Fabian Thies
Visar 27 publikationer
Manoeuvring modelling and control design of autonomous vessels on inland waterways
Towards autonomous inland shipping: a manoeuvring model in confined waterways
Propulsive performance of a rigid wingsail with crescent-shaped profiles
Development and performance analysis of a crescent-type sail for WASP applications
Retrofitting WASP to a RoPax vessel - design, performance and uncertainties
Development of a ship performance model for power estimation of inland waterway vessels
Wind-assisted, electric, and pure wind propulsion - the path towards zero-emission RoRo ships
Analysis of uncertainties in the prediction of fuel savings from WASP installations
Performance prediction and design of wind-assisted propulsion systems
Concept design and performance evaluation of a fossil-free operated cargo ship with unlimited range
Concept design and performance evaluation of a fossil free operated cargo ship with unlimited range
Simulation model of a ship’s energy performance and transportation costs
Decarbonizing maritime transport: A Ro-Pax case study
Design, operation and analysis of wind-assisted cargo ships
A 4 DOF simulation model developed for fuel consumption prediction of ships at sea
ShipCLEAN – An integrated model for transport efficiency, economics and CO2 emissions in shipping
A 4 DOF simulation model developed for fuel consumption prediction of ships at sea
A generic energy systems model for efficient ship design and operation
Systems modelling for energy-efficient shipping
Holistic ship energy systems modelling for efficient ship design and operation
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Visar 8 forskningsprojekt
Fossil-free ships: energy demand, production, storage and consumption
WINDSTRUC - vindassisterad framdrift för stora fartyg
WASP - Vindassisterad propulsion på fartyg
Strategiskt forskningsprojekt på Chalmers inom hydro- och aerodynamik
Vindassisterad framdrivning av handelsfartyg
Energieffektivare sjötransporter genom energisystemanalys av fartyg