Kirsten Knudsen
Kirsten Kraiberg Knudsens forskning handlar främst om galaxbildning och dess evolution. Kirsten fokuserar särskilt på stjärnbildande galaxer på kosmologiska distanser.
Kirsten får medel från VR samt KAW som en Wallenberg Academy Fellow. Kirsten har tidigare varit ledamot i Sveriges unga akademi.
Hon är institutionens viceprefekt för nyttiggörande.

Visar 92 publikationer
The kinematics of massive high-redshift dusty star-forming galaxies
Behind the dust veil: A panchromatic view of an optically dark galaxy at z = 4.82
The M <inf>·</inf> σ<inf>e</inf> relation for local type 1 AGNs and quasars
Gas conditions of a star-formation selected sample in the first billion years
A novel high-z submm galaxy efficient line survey in ALMA Bands 3 through 8-an ANGELS pilot
ALMA Lensing Cluster Survey: Deep 1.2 mm Number Counts and Infrared Luminosity Functions at z ≃ 1-8
Big Three Dragons: Molecular Gas in a Bright Lyman-break Galaxy at z = 7.15
A variable active galactic nucleus at z = 2.06 triply-imaged by the galaxy cluster MACS J0035.4−2015
The Gas and Stellar Content of a Metal-poor Galaxy at z = 8.496 as Revealed by JWST and ALMA
VLA detects CO(1 0) emission in the z = 3.65 quasar SDSS J160705+533558
Detection of companion galaxies around hot dust-obscured hyper-luminous galaxy W0410-0913
ALMA Reveals Extended Cool Gas and Hot Ionized Outflows in a Typical Star-forming Galaxy at Z=7.13
Characterization of Two 2 mm detected Optically Obscured Dusty Star-forming Galaxies
Accurate dust temperature determination in a z = 7.13 galaxy
Measurements of the Dust Properties in z similar or equal to 1-3 Submillimeter Galaxies with ALMA
ALMA Lensing Cluster Survey: A strongly lensed multiply imaged dusty system at z ≥ 6
ALMA detects molecular gas in the halo of the powerful radio galaxy TXS 0828+193
Detection of H<inf>2</inf>O and OH<sup>+</sup>in z > 3 hot dust-obscured galaxies
SMM J04135+10277: a distant QSO-starburst system caught by ALMA
LINESTACKER: A spectral line stacking tool for interferometric data
The e-MERGE Survey (e-MERLIN Galaxy Evolution Survey): overview and survey description
A spectral stacking analysis to search for faint outflow signatures in z ∼6 quasars
Panchromatic modeling of the extremely luminous dust-obscured quasars at the cosmic noon
Physical Characterization of an Unlensed, Dusty Star-forming Galaxy at z = 5.85
ALMA Detections of CO Emission in the Most Luminous, Heavily Dust-obscured Quasars at z > 3
The Spectral Energy Distribution of the Hyperluminous, Hot Dust-obscured Galaxy W2246-0526
A direct calibration of thtae IRX-β relation in Lyman-break Galaxies at z = 3-5
Measuring size evolution of distant, faint galaxies in the radio regime
The SCUBA-2 850 mu m Follow-up of WISE-selected, Luminous Dust-obscured Quasars
Evolution of cosmic star formation in the SCUBA-2 Cosmology Legacy Survey
The SCUBA-2 Cosmology Legacy Survey: 850 μm maps, catalogues and number counts
A merger in the dusty, z=7.5 galaxy A1689-zD1?
Kiloparsec-Scale Dust Disks in High-Redshift Luminous Submillimeter Galaxies
A resolved map of the infrared excess in a Lyman Break Galaxy at z= 3
Estimating sizes of faint, distant galaxies in the submillimetre regime
C II emission in z similar to 6 strongly lensed, star-forming galaxies
Stacking of SKA data: comparing uv-plane and and image-plane stacking
Stacking of Interferometric Data: New Tools for Stacking of ALMA Data
Stacking of large interferometric data sets in the image- and uv-domain - a comparative study
A dusty, normal galaxy in the epoch of reionization
The SCUBA-2 Cosmology Legacy Survey: the submillimetre properties of Lyman-break galaxies at z=3-5
Shaping ESO2020+ Together: Feedback from the Community Poll
Physical conditions of the gas in an ALMA C II -identified submillimetre galaxy at z=4.44
Stacking of interferometric data
Herschel-PACS observations of [O I]63 μm towards submillimetre galaxies at z~1
Observations of molecules in high redshift galaxies
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Visar 3 forskningsprojekt
The Origin and Fate of Dust in Our Universe
Galaxers utveckling: Spår av gas i stjärnbildande galaxer
Galaxers utveckling: Spår av den kosmologiska stjärnbildningens historia