnostics based on membrane vesicles

Hendrik Deschout, K. Raemdonck, S. Stremersch et al
17th International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences, MicroTAS 2013; Freiburg; Germany; 27 October 2013 through 31 October 2013. Vol. 3, p. 2010-2012
Paper in proceeding

Self-calibrated concentration measurements of polydisperse nanoparticles

Magnus Röding, Hendrik Deschout, Kevin Braeckmans et al
Journal of Microscopy. Vol. 252 (1), p. 79-88
Journal article

The gamma distribution model for pulsed-field gradient NMR studies of molecular-weight distributions of polymers

Magnus Röding, Diana Bernin, Jenny Jonasson et al
Journal of Magnetic Resonance. Vol. 222, p. 105-111
Journal article

Microstructure of polymer hydrogels studied by pulsed field gradient NMR diffusion and TEM methods

Diana Bernin, G. J. Goudappel, M. van Ruijven et al
Soft Matter. Vol. 7 (12), p. 5711-5716
Journal article

Hemocompatibility of siRNA loaded dextran nanogels

B Naeye, H Deschout, Magnus Röding et al
Biomaterials. Vol. 32 (34), p. 9120-9127
Journal article

Identification of Adipocyte Genes Regulated by Caloric Intake.

Niclas Franck, Anders Gummesson, Margareta Jernås et al
Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism. Vol. 96 (2), p. E413-E418
Journal article

Measuring absolute number concentrations of nanoparticles using single-particle tracking

Magnus Röding, Hendrik Deschout, Kevin Braeckmans et al
Physical Review E. Vol. 84 (3)
Journal article

Straightforward FRAP for quantitative diffusion measurements with a laser scanning microscope

Hendrik Deschout, Joel H Hagman, Sophia Fransson et al
Optics Express. Vol. 18 (22), p. 22886-22905
Journal article

Pixel-based analysis of FRAP data with a general initial bleaching profile

Jenny Jonasson, Joel H Hagman, Niklas Lorén et al
Journal of Microscopy. Vol. 239 (2), p. 142-153
Journal article

Changes in adipose tissue gene expression and plasma levels of adipokines and acute-phase proteins in patients with critical illness.

Margareta Jernås, Bob Olsson, Kajsa Sjöholm et al
Metabolism: clinical and experimental. Vol. 58 (1), p. 102-8
Journal article

Spatial prediction of weed intensities from exact count data and image-based estimates

Gilles Guillot, N. Lorén, Mats Rudemo
Journal of the Royal Statistical Society. Series C: Applied Statistics. Vol. 58, p. 525-542
Journal article

Empirical Bayes models for multiple probe type microarrays at the probe level

MAGNUS ÅSTRAND, Petter Mostad, Mats Rudemo
BMC Bioinformatics. Vol. 9
Journal article

A pixel-based likelihood framework for analysis of fluorescence recovery after photobleaching data

Jenny Jonasson, Magnus Nydén, Mats Rudemo
Journal of Microscopy. Vol. 232 (2), p. 260-269
Journal article

Improved Covariance Matrix Estimators for Weighted Analysis of Microarray Data

MAGNUS ÅSTRAND, Petter Mostad, Mats Rudemo

Weighted Analysis of General Microarray Experiments

Anders Sjögren, Erik Kristiansson, Mats Rudemo et al
BMC Bioinformatics. Vol. 8, p. 15-
Journal article

Discrimination and scoring using small sets of genes for two-sample microarray data

Gilles Guillot, Maja Olsson, Mikael Benson et al
Mathematical Biosciences. Vol. 205 (2), p. 195-203
Journal article

Improved Covariance Matrix Estimators for Weighted Analysis of Microarray Data

MAGNUS ÅSTRAND, Petter Mostad, Mats Rudemo
Journal of Computational Biology. Vol. 14 (10), p. 1353-1367
Journal article

Weighted Analysis of General Microarray Experiments

Anders Sjögren, Erik Kristiansson, Mats Rudemo et al

Empirical Bayes Models for Multiple Probe Type Arrays at the Probe Level

MAGNUS ÅSTRAND, Petter Mostad, Mats Rudemo

Identification of the three-dimensional gel microstructure from transmission electron micrographs

Rasmus Nisslert, Mats Kvarnström, Niklas Lorén et al
Journal of Microscopy. Vol. 225 (1), p. 10-21
Journal article

Increased expression of aquaporin 3 in atopic eczema.

