Marta Krystyna Stiller

Full Professor at Microstructure Physics

My research focuses on an understanding of the relationships between materials’ microstructure and materials’ properties using high-resolution microscopy and microanalysis techniques such as electron microscopy and atom probe tomography (APT). I am particularly interested in deepening our knowledge of processes of phase transformations and corrosion (including environmentally enhanced crack propagation) of engineering materials (Ni-based superalloys, steels, aluminium alloys). Currently I am also exploring the possibilities of applying APT to study the connection to microstructure-electric transport properties of oxide based semiconductors.

Image of Marta Krystyna Stiller

Showing 88 publications


Oxidation of Alloy X-750 with Low Iron Content in Simulated BWR Environment

Silvia Tuzi, Marta Krystyna Stiller, Mattias Thuvander
Journal of Nuclear Engineering. Vol. 4 (4), p. 711-722
Journal article

Performance and evolution of cold spray Cr-coated optimized ZIRLO™ claddings under simulated loss-of-coolant accident conditions

Andrea Fazi, Mohammad Sattari, Marta Krystyna Stiller et al
Journal of Nuclear Materials. Vol. 576
Journal article

Intergranular oxidation of additively manufactured Ni-base alloy 625: The role of Si

Anton Chyrkin, W. J. Nowak, Kerem Gündüz et al
Corrosion Science. Vol. 219
Journal article

Oxidation and alkali sulphate-induced corrosion of aluminide diffusion coatings with and without platinum

Pavleta Knutsson, Marta Krystyna Stiller
Protective Systems for High Temperature Applications EFC 57: From Theory to Industrial Implementation, p. 191-199
Book chapter

CrN–NbN nanolayered coatings for enhanced accident tolerant fuels in BWR

Andrea Fazi, Mohammad Sattari, Michal Strach et al
Journal of Nuclear Materials. Vol. 586
Journal article

Comparing CrN and TiN Coatings for Accident-Tolerant Fuels in PWR and BWR Autoclaves

Andrea Fazi, Pratik Lokhande, Denise Adorno Lopes et al
Journal of Nuclear Engineering. Vol. 3 (4), p. 321-332
Journal article

Cold sprayed Cr-coating on Optimized ZIRLO™ claddings: the Cr/Zr interface and its microstructural and chemical evolution after autoclave corrosion testing

Andrea Fazi, Marta Krystyna Stiller, Hans-Olof Andrén et al
Journal of Nuclear Materials. Vol. 560
Journal article

Post-irradiation annealing of high flux irradiated and surveillance material reactor pressure vessel weld metal

Kristina Lindgren, M. Boasen, Zaiqing Que et al
Journal of Nuclear Materials. Vol. 562
Journal article

High-temperature oxidation behavior of additively manufactured IN625: Effect of microstructure and grain size

Anton Chyrkin, Kerem Gündüz, Irina Fedorova et al
Corrosion Science. Vol. 205
Journal article

On oxide formation on a single crystalline Ni-based superalloy at 900 °C in SO2 containing atmosphere: The effect of surface treatment

Katrin Jahns, Haiping Lai, Ulrich Krupp et al
Corrosion Science. Vol. 180
Journal article

On aliovalent cations control of α-alumina growth on doped and undoped NiAl

Torben Boll, Vedad Babic, Itai Panas et al
Acta Materialia. Vol. 210
Journal article

The effect of additive manufacturing on the initial High temperature oxidation properties of RE-containing FeCrAl alloys

Kerem Gündüz, Alberto Visibile, Mohammad Sattari et al
Corrosion Science. Vol. 188
Journal article

Fracture of Cr2O3 single crystals on the microscale

Anand Harihara Subramonia Iyer, Krystyna Marta Stiller, Magnus Hörnqvist Colliander
Materialia. Vol. 15
Journal article

Characterization of as-deposited cold sprayed Cr-coating on Optimized ZIRLO™ claddings

Andrea Fazi, Hisham Aboulfadl, Anand Harihara Subramonia Iyer et al
Journal of Nuclear Materials. Vol. 549
Journal article

