Mario Zanon

Showing 49 publications


Simultaneously Stabilizing Networked Systems with Minimal Communication

Alessandro Colombo, Masoud Bahraini, Mario Zanon et al
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control. Vol. 69 (6), p. 3589-3601
Journal article

Experimental Validation of Safe MPC for Autonomous Driving in Uncertain Environments

Ivo Batkovic, Ankit Gupta, Mario Zanon et al
IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology. Vol. 31 (5), p. 2027-2042
Journal article

A Sensitivity-based Heuristic for Vehicle Priority Assignment at Intersections

Muhammad Faris, Paolo Falcone, Mario Zanon
IFAC-PapersOnLine. Vol. 56 (2), p. 4922-4928
Paper in proceeding

Communication Demand Minimization for Perturbed Networked Control Systems with Coupled Constraints

Masoud Bahraini, Mario Zanon, Alessandro Colombo et al
Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, p. 3468-3473
Paper in proceeding

Model Predictive Control for Safe Autonomous Driving Applications

Ivo Batkovic, Mario Zanon, Paolo Falcone
Lecture Notes in Intelligent Transportation and Infrastructure. Vol. Part F1376, p. 255-282
Book chapter

Safe Trajectory Tracking in Uncertain Environments

Ivo Batkovic, Mohammad Ali, Paolo Falcone et al
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control. Vol. 68 (7), p. 4204-4217
Journal article

Scheduling and Robust Invariance in Networked Control Systems

Masoud Bahraini, Mario Zanon, Paolo Falcone et al
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control. Vol. 67 (6), p. 3075-3082
Journal article

Robust Control Invariance for Networked Control Systems with Output Feedback

Masoud Bahraini, Alessandro Colombo, Mario Zanon et al
Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Decision and Control. Vol. 2022-December, p. 7676-7681
Paper in proceeding

Optimal scheduling and control for constrained multi-agent networked control systems

Masoud Bahraini, Mario Zanon, Alessandro Colombo et al
Optimal Control Applications and Methods. Vol. 43 (1), p. 23-43
Journal article

Optimisation-based coordination of connected, automated vehicles at intersections

Robert Hult, Mario Zanon, Sebastien Gros et al
Vehicle System Dynamics. Vol. 58 (5), p. 726-747
Journal article

Optimization-based Coordination of Connected, Automated Vehicles at Intersections

Robert Hult, Mario Zanon, Sebastien Gros et al
Vehicle System Dynamics. Vol. 58 (5), p. 726-747
Journal article

Experimental validation of a semi-distributed sequential quadratic programming method for optimal coordination of automated vehicles at intersections

Robert Hult, Mario Zanon, G. Frison et al
Optimal Control Applications and Methods. Vol. 41 (4), p. 1068-1096
Journal article

From linear to nonlinear MPC: bridging the gap via the real-time iteration

Sébastien Gros, Mario Zanon, Rien Quirynen et al
International Journal of Control. Vol. 93 (1), p. 62-80
Journal article

Practical reinforcement learning of stabilizing economic MPC

Mario Zanon, Sebastien Gros, Alberto Bemporad
2019 18th European Control Conference, ECC 2019, p. 2258-2263
Paper in proceeding

Day-ahead scheduling and real-time Economic MPC of CHP unit in Microgrid with Smart buildings

Josip Vasilj, Sébastien Gros, Damir Jakus et al
IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid. Vol. 10 (2), p. 1992-2001
Journal article

Optimal Coordination of Automated Vehicles at Intersections: Theory and Experiments

Robert Hult, Mario Zanon, Sébastien Gros et al
IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology. Vol. 27 (6), p. 2510-2525
Journal article

Real-Time Constrained Trajectory Planning and Vehicle Control for Proactive Autonomous Driving with Road Users

Ivo Batkovic, Mario Zanon, Paolo Falcone et al
2019 18th European Control Conference, ECC 2019, p. 256-262
Paper in proceeding

Optimal Coordination of Automated Vehicles at Intersections with Turns

Robert Hult, Mario Zanon, Sébastien Gros et al
2019 18th European Control Conference, ECC 2019, p. 225-230
Paper in proceeding

A Quantification of the Performance Loss of Power Averaging in Airborne Wind Energy Farms

Elena Malz, Mario Zanon, Sébastien Gros
2018 European Control Conference, ECC 2018, p. 58-63
Paper in proceeding

Numerical Optimal Control with Periodicity Constraints in the Presence of Invariants

Sébastien Gros, Mario Zanon
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control. Vol. 63 (9), p. 2818-2832
Journal article

Experimental Validation of Distributed Optimal Vehicle Coordination

Mario Zanon, Robert Hult, Sébastien Gros et al
2018 European Control Conference (ECC), p. 1511-1516
Paper in proceeding

Economic MPC without terminal constraints: Gradient-correcting end penalties enforce asymptotic stability

Mario Zanon, Timm Faulwasser
Journal of Process Control. Vol. 63, p. 1-14
Journal article

A Computationally Efficient Model for Pedestrian Motion Prediction

Ivo Batkovic, Mario Zanon, Nils Lübbe et al
, p. 374-375
Paper in proceeding

An MIQP-based heuristic for Optimal Coordination of Vehicles at Intersections

Robert Hult, Mario Zanon, Sébastien Gros et al
Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Decision and Control. Vol. 2018-December, p. 2783-2790
Paper in proceeding

