Peter Folkow

Associate Professor at Dynamics

More information about Peter Folkow is available in Swedish.

Image of Peter Folkow

Showing 68 publications


Simulated and measured piezoelectric energy harvesting of dynamic load in tires

L. G.H. Staaf, Simon Matsson, Sobhan Sepheri et al
Heliyon. Vol. 10 (7)
Journal article

Proceedings - Swedish Mechanics Days 2024

Fredrik Larsson, Niklas Andersson, Lars Davidson et al
Proceedings (editor)

An analytical solution for vibration response of CNT/GPL/fibre/polymer hybrid composite micro/nanoplates

Hamzeh Salehipour, Mohammad Amin Shahmohammadi, Peter Folkow et al
Mechanics of Advanced Materials and Structures. Vol. 31 (10), p. 2094-2114
Journal article

Scattering of elastic waves by an orthotropic sphere

Ata Jafarzadeh, Peter Folkow, Anders E Boström
Proceedings of the International Conference on Structural Dynamic , EURODYN
Other conference contribution

On the complete solution of the three-dimensional solid space problems based on a novel curvilinear elasticity representation

Rasoul Atashipour, Peter Folkow
European Journal of Mechanics, A/Solids. Vol. 97
Journal article

Skadeverkan mot byggnad av markvibrationer från sprängning – Parameterstudier och jämförelse med försök

Morgan Johansson, Peter Folkow, Joosef Leppänen et al
Report - BeFo - Rock engineering research foundation

Numerical modelling of vibrational effects on buildings from blasting

Morgan Johansson, Peter Folkow, Joosef Leppänen et al
Other conference contribution

Scattering of elastic waves by a sphere with cubic anisotropy with application to attenuation in polycrystalline materials

Ata Jafarzadeh, Peter Folkow, Anders E Boström
Proceedings of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences. Vol. 479 (2272)
Journal article

An analytical method for free vibration analysis of multi-layered transversely isotropic cylindrical shells

Zahra Mohammadi, Bahram Navayi Neya, Azizollah Ardeshir-Behrestaghi et al
Thin-Walled Structures. Vol. 184
Journal article

Nonlinear modelling of unimorph and bimorph magneto-electro-elastic energy harvesters

Jalal Khaghanifard, Amir R. Askari, Mohsen Taghizadeh et al
Applied Mathematical Modelling. Vol. 119, p. 803-830
Journal article

3-D analytical solution of non-homogeneous transversely isotropic thick closed cylindrical shells

Zahra Mohammadi, Bahram Navayi Neya, Azizollah Ardeshir-Behrestaghi et al
Journal of Strain Analysis for Engineering Design. Vol. 58 (3), p. 159-179
Journal article

Effects on buildings from blast induced vibrations – a numerical pre-study

Peter Folkow, Morgan Johansson, Joosef Leppänen et al
11th EFEE World Conference on Explosives and Blasting (3.-Blast-Vibration-and-Seismology), p. 101-110
Paper in proceeding

Skadeverkan mot byggnad av markvibrationer från sprängning

Morgan Johansson, Peter Folkow, Joosef Leppänen et al
Bergmekanikdag 2022 Föredrag
Other conference contribution

A direct approach for three-dimensional elasto-static and elasto-dynamic solutions in curvilinear cylindrical coordinates with application to classical cylinder problems

Rasoul Atashipour, Zahra Mohammadi, Peter Folkow
European Journal of Mechanics, A/Solids. Vol. 95
Journal article

Multi-Objective Design Optimization of Fractal-based Piezoelectric Energy Harvester

Bogdan Pamfil, Richard Palm, Agin Vyas et al
2021 IEEE 20th International Conference on Micro and Nanotechnology for Power Generation and Energy Conversion Applications, PowerMEMS 2021, p. 6-9
Paper in proceeding

Skadeverkan mot byggnad av markvibrationer från sprängning

Peter Folkow, Morgan Johansson, Joosef Leppänen
Report - Chalmers University of Technology

The closest isotropic, cubic and transversely isotropic stiffness and compliance tensor to an arbitrary anisotropic material

Xinyuan Shao, Peter Folkow, Morteza Eskandari-Ghadi
Journal of Mechanics of Materials and Structures. Vol. 16 (4), p. 451-470
Journal article

Free vibrations of bi-stable pressurized FG plate-type MEMS

Amir R. Askari, Peter Folkow, Jan Awrejcewicz
Other conference contribution

Scattering of elastic waves by a sphere with cubic anisotropy

Ata Jafarzadeh, Peter Folkow, A. E. Bostrom
Other conference contribution

Wave propagation effects from blast induced vibrations

Arian Nasseri, Peter Folkow, Morgan Johansson et al
Other conference contribution

Byggande av lätta trähus i tätbebyggda städer

Peter Persson, Anne Landin, Peter Folkow
Bygg & Teknik. Vol. 3, p. 24-26
Magazine article

