Tore V Vernersson

Visar 73 publikationer
Analysis and testing of tread braked railway wheel — Effects of hot spots on wheel performance
Improved Finite Element Modelling of Tread Braked Wheel Performance Verified by Brake Rig Tests
Thermomechanical testing and modelling of railway wheel steel
Influence of railway wheel tread damage on wheel–rail impact loads and the durability of wheelsets
Improved modelling of tread braked wheels using an advanced material model
Digitalisation of condition monitoring data as input for fatigue evaluation of wheelsets
Thermomechanical fatigue of grey cast iron brake discs for heavy vehicles
Temperatures and wear at railway tread braking: Field experiments and simulations
Thermomechanical capacity of wheel treads at stop braking: A parametric study
Temperatures and wear at railway tread braking: Field experiments and simulation
Modelling of grey cast iron for application to brake discs for heavy vehicles
Thermal impact on rolling contact fatigue and capacity of railway wheels
Thermal cracking of railway wheels: Towards experimental validation
Thermal capacity of tread-braked railway wheels. Part 1: Modelling
Thermal capacity of tread-braked railway wheels. Part 2: Applications
High Temperature Tread Braking Simulations Employing Advanced Modelling of Wheel Materials
Thermomechanical cracking of railway wheel treads: a combined experimental and numerical approach
Disc brakes for heavy vehicles: An experimental study of temperatures and cracks
Tread braking of railway wheels – temperatures generated by a metro train
Wear of brake blocks for in-service conditions-Influence of the level of modelling
Tread braking – fatigue life of railway wheel webs
Identifying the root causes of damage on the wheels of heavy haul locomotives and its mitigation
Identifying the root causes of damage on the wheels of heavy haul wheel damage phenomena
D-RAIL Deliverable D3.3 — Guidelines on derailment analysis and prevention
Temperature and thermoelastic instability at tread braking using cast iron friction material
Wheel fracture - Sensitivity to extreme loads for two generic wheel designs
D-RAIL Deliverable D3.2 — Analysis and mitigation of derailment, assessment and commercial impact
Temperature and thermoelastic instability of tread braking friction materials
Thermomechanical fatigue of brake disc materials--results from modelling and experiments
Wear of railway brake block materials at elevated temperatures – pin-on-disc experiments
Thermal Cracking of a Railway Wheel Tread due to Tread Braking – Critical Crack Sizes
Tread braking of railway wheels ─ state-of-the-art survey
Railway axle design – to be based on fatigue initiation or crack propagation?
Wear of block brakes and disc brakes for repeated brake cycles
Rolling contact fatigue prediction for rails and comparisons with test rig results
Braking capacity of railway wheels ─ state-of-the-art survey
Railway axle design – to be based on fatigue initiation or crack propagation?
Temperatures at railway tread braking – A parametric study
Temperatures at railway tread braking. Part 2: calibration and numerical examples
Temperatures at railway tread braking. Part 1: modelling
Tread Braking of Railway Wheels - Noise-related Tread Roughness and Dimensioning Wheel Temperatures
Tread braking of railway wheels – wheel and block temperatures and the influence of rail chill
New wheels for 25 and 30 tonne axle loads – design, stresses and geometric stability
New wheelsets for 25 and 30 tonne axle loads
Train-Track Interaction and Mechanisms of Irregular Wear on Wheel and Rail Surfaces
Thermally induced roughness of tread braked railway wheels. Part 2: Modelling and field measurements
Thermally induced roughness of tread braked railway wheels, Part 1: Brake rig experiments
Thermally induced roughness of tread braked railway wheels
Thermally induced roughness of tread braked railway wheels : a noise-related problem
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Visar 8 forskningsprojekt
A holistic model of wheel tread life
Driving research and innovation to push Europe's rail system forward (IN2TRACK3)
Blockbromsning – kapacitet, slitage och livslängd (CHARMEC SD11)
Fr8Rail-2 Digitalization and Automation of Freight Rail (CHARMEC EU20)
Lokförarsimulering som verktyg för att reducera järnvägens partikelemissioner
Löpbaneskador på hjul – identifiering och konsekvenser (CHARMEC TS20)
Modellering av termomekaniskt belastade räls- och hjulstål