Kati Hanhineva
Visar 20 publikationer
Metabolic changes in response to varying whole-grain wheat and rye intake
Associations of PFAS-related plasma metabolites with cholesterol and triglyceride concentrations
Diet- and microbiota-related metabolite, 5-aminovaleric acid betaine (5-AVAB), in health and disease
Grains - a major source of sustainable protein for health
Risk assessment with gut microbiome and metabolite markers in NAFLD development
Microbiota-derived metabolites as drivers of gut–brain communication
Defining the Scope of Exposome Studies and Research Needs from a Multidisciplinary Perspective
Application of Metabolomics for the Assessment of Health Effects of Whole grain Foods
“Notame”: Workflow for non-targeted LC-MS metabolic profiling
Side-stream products of malting: a neglected source of phytochemicals
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