Improving Compositional Accuracy in APT Analysis of Carbides Using a Decreased Detection Efficiency

Deodatta Shinde, Mattias Thuvander, Arbab Rehan et al
Microscopy and Microanalysis. Vol. 25 (2), p. 454-461
Journal article

Multiple Influences of Molybdenum on the Precipitation Process in a Martensitic PH Stainless Steel

Mattias Thuvander, Marcus Andersson, Krystyna Marta Stiller
Metals. Vol. 9 (10)
Journal article

Microscale fracture of chromia scales

Anand Harihara Subramonia Iyer, Gaurav Mohanty, Krystyna Marta Stiller et al
Materialia. Vol. 8
Journal article

Elemental Distribution in CrNbTaTiW-C High Entropy Alloy Thin Films

Deodatta Shinde, Stefan Fritze, Mattias Thuvander et al
Microscopy and Microanalysis. Vol. 25 (2), p. 489-500
Journal article

Thermal ageing of low alloy steel weldments from a Swedish nuclear power plant - the evolution of the microstructure

Kristina Lindgren, Magnus Boåsen, Krystyna Marta Stiller et al
Fontevraud 9: Contribution of Materials Investigations and Operating Experience to Light Water NPPs' Safety, Performance and Reliability
Paper in proceeding

Room temperature plasticity in thermally grown sub-micron oxide scales revealed by micro-cantilever bending

Anand Harihara Subramonia Iyer, Krystyna Marta Stiller, Magnus Hörnqvist Colliander
Scripta Materialia. Vol. 144, p. 9-12
Journal article

Cluster formation in in-service thermally aged pressurizer welds

Kristina Lindgren, M. Boasen, Krystyna Marta Stiller et al
Journal of Nuclear Materials. Vol. 504, p. 23-28
Journal article

On the effect of preoxidation of nickel alloy X-750

Silvia Tuzi, Kenneth Göransson, Fang Liu et al
Minerals, Metals and Materials Series. Vol. Part F11, p. 407-416
Paper in proceeding

Transparent Ru–Si–O/In–Ga–Zn–O MESFETs on flexible polymer substrates

J. Kaczmarski, A. Taube, M. A. Borysiewicz et al
IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices. Vol. 65 (1), p. 129-135
Journal article

Evolution of precipitation in reactor pressure vessel steel welds under neutron irradiation

Kristina Lindgren, M. Boasen, Krystyna Marta Stiller et al
Journal of Nuclear Materials. Vol. 488, p. 222-230
Journal article

Interfaces in Oxides Formed on NiAlCr Doped with Y, Hf, Ti, and B

Torben Boll, K.A. Unocic, B.A. Pint et al
Microscopy and Microanalysis. Vol. 23 (2), p. 396-403
Journal article

Corrosion of pre-oxidized nickel alloy X-750 in simulated BWR environment

Silvia Tuzi, Haiping Lai, Kenneth Göransson et al
Journal of Nuclear Materials. Vol. 486 (1 April), p. 350-360
Journal article

On the Analysis of Clustering in an Irradiated Low Alloy Reactor Pressure Vessel Steel Weld

Kristina Lindgren, Krystyna Marta Stiller, P. Efsing et al
Microscopy and Microanalysis. Vol. 23 (2), p. 376-384
Journal article

Grain Boundary Chemistry and Transport Through Alumina Scales on NiAl Alloys

Torben Boll, K.A. Unocic, B.A. Pint et al
Oxidation of Metals. Vol. 88 (3-4), p. 469-479
Journal article

Intergranular Oxidation Effects During Dwell-Time Fatigue of High-Strength Superalloys

Ulrich Krupp, K. Wackermann, H. J. Christ et al
Oxidation of Metals. Vol. 88 (1 (SI)), p. 3-14
Journal article

Influence of dwell time on fatigue crack propagation in Alloy 718 laser welds

Anand Harihara Subramonia Iyer, Krystyna Marta Stiller, Gunnar Leijon et al
Materials Science & Engineering A: Structural Materials: Properties, Microstructure and Processing. Vol. 704, p. 440-447
Journal article

