Nicholas Smallbone
Visar 39 publikationer
Lemma Discovery and Strategies for Automated Induction
Binary indexes for optimising corpus queries
QuickerCheck Implementing and Evaluating a Parallel Run-Time for QuickCheck
Exploring Mathematical Conjecturing with Large Language Models
Testing Cyber-Physical Systems Using a Line-Search Falsification Method
Automated Conjecturing in QuickSpec
Twee: An Equational Theorem Prover
Conjectures, tests and proofs: An overview of theory exploration
Enhancing Temporal Logic Falsification with Specification Transformation and Valued Booleans
Template-based Theory Exploration: Discovering Properties of Functional Programs by Testing
Safety at speed: in-place array algorithms from pure functional programs by safely re-using storage
Inferring Morphological Rules from Small Examples using 0/1 Linear Programming
Testing Safety PLCs Using QuickCheck
Evaluating Two Semantics for Falsification using an Autonomous Driving Example
Understanding formal specifications through good examples
Applying valued booleans in testing of cyber-physical systems
Using Valued Booleans to Find Simpler Counterexamples in Random Testing of Cyber-Physical Systems
Efficient Encodings of First-Order Horn Formulas in Equational Logic
Quick Specifications for the Busy Programmer
QuickSpec: a lightweight theory exploration tool for programmers (system demonstration)
Find More Bugs with QuickCheck!
Encoding monomorphic and polymorphic types
Linking Unit Tests and Properties
TIP: Tons of Inductive Problems
Tip: Tools for inductive provers
Hipster: Integrating theory exploration in a proof assistant
Compiling Linear Logic using Continuations
An expressive semantics of mocking
Encoding Monomorphic and Polymorphic Types
Automating Inductive Proofs using Theory Exploration
Accelerating race condition detection through procrastination
Sort it out with monotonicity: translating between many-sorted and unsorted first-order logic
Ranking programs using black box testing
QuickSpec: Guessing Formal Specifications using Testing
Finding Race Conditions in Erlang with QuickCheck and PULSE
Finding Race Conditions in Erlang with Quick Check and PULSE
Finding race conditions in erlang with quickcheck and PULSE
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Visar 2 forskningsprojekt
OptiFun: Fusionsoptimering med funktionell programmering
Systematisk testning av cyberfysiska system (SyTeC)