Jon Bokrantz
Jon Bokrantz is Assistant Professor at the Department of Industrial and Materials Science. His research focuses on production and operations management with a special emphasis on industrial maintenance. His research interests include the interplay of technology, people and organization, especially in the context of advancing and diffusing digital technologies to maximize operational performance.

Visar 44 publikationer
Realising the promises of artificial intelligence in manufacturing by enhancing CRISP-DM
Unravelling supply chain complexity in maintenance operations of battery production
Enhancing Digital Twins With Deep Reinforcement Learning: A Use Case in Maintenance Prioritization
The role of maintenance in company-specific production systems
Challenges and opportunities to advance manufacturing research for sustainable battery life cycles
Towards a multi-level understanding of supply chain complexity
Understanding Stakeholder Requirements for Digital Twins In Manufacturing Maintenance
A Collaborative Digital Platform for Root Cause Analysis in a Value Chain
Building and testing necessity theories in supply chain management
Domain Knowledge in CRISP-DM: An Application Case in Manufacturing
Battery Production Systems: State of the Art and Future Developments
Adoption patterns and performance implications of Smart Maintenance
Hindering Factors in Smart Maintenance Implementation
Improved root cause analysis supporting resilient production systems
Prioritisation of root cause analysis in production disturbance management
Development of digitalised maintenance - A concept
Perspectives on the Future of Maintenance Engineering Education
Dealing with resistance to the use of Industry 4.0 technologies in production disturbance management
Artificial intelligence for throughput bottleneck analysis – State-of-the-art and future directions
Factors influencing maintenance-related investments in industry: a multiple-case study
A Strategy Development Process for Smart Maintenance Implementation
Smart Maintenance: an empirically grounded conceptualization
Smart Maintenance: a research agenda for industrial maintenance management
A data-driven approach to diagnosing throughput bottlenecks from a maintenance perspective
Performance indicators for measuring the effects of Smart Maintenance
Smart Maintenance: Instrument Development, Content Validation and an Empirical Pilot
A generic hierarchical clustering approach for detecting bottlenecks in manufacturing
A prognostic algorithm to prescribe improvement measures on throughput bottlenecks
Quantifying the Effects of Maintenance - a Literature Review of Maintenance Models
Data Quality Problems in Discrete Event Simulation of Manufacturing Operations
On the Interplay between Platform Concept Development and Production Maintenance
On the Transformation of Maintenance Organisations in Digitalised Manufacturing
Maintenance in digitalised manufacturing: Delphi-based scenarios for 2030
Identification of maintenance improvement potential using OEE assessment
Handling of Production Disturbances in the Manufacturing Industry
A Methodology for Continuous Quality Assurance of Production Data
Planning of Maintenance Activities – A current state mapping in industry
Lean Principles and Engineering Tools in Maintenance Organizations - A Survey Study
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Visar 9 forskningsprojekt
Maintenance of Battery Production (MATTER)
MATTER - Maintenance of Battery Production
Integrated Manufacturing Analytics Platform för Prediktivt Underhåll med IoT
DFusion Data Fusion av störningsdata
Life Cycle Centered Organizations LCCO
Smart mainTenance i Energi-Produktion, steg 2 - STEP2
SMASh – Smart Maintenance Assessment
StreaMod - Effektiv modellering och beslutsstöd för faktabaserad produktionsutveckling