Crack Growth Studies in a welded Ni-base superalloy

Anand Harihara Subramonia Iyer, Krystyna Marta Stiller, Magnus Hörnqvist Colliander
Solid State Phenomena. Vol. 258 SSP, p. 237-240
Paper in proceeding

Atom probe tomography of interfaces in ceramic films and oxide scales

Krystyna Marta Stiller, Mattias Thuvander, I. Povstugar et al
MRS Bulletin. Vol. 41 (1), p. 35-39
Journal article

Controlling In-Ga-Zn-O thin films transport properties through density changes

J. Kaczmarski, Torben Boll, M. A. Borysiewicz et al
Thin Solid Films. Vol. 608, p. 57-61
Journal article

Oxide evolution on Alloy X-750 in simulated BWR environment

Silvia Tuzi, Kenneth Göransson, Seikh Mohammad Habibur Rahman et al
Journal of Nuclear Materials. Vol. 482, p. 19-27
Journal article

Self-organized nanostructuring in Zr0.69Al0.31N thin films studied by atom probe tomography

L. J. S. Johnson, N. Ghafoor, D. Engberg et al
Thin Solid Films. Vol. 615, p. 233-238
Journal article

An APT investigation of an amorphous Cr-B-C thin film

Torben Boll, Mattias Thuvander, Sabrina Koch et al
Ultramicroscopy. Vol. 159, p. 217-222
Journal article

Multi-scale, multi-technique investigation of oxidation assisted cracking

Magnus Hörnqvist Colliander, Leif Viskari, Katie L. Moore et al
9th International Conference on Microscopy of Oxidation
Other conference contribution

High-temperature crack growth in a Ni-base superalloy during sustained load

Magnus Hörnqvist Colliander, Leif Viskari, Katie L. Moore et al
Materials Science & Engineering A: Structural Materials: Properties, Microstructure and Processing. Vol. 609, p. 131-140
Journal article

Blind deconvolution of time-of-flight mass spectra from atom probe tomography

L. J. S. Johnson, Mattias Thuvander, Krystyna Marta Stiller et al
Ultramicroscopy. Vol. 132, p. 60-64
Journal article

Fracture mechanisms during intergranular hold time fatigue crack growth in Inconel 718 superalloy

S. Johansson, Leif Viskari, Krystyna Marta Stiller et al
13th International Conference on Fracture 2013, ICF 2013; Beijing; China; 16 June 2013 through 21 June 2013. Vol. 3, p. 1833-1841
Paper in proceeding

High Temperature Corrosion of Ni-Based Alloys SCA425+and IN792

Haiping Lai, Yu Cao, P. Viklund et al
Oxidation of Metals. Vol. 80 (5-6), p. 505-516
Journal article

A method for investigation of hot corrosion by gaseous Na2SO4

Pavleta Knutsson, Haiping Lai, Krystyna Marta Stiller
Corrosion Science. Vol. 73, p. 230-236
Journal article

Atom probe tomography of thermally grown oxide scale on FeCrAl

Fang Liu, Krystyna Marta Stiller
Ultramicroscopy. Vol. 132, p. 279-284
Journal article

Atom probe tomography of oxide scales

Krystyna Marta Stiller, Leif Viskari, Gustav Sundell et al
Oxidation of Metals. Vol. 79 (3-4), p. 227-238
Journal article

Atom probe tomography investigation of lath boundary segregation and precipitation in a maraging stainless steel

Mattias Thuvander, MARCUS ANDERSSON, Krystyna Marta Stiller
Ultramicroscopy. Vol. 132, p. 265-270
Journal article

Intergranular crack tip oxidation in a Ni-base superalloy

Leif Viskari, Magnus Hörnqvist Colliander, K. L. Moore et al
Acta Materialia. Vol. 61 (10), p. 3630-3639
Journal article