Distributed Control Algorithm for Vehicle Coordination at Traffic Intersections

Jiahe Shi, Yi Zheng, Yuning Jiang et al
2018 European Control Conference, ECC 2018, p. 1161-1171
Paper in proceeding

Optimal Scheduling of Downlink Communication for a Multi-Agent System with a Central Observation Post

Mario Zanon, Themistoklis Charalambous, Henk Wymeersch et al
IEEE Control Systems Letters. Vol. 2
Journal article

Energy-Optimal Coordination of Autonomous Vehicles at Intersections

Robert Hult, Mario Zanon, Sébastien Gros et al
2018 European Control Conference (ECC), p. 602-607
Paper in proceeding

A Periodic Tracking MPC that is Locally Equivalent to Periodic Economic MPC

Mario Zanon, Sébastien Gros, Moritz Diehl
IFAC-PapersOnLine. Vol. 50 (1), p. 10711-10716
Paper in proceeding

A Sparsity Preserving Convexification Procedure for Indefinite Quadratic Programs Arising in Direct Optimal Control

R. Verschueren, Mario Zanon, R. Quirynen et al
SIAM Journal on Optimization. Vol. 27 (3), p. 2085-2109
Journal article

Direct optimal control and model predictive control

Mario Zanon, Andrea Boccia, Vryan Gil S. Palma et al
Lecture Notes in Mathematics. Vol. 2180, p. 263-382
Journal article

Periodic Optimal Control, Dissipativity and MPC

Mario Zanon, L. Grune, M. Diehl
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control. Vol. 62 (6), p. 2943-2949
Journal article

On the Resource Allocation Problem in Wireless Networked Control Systems

Themistoklis Charalambous, Ayca Ozcelikkale, Mario Zanon et al
IEEE Conference on Decision and Control. Vol. 2018-January, p. 4147-4154
Paper in proceeding

An Asynchronous Algorithm for Optimal Vehicle Coordination at Traffic Intersections

Mario Zanon, Sébastien Gros, Henk Wymeersch et al
IFAC-PapersOnLine. Vol. 50 (1), p. 12008-12014
Paper in proceeding

Penalty Functions for Handling Large Deviation of Quadrature States in NMPC

Sébastien Gros, Mario Zanon
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control. Vol. 62 (8), p. 3848-3860
Journal article

Distributed Algorithm for Optimal Vehicle Coordination at Traffic Intersections

Yuning Jiang, Mario Zanon, Robert Hult et al
IFAC-PapersOnLine. Vol. 50 (1), p. 11577-11582
Paper in proceeding

A Distributed Algorithm for Optimal Vehicle Coordination at Traffic Intersecitons

Yuning Jiang, Mario Zanon, Robert Hult et al
Proceedings of the 20th World Congress of the International Federation of Automatic Control
Paper in proceeding

A tracking MPC formulation that is locally equivalent to economic MPC

Mario Zanon, Sébastien Gros, M. Diehl
Journal of Process Control. Vol. 45, p. 30-42
Journal article

Time-optimal Race Car Driving using an Online Exact Hessian based Nonlinear MPC Algorithm

Robin Verschueren, Mario Zanon, Rien Quirynen et al
Proceedings of the European Control Conference, p. 141-147
Paper in proceeding

Primal decomposition of the optimal coordination of vehicles at traffic intersections

Robert Hult, Mario Zanon, Sébastien Gros et al
2016 IEEE 55th Conference on Decision and Control, CDC 2016. Vol. 2016 (55), p. Art no 7798649, Pages 2567-2573
Paper in proceeding

Model Predictive Control of Nonholonomic Mobile Robots without Stabilizing Constraints and Costs

Karl Worthmann, Mohamed W. Mehrez, Mario Zanon et al
IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology. Vol. 24 (4), p. 1394-1406
Journal article

Control of Dual-Airfoil Airborne Wind Energy Systems Based on Nonlinear MPC and MHE

Mario Zanon, Greg Horn, Sébastien Gros et al
European Control Conference
Paper in proceeding

Airborne Wind Energy Based on Dual Airfoils

Mario Zanon, Sébastien Gros, Joel Andersson et al
IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology. Vol. 21 (4), p. 1215-1222
Journal article

A Relaxation Strategy for the Optimization of Airborne Wind Energy Systems

Sébastien Gros, Mario Zanon, Moritz Diehl
European Control Conference
Paper in proceeding

Control of Rigid-Airfoil Airborne Wind Energy Systems

Mario Zanon, Sébastien Gros, M. Diehl
Airborne Wind Book
Book chapter

Control of Airborne Wind Energy Systems Based on NMPC and MHE

Sébastien Gros, Mario Zanon, Moritz Diehl
European Control Conference
Paper in proceeding

Rotational Start-up of Tethered Airplanes Based on NMPC and MHE

Mario Zanon, Sébastien Gros, Moritz Diehl
European Control Conference
Paper in proceeding

Nonlinear Model Predictive Control and Moving Horizon Estimation for Mechanical Multi-Body Systems with Application to Fast Tethered Airplanes

Sébastien Gros, Mario Zanon, M. Diehl
IFAC Nonlinear Model Predictive Control
Paper in proceeding

Orbit Control for a Power Generating Airfoil Based on Nonlinear MPC

Sébastien Gros, Mario Zanon, M. Diehl
American Control Conference
Paper in proceeding

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