Ceren Altuntas Vural
Ceren Altuntas Vural är universitetslektor och Docent på avdelningen Supply and Operations Management.

Visar 49 publikationer
Supply chain sustainability, risk and transformational tension: a systems perspective
Life after use: circular supply chains for second-life of electric vehicle batteries
Digital transformation of maritime logistics: Exploring trends in the liner shipping segment
Guest editorial: NOFOMA 2021 conference special issue
Assessing the eco-efficiency benefits of empty container repositioning strategies via dry ports
Logistics service providers’ energy efficiency initiatives for environmental sustainability
Why do some sustainable urban logistics innovations fail? The case of collection and delivery points
Sustainable brand positioning by container shipping firms: Evidence from social media communications
Value-Added Services at Dry Ports: Balancing the Perspectives of Different Stakeholders
Energy efficiency in logistics through service modularity: the case of household waste
Logistics service providers' energy efficiency initiatives for environmental sustainability
Can digitalization mitigate barriers to intermodal transport? An exploratory study
A value chain analysis of a seaport from the perspective of Industry 4.0
Drivers and Barriers for Inland Waterway Transportation
Value co-creation in maritime logistics networks: A service triad perspective
Logistics service triad for household waste: consumers as co-producers of sustainability
Sustainability Issues in Asian Fashion Supply Chains: Retailers Versus Suppliers
Servitization and logistics: Building a service-based typology
Drivers of and Barriers against Market Orientation: A Study on Turkish Container Ports
To manage or not to manage: Sustainability-risk interaction in the supply chain
Drivers and Barriers for Inland Waterway Transportation–Lessons Learnt
Sustainable development through logistics service modularity: The case of household waste
Exploring value-in-use of logistics services: The role of operant resources
Embedding social innovation process into the institutional context: Voids or supports
Service-dominant logic and supply chain management: A systematic literature review
Customer Segmentation for Marinas: Evaluating Marinas as Destinations
Supporting Healthcare Executive Managers' Decisions Through Dashboards
Social Responsibility Education across Europe: A Comparative Approach
Social Responsibility Education in Turkey
Green Marketing: A Conceptual Framework and Suggestions for Industrial Services Marketing
Freight Forwarding Services in Maritime Transportation
Changing Attitudes of University Students towards Socially Responsible Consumption
Sustainable Supply Chain Management in the Fast Fashion Industry: An Analysis of Corporate Reports
Contemporary Issues in Corporate Social Responsibility
Sustainable Supply Chain Management
A Longitudinal Study on Newcomers’ Perception of Organisational Culture
Greening Logistics Centers: The Evolution of Industrial Buying Criteria Towards Green
Ethics of Social Responsibility to Indirect Stakeholders: A Strategic Perspective
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Visar 7 forskningsprojekt
Circularity for EV batteries: Integrating the circular supply chain and logistics perspectives
CIRCLOG: Cirkulära logistiktjänster som möjliggörare av kontinuerliga resursflöden
Linjesjöfartens roll för robusta försörjningskedjor
Ökad transporteffektivitet genom minskad tompositionering av containrar