Precipitation process of martensitic PH stainless steel Nanoflex

Mattias Thuvander, MARCUS ANDERSSON, Krystyna Marta Stiller
Materials Science and Technology. Vol. 28 (6), p. 695-701
Journal article

Spinodal decomposition of Ti0.33Al0.67N thin films studied by atom probe tomography

L. J. S. Johnson, Mattias Thuvander, Krystyna Marta Stiller et al
Thin Solid Films. Vol. 520 (13), p. 4362-4368
Journal article

Using atom probe tomography to analyse MAX-phase materials

Marie Sonestedt, Krystyna Marta Stiller
Ultramicroscopy. Vol. 111 (6), p. 642-647
Journal article

The influence of platinum on the oxidation and sodium sulfate induced hot corrosion of NiAl diffusion coatings

Haiping Lai, Pavleta Knutsson, Krystyna Marta Stiller
Materials at High Temperatures. Vol. 28 (4), p. 302-308
Journal article

Oxygen influenced intergranular crack propagation: analysing microstructure and chemistry in the crack tip region

Leif Viskari, S. Johansson, Krystyna Marta Stiller
Materials at High Temperatures. Vol. 28 (4), p. 336-341
Journal article

Atom probe tomography of Ni-base superalloys Allvac 718Plus and Alloy 718

Leif Viskari, Krystyna Marta Stiller
Ultramicroscopy. Vol. 111 (6), p. 652-658
Journal article

Towards quantitative three-dimensional characterisation of buried InAs quantum dots

S. Kadkhodazadeh, E. S. Semenova, M. Schubert et al
Journal of Physics: Conference Series. Vol. 326 (1)
Paper in proceeding

Quantitative atom probe analysis of carbides

Mattias Thuvander, Jonathan Weidow, Jenny Angseryd et al
Ultramicroscopy. Vol. 111 (6), p. 604-608
Journal article

Grain boundary microstructure and fatigue crack growth in Allvac 718Plus superalloy

Leif Viskari, Yu Cao, Mats Norell et al
Materials Science & Engineering A: Structural Materials: Properties, Microstructure and Processing. Vol. 528 (6), p. 2570-2580
Journal article

Hold-time fatigue crack growth of Allvac 718Plus

M. Hörnqvist, Leif Viskari, Krystyna Marta Stiller et al
7th International Symposium on Superalloy 718 and Derivatives 2010. Pittsburgh, 10-13 October 2010. Vol. 2, p. 705-717
Paper in proceeding

Oxidation of Ti2AlC bulk and spray deposited coatings

Marie Sonestedt, J. Frodelius, M. Sundberg et al
Corrosion Science. Vol. 52 (12), p. 3955-3961
Journal article

Microstructure of high velocity oxy-fuel sprayed Ti2AlC coatings

Marie Sonestedt, J. Frodelius, J. P. Palmquist et al
Journal of Materials Science. Vol. 45 (10), p. 2760-2769
Journal article

Influence of Pt on the metal-oxide interface during high temperature oxidation of NiAl bulk materials

Henrik Svensson, Mikael Christensen, Pavleta Knutsson et al
Corrosion Science. Vol. 51 (3), p. 539-546
Journal article

Formation and Healing of Voids at the Metal-Oxide Interface in NiAl Alloys

Henrik Svensson, Pavleta Knutsson, Krystyna Marta Stiller
Oxidation of Metals. Vol. 71 (3-4), p. 143-156
Journal article

Understanding the influence of composition on mechanical properties of ultra high strength maraging steels

Krystyna Marta Stiller, MARCUS ANDERSSON
New Developments on Metallurgy and Applications of High Strength Steels, Buenos Aires 2008 - Proc. Int. Conf. New Developments on Metallurgy and Applications of High Strength Steels. Vol. 2 Physical Metallurgy and Alloy Design, p. 955-962
Paper in proceeding

Ti2AlC coatings deposited by High Velocity Oxy-Fuel spraying

J. Frodelius, Marie Sonestedt, S. Bjorklund et al
Surface and Coatings Technology. Vol. 202 (24), p. 5976-5981
Journal article

