Göran Adolfsson
Visar 25 publikationer
Growth of dilute nitrides and 1.3 μm edge emitting lasers on GaAs by MBE
Dilute Nitride Lasers and Spectrally Engineered Semiconductor Laser Resonators
1.3 µm Dilute Nitride Edge Emitting Lasers on GaAs
Direct observation of lateral carrier diffusion in ridge waveguide InGaNAs lasers
Dilute Nitrides and 1.3 μm GaInNAs Quantum Well Lasers on GaAs
10 Gb/s uncooled dilute nitride optical transmitters operating at 1300 nm
1.3 µm GaInNAs Edge Emitting Lasers Grown by Molecular Beam Epitaxy
Threshold and Temperature Characteristics of InGa(N)As-GaAs Multiple Quantum Well Lasers
Thermal performance investigation of DQW GaInNAs laser diodes
1.3 µm GaInNAs Edge Emitting Lasers on GaAs Grown by Molecular Beam Epitaxy (invited paper)
Very Low Threshold Current Density 1.29 µm GaInNAs Triple Quantum Well Lasers Grown by MBE
Static and dynamic performance optimization of a 1.3 µm GaInNAs ridge waveguide laser
High Performance 1.3 μm GaInNAs Quantum Well Lasers on GaAs
Dilute Nitrides and 1.3 µm GaInNAs/GaAs Quantum Well Lasers on GaAs (invited paper)
Static and dynamic performance optimisation of a 1.3 mu m GaInNAs ridge waveguide laser
Very Low Threshold Current Density 1.292 µm GaInNAs Triple Quantum Well Lasers
On the Temperature Dependence of the Threshold Current for GaInNAs/GaAs Quantum-Well Lasers
GaAs based 1.3 µm quantum well lasers grown by molecular beam epitaxy
Suppression of Phase Error in Differential Phase-Shift Keying Data by Amplitude Regeneration
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