Scattering of elastic SH waves by transversely isotropic sphere

Ata Jafarzadeh, Peter Folkow, A. E. Bostrom
Proceedings of the International Conference on Structural Dynamic , EURODYN. Vol. 2, p. 2782-2797
Paper in proceeding

Impact of designed asymmetries on the effective bandwidth of a backfolded piezoelectric energy harvester

Elof Köhler, Henrik Staaf, Anderson David Smith et al
Sensors and Actuators, A: Physical. Vol. 292, p. 77-89
Journal article

A hierarchy of dynamic equations for solid isotropic micropolar circular cylinders

Hossein Abadikhah, Peter Folkow
Journal of Sound and Vibration. Vol. 440, p. 70-82
Journal article

Effective piezoelectric energy harvesting with bandwidth enhancement by assymetry augmented self-tuning of conjoined cantilevers

Henrik Staaf, Anderson David Smith, Per Lundgren et al
International Journal of Mechanical Sciences. Vol. 150, p. 1-11
Journal article

Achieving increased bandwidth for 4 degree of freedom self-tuning energy harvester

Henrik Staaf, Anderson David Smith, Elof Köhler et al
Journal of Sound and Vibration. Vol. 420, p. 165-173
Journal article

Verification of Self-Tuning 4DOF Piezoelectric Energy Harvester with Enhanced Bandwidth

Henrik Staaf, Elof Köhler, Anderson David Smith et al
Journal of Physics: Conference Series. Vol. 1052 (To be published in Journal of Physics Conference S)
Paper in proceeding

Dynamic equations for solid isotropic radially functionally graded circular cylinders

Hossein Abadikhah, Peter Folkow
Composite Structures. Vol. 195, p. 147-157
Journal article

Smart design piezoelectric energy harvester with self-Tuning

Henrik Staaf, Elof Köhler, Peter Folkow et al
Journal of Physics: Conference Series. Vol. 922 (1)
Paper in proceeding

A systematic approach to derive dynamic equations for homogeneous and functionally graded micropolar plates

Hossein Abadikhah, Peter Folkow
Procedia Engineering. Vol. 199, p. 1429-1434
Paper in proceeding

Selftuning energy harvester by sliding weight

Henrik Staaf, Elof Köhler, Peter Folkow et al
Svenska Mekanikdagarna 2017, 12-13 juni, Uppsala, Sverige
Paper in proceeding

Dynamic equations for a functionally graded cylinder

Hossein Abadikhah, Peter Folkow
19th International Conference on Composite Structures (ICCS19)...
Paper in proceeding

A hierarchy of micropolar plate equations

Hossein Abadikhah, Peter Folkow
29th Nordic Seminar on Computational Mechanics
Paper in proceeding

A rational derivation of dynamic higher order equations for functionally graded micropolar plates

Hossein Abadikhah, Peter Folkow
Composite Structures. Vol. 153, p. 234-241
Journal article

Dynamic equations for a micropolar cylinder

Hossein Abadikhah, Peter Folkow
Proceedings of International Conference on Shells, Plates and Beams (SPB2015), Bologna, ITALY, p. 37-38
Paper in proceeding

Dynamic equations for a fully anisotropic piezoelectric rectangular plate

Karl Mauritsson, Peter Folkow
Computers and Structures. Vol. 153, p. 112-125
Journal article

A hierarchy of dynamic equations for micropolar plates

Hossein Abadikhah, Peter Folkow
Journal of Sound and Vibration. Vol. 357, p. 427-436
Journal article

Dynamic Higher Order Functionally Graded Micropolar Plate Equations

Hossein Abadikhah, Peter Folkow
Civil-Comp Proceedings. Vol. 106
Journal article

How master theses can promote new research constellations

Peter Folkow
Paper in proceeding

A hierarchy of dynamic equations for solid isotropic circular cylinders

Hossein Abadikhah, Peter Folkow
Wave Motion. Vol. 51 (2), p. 206-221
Journal article

Studenterna lyfter sig själva i Studion för Mekanik och Hållfasthetslära

Mats Ander, Peter Folkow
Paper in proceeding

Dynamic higher order micropolar plate equations

Hossein Abadikhah, Peter Folkow
Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Vibration Problems (ICOVP-2013)”, Lisbon, Portugal, 9-12 September, 2013, p. p.133-
Paper in proceeding

Three dimensional frequency analysis of bidirectional functionally graded thick cylindrical shells using a radial point interpolation method (RPIM)

Reza Pilafkan, Peter Folkow, Mansour Darvizeh et al
European Journal of Mechanics, A/Solids. Vol. 39, p. 26-34
Journal article

Wave propagation of functionally graded layers treated by recursion relations and effective boundary conditions

Mikhail Golub, Anders E Boström, Peter Folkow
International Journal of Solids and Structures. Vol. 50 (5), p. 766-772
Journal article