Analysis of bulk dielectrics with atom probe tomography

DJ Larson, R. L. Alvis, D. F. Lawrence et al
Microscopy and Microanalysis. Vol. 14 (SUPPL. 2), p. 1254-1255
Journal article

Precipitation in maraging and martensitic chromium steels – what can we learn using 3-DAP and EFTEM

Krystyna Marta Stiller, Hans-Olof Andrén, MARCUS ANDERSSON
Materials Science and Technology. Vol. 24 (6), p. 633-640
Journal article

Oxidation and alkali sulfate-induced corrosion of aluminide diffusion coating with and without platinum

Pavleta Knutsson, Krystyna Marta Stiller
Materials and Corrosion - Werkstoffe und Korrosion. Vol. 59 (6), p. 484-488
Journal article

Comparison of early stages of precipitation in Mo-rich and Mo-poor maraging stainless steels

MARCUS ANDERSSON, Krystyna Marta Stiller, M. Hattestrand
Surface and Interface Analysis. Vol. 39 (2-3), p. 195-200
Journal article

Early stages of phase separation using three-dimensional atom probe and atomistic modelling

Mattias Slabanja, Johan Angenete, Krystyna Marta Stiller et al
Surface and Interface Analysis. Vol. 39, p. 178-
Journal article

Atom probe field ion microscope measurements of carbon segregation at an alpha:alpha grain boundary and service failures by intergranular stress corrosion cracking

Andrej Atrens, Jian Qiu Wang, Krystyna Marta Stiller et al
Corrosion Science. Vol. 48, p. 79-92
Journal article

Oxidation of an inward grown aluminide diffusion coating studied using SEM and TEM

Henrik Svensson, Krystyna Marta Stiller
Materials at High Temperatures. Vol. 22 (3-4), p. 403-410
Journal article

Influence of aging on structure and thermal conductivity of Y-PSZ and Y-FSZ EB-PVD coatings

A. Azzopardi, R. Mévrel, B. Sain-Ramond et al
Surface&Coatings Technology. Vol. 177-178, p. 131-
Journal article

Investigation of the oxide formation during short term oxidation

Henrik Svensson, Krystyna Marta Stiller, Johan Angenete
Materials science forum. Vol. 461-464, p. 231-238
Journal article

Microstructure of oxide scales on aluminide diffusion coatings after short time oxidation at 1050 deg C

Henrik Svensson, Johan Angenete, Krystyna Marta Stiller
Surface & Coatings Technology. Vol. 177-178, p. 152-157
Journal article

Conventional and tomographic atom probe investigations of secondary-hardening carbides

Harald Leitner, Krystyna Marta Stiller, Hans-Olof Andrén et al
Surface and Interface Analysis. Vol. 36A, p. 540-545
Journal article

Microstructural and microchemical development of simple and Pt-modified aluminide diffusion coatings during long term oxidation at 1,050 °C

Johan Angenete, Krystyna Marta Stiller, Eva Bakchinova
Surface and coatings technology. Vol. 176 (3), p. 272-283
Journal article

Oxidation of simple and Pt modified aluminide diffusion coatings on Ni based superalloys - II. Oxide scale failure

Johan Angenete, Krystyna Marta Stiller
Oxidation of Metals. Vol. 60 (1-2), p. 83-101
Journal article

Field evaporation of {001} planes and site occupancy of Pt in beta-NiAl

Johan Angenete, Krystyna Marta Stiller, Frederic Danoix
Materials-Science-&-Engineering-A-(Structural-Materials:-Properties,-Microstructure-and-Processing). Vol. 353 (1-2), p. 67-73
Journal article

Microstructural studies of NiAl-based model alloys and commercial superalloys after isothermal oxidation

Henrik Svensson, Johan Angenete, Krystyna Marta Stiller et al
Materials at high temperatures. Vol. 20 (3), p. 421-428
Journal article

Oxidation of simple and Pt modified aluminide diffusion coatings on Ni based superalloys - I. Oxide scale microstructure

