Gunnar Westman
Gunnar Westman is professor in organic chemistry. The overall goal of his research is to modify and find new uses for wood-based products.
The research is largely focused on cellulose modification. The goal is to develop new and green materials such as cardboard, textile fibers and nano fibers. Another part of the research is focused on the synthesis of lignin-carbohydrate models that can be used for the development of new chemical modifications of wood.

Showing 118 publications
Alkyl ketene dimer modification of thermomechanical pulp promotes processability with polypropylene
The glass transition temperature of isolated native, residual, and technical lignin
Cellulose nanocrystal dispersions conjugated with symmetric and asymmetric dialkylamine groups
Kinetics of Periodate-Mediated Oxidation of Cellulose
Challenges in nano-structured fluid flows for assembly into hierarchical biomaterials
Insights into Photosensitized Reactions for Upgrading Lignin
Sunlight promoted removal of toxic hexavalent chromium by cellulose derived photoactive carbon dots
Phase transitions of cellulose nanocrystal suspensions from nonlinear oscillatory shear
Screening of hydrogen bonds in modified cellulose acetates with alkyl chain substitutions
Visible-Light-Promoted Photocatalytic Applications of Carbon Dots: A Review
Composition and structure of cell wall ulvans recovered from Ulva spp. along the Swedish west coast
Hot-mould foaming of modified hemicelluloses and hydroxypropyl methylcellulose
New features of arabinoxylan ethers revealed by using multivariate analysis
Composites with surface-grafted cellulose nanocrystals (CNC)
Gel point in CNC dispersion from FT Rheology
Arabinoxylan and Nanocellulose from a Kilogram-scale Extraction of Barley Husk
A revised solid-state NMR method to assess the crystallinity of cellulose
Thermoplastic and flexible films from arabinoxylan
Electroosmotic dewatering of cellulose nanocrystals
Surface treatment of cellulose nanocrystals (CNC): effects on dispersion rheology
Periodate oxidation of xylan-based hemicelluloses and its effect on their thermal properties
Mechanistic characterization of a copper containing thiosemicarbazone with potent antitumor activity
The Paper Boat: building a composite Optimist dinghy with cellulose fiber and epoxy matrix
Co-Solvent Facilitated in situ Esterification of Cellulose in 1-Ethyl-3-Methylimidazolium Acetate
Rheological properties of aqueous nano-cellulosic dispersions
Branching of hemicelluloses through an azetidinium salt ring-opening reaction
Nanocellulose in biocomposites
Musculoskeletal modelling in sports - evaluation of different software tools with focus on swimming
Crystalline Nanocellulose — Preparation, Modification, and Properties
Enhanced Synthesis of Metal-Organic Frameworks on the Surface of Electrospun Cellulose Nanofibers
The molecular properties and carbohydrate content of lignins precipitated from black liquor
Influence of water on swelling and dissolution of cellulose in 1-ethyl-3-methylimidazolium acetate
Investigation and Characterization of Lignin Precipitation in the LignoBoost Process
Effect of methylimidazole on cellulose/ionic liquid solutions and regenerated material therefrom
Direct Dissolution of Cellulose: Background, Means and Applications
Wet Spinning of Cellulose from Ionic Liquid Solutions–Viscometry and Mechanical Performance
Study of the dissolution behavior of wood components in ionic liquid based solutions
Nano-cellulosic materials: The impact of water on their dissolution in DMAc/LiCl
Electron Beam Irradiation of Cellulosic Materials-Opportunities and Limitations
Electrospinning of cellulose nanofibers from ionic liquids: The effect of different cosolvents
The role of 1-methylimidazole as a co-solvent for cellulose in imidazolium based IL solutions
Cellulose processing in ionic liquids using N-methylimidazole as co-solvent
Synthesis of Molecules for Enzymatic and Analytical Studies
Synthesis of Model Compounds for Enzymatic and Analytical Studies
Enzymatic Hydrolysis of Lignin-Carbohydrate Bonds
The first Enzymatic Hydrolysis of Lignin-Carbohydrate Bonds
The first Enzymatic Hydrolysis of Lignin-Carbohydrate Bonds
Self-crosslinking of 2-hydroxypropyl-N-methylmorpholinium chloride cellulose fibres
Synthesis of LCC Model Compounds for Enzyme Discovery
Diphenylthiourea, a common rubber chemical, is bioactivated to potent skin sensitizers
Diepoxide treatment of softwood kraft pulp: influence on absorption properties of fibre networks
Green Production of Materials from Plant Hemicelluloses
Cationic palladacycles as catalyst precursors for phenyl acetylene polymerization
Dissolution and regeneration of wood saccharides in ionic liquids
Kraft pulp hornification: A closer look at the preventive effect gained by glucuronoxylan adsorption
Properties of flexible gels prepared from cellulose derivative and ionic liquid
Thermal and rheological properties of microcrystalline cellulose dissolved in ionic liquids
Properties of flexible gels prepared from cellulose derivative and ionic liquids
Modification of kraft pulp fibres by adsorption of cationized (glucurono)arabinoxylan
Chemical modifications of softwood kraft fibre networks towards an absorption product
Adsorption of cationized barley husk xylan on kraft pulp fibres
Cationic surface functionalization of cellulose nanocrystals
New coupling reagents for homogeneous esterification of cellulose
Tumor-specificity and type of cell death induced by phenoxazines
Benzo [a] phenoxazines: A new group of potent P-glycoprotein inhibitors
Time-resolved electrophoretic analysis of mobility shifts for dissociating DNA ligands
A tetrameric copper(I) alkoxide with a pi-tethered ligand: 2-allyl-6-methylphenoxocopper(I)
Årets nobelpris i kemi till katalytisk syntes av spegelbildsmolekyler
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Showing 6 research projects
PLA-biobased plastic from secondary raw materials
Crystalline nanocellulose for biobased aerospace vehicles
Scale-up of sustainable production of dialdehyde cellulose and diacohol cellulose
Avancell - Vedbaserad Cellulosatextil