Luping Tang
Luping Tang är professor på avdelningen för byggnadsteknologi och leder forskargruppen Byggnadsmaterial, på Chalmers. Som biträdande professor i byggnadsmaterial fokuserar han sin forskning på cementbaserade material och produkt, med inriktning mot materialens beständighet. Målsättningen är att skapa kunskaper, metoder och modeller till materialtillverkare, konstruktionsingenjörer och -förvaltare som kan designa, bygga och förvalta dyrbara byggnader och infrastrukturer för att hålla de önskade funktionaliteten under den designade livslängden. Tang’s metod Rapid Chloride Migration (RCM) har fått världsomfattande användning.
Visar 175 publikationer
Hållfasthetsutveckling och uttorkning av betong - Test av mätmetodik med sensorer i flera nivåer
Long-term performance of reinforced concrete under a de-icing road environment
The toxic leaching behavior of MSWI fly ash made green and non-sintered lightweight aggregates
Effects of chloride content on early hydration performance of cement pastes
Non-destructive test system to monitor hydration and strength development of low CO2 concrete
Influence of deicing salt on the surface properties of concrete specimens after 20 years
Geopolymer recycled aggregate concrete: From experiments to empirical models
Durability of Slag-Cement Paste Containing Polyaluminum Chloride
Chloride penetration in freeze–thaw induced cracking concrete: A numerical study
Numerical model of the effect of water vapor environment on the chloride transport in concrete
The manner and extent to which the hydration shell impacts interactions between hydrated species
Effect of the addition of GGBS on the frost scaling and chloride migration resistance of concrete
Determination of impressed current efficiency during accelerated corrosion of reinforcement
Nanoengineering Microstructure of Hybrid C-S-H/Silicene Gel
On the Mechanical Recycling of Decommisioned Insulation Polymer Composite Components
Activation of municipal solid waste incineration ashes for green concrete
Water distribution modelling of capillary absorption in cementitious materials
Application of CFRP as anode in cathodic protection for steel reinforced concrete - A review
Synthesis and Properties of Red Mud-Based Nanoferrite Clinker
Contact-hardening behavior of calcium silicate hydrate powders
Concrete setting and hardening monitoring using a novel graphene-based sensor
Predicting chloride induced depassiviation and minimum concrete cover with different binders
Resistance of concrete against combined attack of chloride and sulfate under drying-wetting cycles
Carbon fiber as anode material for cathodic prevention in cementitious materials
Pb2+ adsorption by calcium silicate hydrate synthesized from steel slag
Alkali-activated slag foamed concrete with lightweight glass aggregates
Polarization induced deterioration of reinforced concrete with CFRP anode
The influence of reinforcement steel surface condition on initiation of chloride induced corrosion
Durability and service life prediction of reinforced concrete structures
Estimation of chloride threshold values after 20 years’ field exposure in Swedish marine environment
Chloride Penetration Resistance of Calcium Depleted Concrete Specimens
High-strength lightweight blocks prepared from the by-product of aluminium removed from fly ash
Pre-Study of Graphene-Enhanced Cementitious Materials
Study of the possibilities of using Red Mud as an additive in concrete and grout mortar
A Study of Consequences of Concrete Structures for Storage of Nuclear Wastes due to Permafrost
An approach for measurement of chloride threshold
Chloride profiles along the concrete-steel interface
Electrochemical migration technique to accelerate ageing of cementitious materials
Application of LA-ICP-MS for meso-scale chloride profiling in concrete
Ageing process of cementitious materials: Ion transport and diffusion coefficient
The introduction of Key Performance Indicators (KPI) for predicting the state of health
Covercrete with hybrid functions – A novel approach to durable reinforced concrete structures
A study of the accelerated ageing process of cementitious materials
Freeze/Thaw durability of concrete with fly ash
Chloride analysis in concrete by LA-ICP-MS
Ageing of cementitious materials for storage of nuclear waste
Critical Conditions for Depassivation of Steel in Concrete: Interface Chloride Profiles
Electrochemical leaching of cementitious materials: an experimental and theoretical study
Resistance of Concrete to Chloride Ingress – Testing and Modelling
An approach for measurement of chloride threshold values
Use of performance specification and predictive model for concretes exposed to a marine environment
Some Questions in Modelling of Service Life of Concrete Structures with Regard to Frost Attack
Modelling of service life for a concrete structure exposed to seawater for 30 years
A critical review of proportioning techniques for self-compacting concrete
A field study of critical chloride content in reinforced concrete with blended binder
Chloride ingress and corrosion from the Swedish field exposures under the marine environment
Engineering expression of the ClinConc model for prediction of free and total chloride
The effects of mineral additions on chloride penetration into concrete under the frost action
A study of proportioning techniques for SCC with crushed aggregate
Chloride ingress in portland cement concrete under frost action
Chloride induced corrosion of steel in concrete exposed in a marine environment
On the mathematics of time-dependent apparent chloride diffusion coefficient in concrete
A comparison of two methods for testing the resistance of fresh scc to segregation
Evaluation of different laboratory methods for testing resistance of concrete to chloride ingress
Chloride penetration in concrete exposed under different temperatures
A Procedure for Verification of Models used to predict Chloride Ingress into Concrete
Service-life prediction based on the rapid migration test and the ClinConc model
Probablistic service life design for concrete structures in marine and road environments
Chloride induced corrosion in concrete structures Testing and modelling
Prediction of Chloride Ingress into Concrete - Verifications from the Field Exposure
A rapid technique for detecting corrosion of steel in reinforced concrete
A Rapid Technique Using Handheld Instrument for Mapping Corrosion of Steel in Reinforced Concrete
Assessment of reinforcement corrosion in a concrete highway tunnel
Chloride Penetration Profiles and Diffusivity in Concrete under Different Exposure Conditions
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Visar 17 forskningsprojekt
Bestämning av korrisionskyddsförmågan för nya cementtyper samt optimering av kloridtröskelvärde
Vatten i "gröna" cementmaterial
Tailor-made Recycled Aggregate Concretes
Laddningsbara cementbaserade betongbatterier
Joint China-Sweden: Betongkompositer med 2d nanomaterial
Grön cement baserad på masugnsslagg
Grafenförstärkta betongpålar - industrialisering av funktionaliserad grafen i betong
Graphene reinforced composite for asphalt pavements
Functionalized grafen förstärkt cementbaserade material för grönare byggnad
SAFECEMENTA; 3D animation for promoting healthy workplaces in cement quarrying and production plants
Kloridinträngning i betong i havsmiljö - Utvärdering efter 20 års exponering i Träslövsläge