Marija Furdek Prekratic
Marija works in the research unit Optical Networks. Her expertise lies in optical network design and optimization, with an emphasis on physical-layer security and resilience. She strives to develop secure, cognitive and autonomous communication networks. As (co)PI and WP/task leader, Marija participated in several Swedish and international scientific projects with collaborators from industry and academia. She co-authored 100+ scientific publications in international journals and conferences, 5 of which received best paper awards. She is a Senior Member of IEEE and Optica (formerly OSA).
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Showing 59 publications
Programmable Filterless Optical Networks: Architecture, Design and Resource Allocation
Cost- and energy-efficient filterless architectures for metropolitan networks
Survivability Assessment of 5G Network Slicing During Massive Outages
Scalable and Efficient Pipeline for ML-based Optical Network Monitoring
Proactive Spectrum Defragmentation Leveraging Spectrum Occupancy State Information
A Flexible and Scalable ML-Based Diagnosis Module for Optical Networks: A Security Use Case
Agile Metropolitan Filterless Optical Networking
Root Cause Analysis for Autonomous Optical Network Security Management
Machine learning for network security management, attacks, and intrusions detection
Microservice-Based Unsupervised Anomaly Detection Loop for Optical Networks
Linear Regression vs. Deep Learning for Signal Quality Monitoring in Coherent Optical Systems
Feedforward Neural Network-Based EVM Estimation: Impairment Tolerance in Coherent Optical Systems
DeepDefrag: A deep reinforcement learning framework for spectrum defragmentation
Introduction to the ONDM 2021 special issue
Deep Learning Assisted Pre-Carrier Phase Recovery EVM Estimation for Coherent Transmission Systems
Fast signal quality monitoring for coherent communications enabled by CNN-based EVM estimation
Spectrum Anomaly Detection for Optical Network Monitoring using Deep Unsupervised Learning
Scalable Physical Layer Security Components for Microservice-Based Optical SDN Controllers
Introduction to the ONDM2020 special issue
Privacy-Preserving Wireless Federated Learning Exploiting Inherent Hardware Impairments
Rethinking of Optical Transport Network Design for 5G/6G Mobile Communication
Autonomous Security Management in Optical Networks
Machine Learning for Optical Network Security Management
Structural Methods to Improve the Robustness of Anycast Communications to Large-Scale Failures
Machine Learning for Cognitive Optical Network Security Management
Resilient SDN-Based Routing Against Rain Disruptions for Wireless Networks
Network Slicing Automation: Challenges and Benefits
Design of Programmable Filterless Optical Networks
Content placement in 5G-enabled edge/core data center networks resilient to link cut attacks
Introduction to the Photonic Networks and Devices (NETWORKS) Special Issue
A Framework for Spatial and Temporal Evaluation of Network Disaster Recovery
Root Cause Analysis for Autonomous Optical Networks: A Physical Layer Security Use Case
Machine Learning for Optical Network Security Monitoring: A Practical Perspective
Content placement in 5G‐enabled edge/core datacenter networks resilient to link cut attacks
Network-wide localization of optical-layer attacks
Functional Metrics to Evaluate Network Vulnerability to Disasters
Enhancing optical network security with machine learning
Guest Editorial Photonic Networks and Devices
Infrastructure upgrade framework for content delivery networks robust to targeted attacks
Demonstration of Machine-Learning-Assisted Security Monitoring in Optical Networks
Optical Transport Network Design for 5G Fixed Wireless Access
One-Shot Learning for Modulation Format Identification in Evolving Optical Networks
Microservice-Based Unsupervised Anomaly Detection Loop for Optical Networks
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Showing 8 research projects
InfraTrust: Enabling trustworthy services over vulnerable physical network infrastructure
5G Trusted And seCure network servICes (5G-TACTIC)
Smart optical networks enabled by performance monitoring and machine learning
Secured autonomic traffic management for a Tera of SDN flows (TeraFlow)
Enhanced Security and Privacy for Wireless Federated Learning (SP4WFL)
Photonics Platform to Transform Mobile Fronthaul Infrastructure
Safeguarding optical communication networks from cyber-security attacks