Maja Olsson, Ann Broberg, Margareta Jernås et al
Allergy: European Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology. Vol. 61 (9), p. 1132-7
Journal article

Quality Optimised Analysis of General Paired Microarray Experiments

Erik Kristiansson, Anders Sjögren, Mats Rudemo et al

Separation of human adipocytes by size: hypertrophic fat cells display distinct gene expression

Margareta Jernås, Jenny Palming, Kajsa Sjöholm et al
FASEB Journal. Vol. 20 (9), p. E832-E839
Journal article

A network-based analysis of allergen-challenged CD4+T cells from patients with allergic rhinitis

Mikael Benson, Lena M S Carlsson, Gilles Guillot et al
Genes and Immunity. Vol. 7 (6), p. 514-521
Journal article

Quality Optimised Analysis of General Paired Microarray Experiments

Erik Kristiansson, Anders Sjögren, Mats Rudemo et al
Statistical Applications in Genetics and Molecular Biology. Vol. 5 (1), p. i-29
Journal article

Weighted Analysis of Paired Microarray Experiments

Erik Kristiansson, Anders Sjögren, Mats Rudemo et al
Statistical Applications in Genetics and Molecular Biology. Vol. 4 (1)
Journal article

Evaluation of reference genes for studies of gene expression in human adipose tissue.

Britt Gabrielsson, Louise Olofsson, Anders Sjögren et al
Obesity Research. Vol. 13 (4), p. 649-52
Journal article

Weighted Analysis of Paired Microarray Experiments

Erik Kristiansson, Anders Sjögren, Mats Rudemo et al

Pros and cons of microarray technology in allergy research

Mikael Benson, M. Olsson, Mats Rudemo et al
Clinical and Experimental Allergy. Vol. 34 (7), p. 1001-1006
Journal article

DNA microarray analysis of chromosomal susceptibility regions to identify candidate genes for allergic disease: a pilot study.

Mikael Benson, Per-Arne Svensson, Mikael Adner et al
Acta Oto-Laryngologica. Vol. 124 (7), p. 813-9
Journal article

Statistical exploration of variation in quantitative two-dimensional gel electrophoresis

John Gustafsson, Robert Caesar, Chris Glasbey et al
Proteomics. Vol. 4 (12), p. 3791-3799
Journal article

Gene profiling reveals increased expression of uteroglobin and other anti-inflammatory genes in glucocorticoid-treated nasal polyps.

Mikael Benson, Lena M S Carlsson, Mikael Adner et al
Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology. Vol. 113 (6), p. 1137-43
Journal article

Statistical exploration of variation in quantitative two-dimensional gel electrophoresis data

John Gustafsson, Robert Svensson, Chris A. Glasbey et al

Warping two-dimensional electrophoresis gel images to correct for geometric distortions of the spot pattern

John Gustafsson, Anders Blomberg, Mats Rudemo
Electrophoresis. Vol. 23 (11), p. 1731-1744
Journal article

Variance models for microarray data

Mats Rudemo, Tatsiana Lobovkina, Petter Mostad et al

Random patterns of non-overlapping convex grains

Marianne Månsson, Mats Rudemo
Advances in Applied Probability. Vol. 34, p. 718-738
Journal article

Random patterns of non-overlapping convex grains

Marianne Månsson, Mats Rudemo

Bayesian analysis of spatial point patterns from noisy observations

Jens Lund, Antti Penttinen, Mats Rudemo

Models for point processes observed with noise

Jens Lund, Mats Rudemo

Partially observed Markov chains and point processes

Mats Rudemo
Doctoral thesis

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