Higher order beam equations

Hossein Abadikhah, Peter Folkow
Civil-Comp Proceedings. Vol. 99
Journal article

Dynamic equations for a fully anisotropic elastic plate

Karl Mauritsson, Peter Folkow, Anders E Boström
Journal of Sound and Vibration. Vol. 330 (11), p. 2640-2654
Journal article

Dynamic equations for an orthotropic plate

Anders E Boström, Karl Mauritsson, Peter Folkow
Proceedings of the International Conference Days on Diffraction, DD 2010. St. Petersburg, 8-11 June 2010, p. 35-39
Paper in proceeding

Dynamic higher-order equations for finite rods

Peter Folkow, Karl Mauritsson
Quarterly Journal of Mechanics and Applied Mathematics. Vol. 63 (1), p. 1-21
Journal article

Dynamic equations for an orthotropic piezoelectric plate

Karl Mauritsson, Peter Folkow
Proceedings of the tenth international comference on computational structures technology, Valencia 14-17 September 2010 (284)
Paper in proceeding

Dynamic equations for fluid-loaded porous plates using approximate boundary conditions

Peter Folkow, Martin Johansson
Journal of the Acoustical Society of America. Vol. 125 (5), p. 2954-66
Journal article

Dynamic equations for a homogenous, fully anisotropic, elastic plate

Karl Mauritsson, Anders E Boström, Peter Folkow
Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Computation of Shell & Spatial Structures, p. 18-21
Paper in proceeding

Modelling of thin piezoelectric layers on plates

Karl Mauritsson, Anders E Boström, Peter Folkow
Wave Motion. Vol. 45 (5), p. 616-628
Journal article

Dynamic cylindrical shell equations by power series expansions

Anders Hägglund, Peter Folkow
Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Computation of Shell & Spatial Structures, p. 14-17
Paper in proceeding

Dynamic cylindrical shell equations by power series expansions

Anders Hägglund, Peter Folkow
International Journal of Solids and Structures. Vol. 45 (16), p. 4509-22
Journal article

Dispersion free wave splittings for structural elements

Martin Johansson, Peter Folkow, Peter Olsson
Computers and Structures. Vol. 84 (7), p. 514-27
Journal article

Approximate boundary conditions for a fluid-loaded elastic plate

Martin Johansson, Peter Folkow, Anders Hägglund et al
Journal of the Acoustical Society of America. Vol. 118 (6), p. 3436-3446
Journal article

Approximate boundary conditions for thin porous layers

Martin Johansson, Peter Folkow
Acta Acustica United With Acustica. Vol. 1 (Sept-Oct), p. S20-1
Paper in proceeding

Wave propagators for the Timoshenko beam

Dag V. J. Billger, Peter Folkow
Wave Motion. Vol. 37 (4), p. 313-332
Journal article

Direct and inverse problems on nonlinear rods

Peter Folkow, Kevin Kreider
Mathematics and Computers in Simulation. Vol. 50, p. 577-595
Journal article

Time domain inversion of a viscoelastically restrained Timoshenko beam

Peter Folkow
Inverse Problems. Vol. 15, p. 551-562
Journal article

Time domain Green functions for the homogeneous Timoshenko beam

Peter Folkow, Gerhard Kristensson, Peter Olsson
Quarterly Journal of Mechanics and Applied Mathematics. Vol. 51, p. 125-141
Journal article

The imbedding equations for the Timoshenko beam

Dag V. J. Billger, Peter Folkow
Journal of Sound and Vibration. Vol. 209, p. 609-634
Journal article

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Showing 6 research projects


Damage to building of ground vibrations from blasting – Numerical modelling.

Peter Folkow Dynamics
Nimanthie Herath Dynamics
Joosef Leppänen Structural Engineering
Håkan Johansson Dynamics
Morgan Johansson Structural Engineering
BeFo - Rock engineering research foundation
Development Fund of the Swedish Construction Industry (SBUF)


Upgrading of Load Carrying Capacity for the Road Transport Network - Assessment of Dynamic Amplification of Traffic Loads for Existing Bridges

Rasmus Rempling Construction Management
Peter Folkow Dynamics
Viktor Eriksson Construction Management
Christoffer Svedholm Unknown organization
Elu Konsult
Swedish Transport Administration
Volvo Group


Vibrational damages in buildings from blasting effects - Field test modelling

Peter Folkow Dynamics
Morgan Johansson Structural Engineering
Joosef Leppänen Structural Engineering
BeFo - Rock engineering research foundation

4 publications exist

Vibrational damages in buildings from blasting effects (pre study)

Peter Folkow Dynamics
Lars-Olof Dahlström Geology and Geotechnics
Joosef Leppänen Structural Engineering
Morgan Johansson Structural Engineering
Swedish Transport Administration

2 publications exist

Wooden Buildings in Silent Sustainable Cities

Peter Folkow Dynamics

1 publication exists

Scattering of elastic waves in anisotropic media

Anders E Boström Dynamics
Peter Folkow Dynamics
Swedish Research Council (VR)

7 publications exist
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