Casper Wickman
Casper Wickman is part of the research group Geometry assurance & robust design at the Department of Industrial and Materials Science. Casper Wickman leads the active research field Perceived Quality (PQ) together with Rikard Söderberg. The active field PQ is part of Chalmers area of advance Production. PQ is a product attribute that includes several sub-attributes such as material quality, geometry quality, solidity, surface and pain finish but also other areas related to functional aspects like ergonomics, which has an impact on how customers perceive quality. The ultimate goal for the research is to understand, control and enable evaluation of mechanisms that forms the basis to develop products with high PQ with consideration to sustainability. This includes generation of knowledge to understand how products shall be configured, designed and balanced in order to optimize customer experience. The active field is divided into three main sub-areas. Firstly, development of tools, methods and processes to evaluate and verify PQ related aspects on products. The second aim is to minimize the difference in perception between virtual and physical evaluations. This part of the research investigates the mechanisms that control the possibilities to perform virtual verification of PQ, with no discrepancy to physical verification.
Finally, the active field also includes research related to customer value and requirement management related to PQ. The main focus of the research is directed towards the automotive industry.
Casper Wickman also holds a position as Technical Leader within the area of Craftsmanship and Ergonomics at Volvo Cars. His responsibility at Volvo Cars is equivalent to the definition of PQ at Chalmers. The research conducted within the active field is well grounded in the needs of the automotive industry and most of the research is implemented conducted in cooperation with industry.
Casper Wickman is also theme leader for Perceived Quality in VINNEX phase III at Winquist Laboratory. The research is conducted in collaboration with both Volvo Cars and Volvo AB. Casper Wickman is strongly involved in the development of the attribute area Perceived Quality at both Chalmers and at Volvo Cars and he believes that combined research positions between academia and industry is a successful arrangement.

Showing 59 publications
Design and implementation of driver coach application for pilot assist: A first validation study
Resonance Risk and Mode Shape Management in the Frequency Domain to Prevent Squeak and Rattle
Automotive UX design and data-driven development: Narrowing the gap to support practitioners
Transforming brand core values into perceived quality: A Volvo case study
Design of the top tether component for the premium car market segment: Case study of Volvo Cars
ARCAR: On-Road Driving in Mixed Reality by Volvo Cars
Perceived quality of products: a framework and attributes ranking method
Design of a data-driven communication framework as personalized support for users of ADAS
Perceived quality framework in product generation engineering: an automotive industry example
Big Data Usage Can Be a Solution for User Behavior Evaluation: An Automotive Industry Example
Nonlinear modelling and simulation of impact events and validation with physical data
Shifting paradigm: Towards a comprehensive understanding of quality
Structuring Perceived Quality Attributes For Use In The Design Process
Defining perceived quality in the automotive industry: an engineering approach.
Perceived quality and the core values in the automotive industry: A corporate view
Squeak & Rattle simulation at Volvo Car Corporation using the E-LINE™ method
Towards Non-FEA-Based Deformation Methods for Evaluating Perceived Quality of Split-Lines
Non-FEA-Based Method as Means for Knowledge Based Assessment of Perceived Quality
A Framework for Non-nominal Visualization and Perceived Quality Evaluation
Non-Rigid Behavior Prediction Based on Styling Data for Evaluation of Perceived Quality
Non-Nominal Physical Representation for Evaluation of Perceived Quality
Perception of gap and flush in virtual environments
Comparison of non-nominal geomerty models represented in physical versus virtual enviroments
Comparison of Non-Nominal Geometry Models Represented in Physical Versus Virtual Environments
Toward non-nominal virtual geometric verification by combining VR and CAT technologies
Towards early visualisation of virtual non-nominal geometry : an industrial design perspective
Increased Concurrency Between Styling and Design using CAT Technology Combined with Virtual Reality
Towards Non-Nominal Virtual Geometric Verification by Combining VR and CAT Technologies
Defining Quality Appearance Index Weights by Combining VR and CAT Technologies
Increased Concurrency Between Styling and Design using CAT Technology Combined with Virtual Reality
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Showing 6 research projects
Semi-autonomous driving and its effect on mode-awareness and user experience
Squeak and Rattle Prediction for Robust Product Development
Prediktering av gnissel & gnek för robust produkt och produktion