Johan Angenete, Krystyna Marta Stiller, Vratislav Langer
Oxidation of Metals. Vol. 60 (1-2), p. 47-82
Journal article

TEM studies of thermally grown oxide scales on aluminide diffusion coatings

Krystyna Marta Stiller, Johan Angenete
15th International Congress on Electron Microscopy (ICEM-15)
Journal article

Preparation of TEM specimens from fragile oxide films using focused ion beam (FIB)

Johan Angenete, Krystyna Marta Stiller, Henrik Svensson
15th International Congress on Electron Microscopy (ICEM-15)
Journal article

Comparison of inward and outward grown Pt modified aluminide diffusion coatings on a Ni based single crystal superalloy

Johan Angenete, Krystyna Marta Stiller
Surface and coatings technology. Vol. 150 (2-3), p. 107-118
Journal article

Isothermal oxidation of conventional and Pt modified aluminide diffusion coatings on a Ni based superalloy

Johan Angenete, Eva Bakchinova, Krystyna Marta Stiller
Materials science forum. Vol. 369-372 (2), p. 663-670
Journal article

A comparative study of two inward grown Pt modified aluminide diffusion coatings on a single crystal Ni base superalloy

Johan Angenete, Krystyna Marta Stiller
Materials-Science-&-Engineering-A-(Structural-Materials:-Properties,-Microstructure-and-Processing). Vol. 316 (1-2), p. 182-194
Journal article

SEM and TEM studies of PtAl diffusion coatings under isothermal oxidation

Johan Angenete, Krystyna Marta Stiller
Materials at high temperatures. Vol. 17 (2), p. 179-184
Journal article

Investigation of precipitation in an Al-Zn-Mg alloy after two-step ageing at 100 °C and 150 °C

Krystyna Marta Stiller, Paul Warren, Vidar Hansen et al
Materials-Science-&-Engineering-A-(Structural-Materials:-Properties,-Microstructure-and-Processing). Vol. A270, p. 55-63
Journal article

Investigation of microstructural development of PtAl diffusion coatings

Johan Angenete, Eva Bakchinova, Krystyna Marta Stiller
Life assessment of hot section gas turbine components, p. 173-84
Journal article

Isothermal oxidation behaviour of Pt modified aluminide diffusion coatings on a single crystal Ni based superalloy

Johan Angenete, Krystyna Marta Stiller
Materials for advanced power engineering. Vol. 3 (3), p. 1505-11
Journal article

SEM investigations of PtAl diffusion coatings for high temperature oxidation protection of Ni base superalloys

Johan Angenete, Krystyna Marta Stiller
14th International Congress on Electron Microscopy (ICEM-14). Vol. 2 (4), p. 91-92
Journal article

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Showing 6 research projects


Oxidation assisted crack growth in gas turbine materials

Anand Harihara Subramonia Iyer Materials Microstructure
Magnus Hörnqvist Colliander Materials Microstructure
Krystyna Marta Stiller Materials Microstructure
Competence Center for High Temperature Corrosion

1 publication exists

Enhanced material lifing model for rotating welded structures (LIFEMOD)

Krystyna Marta Stiller Materials Microstructure
European Commission (EC)


Innovativ design av funktionella ytskikt i krävande miljöer (FUNCASE)

Krystyna Marta Stiller Materials Microstructure
Swedish Foundation for Strategic Research (SSF)


Grain boundary chemistry and transport in oxides on an atomic scale

Krystyna Marta Stiller Materials Microstructure
Swedish Energy Agency


Mekanismer bakom spricktillväxt i superlegeringar

Krystyna Marta Stiller Materials Microstructure
Swedish Foundation for Strategic Research (SSF)


Mekanismer för korrosion hos nickelbas-superlegeringen X-75

Krystyna Marta Stiller Materials Microstructure
Westinghouse Electric Sweden AB

There might be more projects where Marta Krystyna Stiller participates, but you have to be logged in as a Chalmers employee to see them.