Mélanie Despeisse
Mélanie Despeisse research area focuses on the relationship between industry and environmental sustainability at various scales, from operational resource efficiency in manufacturing processes to corporate social responsibility in strategic planning. The aim of her research is to develop tools and methods to help companies in creating sustainable value for society by implementing concepts such as eco-efficiency and circularity.

Showing 69 publications
A systematic literature review of computer vision applications in robotized wire harness assembly
Characterising the Relationship Between Environmental Sustainability and Resilience in Manufacturing
Research Challenges for Eco-Efficient and Circular Industrial Systems
Challenges and opportunities to advance manufacturing research for sustainable battery life cycles
Mapping Current Research for Eco-Efficient and Circular Industrial Systems
Asset Lifecycle Management and Digital Servitization: A Case Study in Machining
VR interaction for efficient virtual manufacturing: mini map for multi-user VR navigation platform
Sustainability in Additive Manufacturing
Exploiting Information Systems for Circular Manufacturing Transition: A Guiding Tool
Analyzing the risks of digital servitization in the machine tool industry
Applying Regenerative Sustainability Principles in Manufacturing
Developing Data Models for Smart Environmental Performance Management in Production
Battery Production Systems: State of the Art and Future Developments
Sustainability-as-a-Service: Requirements Based on Lessons Learned from Empirical Studies
Produktion2030 report - Factory Resource and Energy Efficiency through Digitalization (FREED)
Modeling Risk Prioritization of a Manufacturing Supply Chain using Discrete Event Simulation
Usability and Usefulness of Circularity Indicators for Manufacturing Performance Management
Thematic Research Framework for Eco-Efficient and Circular Industrial Systems
Environmental and Economic Impacts of Biofouling on Marine and Coastal Heat Exchangers
The Environmental Implications of Digitalization in Manufacturing: A Case Study
Organisational sustainability readiness: a model and assessment tool for manufacturing companies
State-of-the-art on product-service systems and digital technologies
FFI report - Factory Resource and Energy Efficiency through Digitalization (FREED)
Achieving Circular and Efficient Production Systems: Emerging Challenges from Industrial Cases
Stakeholders’ influence towards sustainability transition in textile industries
Towards sustainable servitization: A literature review of methods and frameworks
Driving vehicle dismantling forward - A combined literature and empirical study
Environmental impact assessment of boatbuilding process with ocean plastic
Increasing Eco-Efficiency Awareness for Ship Loading Process Using Virtual Reality and Gamification
Environmental Sustainability of Digitalization in Manufacturing: A Review
Challenges in Data Life Cycle Management for Sustainable Cyber-Physical Production Systems
Finding and Capturing Value in e-Waste for Refrigerators Manufacturers and Recyclers
Additive manufacturing from the sustainability perspective: proposal for a self-assessment tool
A Swedish comment on ‘review: the availability of life-cycle studies in Sweden’
The influence of digital technologies towards sustainable production
ReSmaC project Report: Mapping Current State Smartphones' end of life
ReSmaC Project: Feasibility and sustainability study of volume-production scenarios
A Methodology to Align Core Manufacturing Capabilities with Sustainable Manufacturing Strategies
Teaching energy efficiency in manufacturing using gamification: A case study
Sustainable Value Roadmapping Framework for Additive Manufacturing
Unlocking value for a circular economy through 3D printing: A research agenda
Skills and education for additive manufacturing: A review of emerging issues
Product circularity assessment methodology
A Collection of Tools for Factory Eco-efficiency
Additive manufacturing and sustainability: an exploratory study of the advantages and challenges
Factors for Effective Learning in Production Networks to Improve Environmental Performance
Towards a Circular Economy for End-of-Life Vehicles: A Comparative Study UK – Japan
Improving Factory Resource and Energy Efficiency: The FREE Toolkit
The Role of Additive Manufacturing in Improving Resource Efficiency and Sustainability
Sustainable manufacturing tactics and cross-functional factory modelling
Industrial ecology at factory level – a conceptual model
Industrial ecology at factory level: a prototype methodology
The emergence of sustainable manufacturing practices
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Showing 17 research projects
Scalable industrial XR trainings environments for battery production (XR-TBP)
Visibility of value networks for circularity and eco-efficiency (VIVACE)
SMR aircraft architecture and technology integration project (SMR ACAP)
Factory resource and energy efficiency through digitalization (FREED) - P2030 prestudy
PLENary multi-User developMent arena for industrial workspaces (PLENUM)
STAND4EU – Boosting the Exploitation of Standardisation Inputs from European Projects
MAXBATT Centre for Manufacturing Excellence - Battery Technology Products and Systems
Engineering education and gamification for the sustainable development
Factory Resource and Energy Efficiency through Digitalization (FREED) - FFI prestudy
Enabling REuse, REmanufacturing and REcycling Within INDustrial systems (REWIND)
Twinning for Industrial Sustainability (TRUST)
SUstainability, sMart Maintenance and factory design Testbed (SUMMIT)
RESMAC - Repurposing Smartphone Capabilities