Peter Folkow
More information about Peter Folkow is available in Swedish.

Showing 68 publications
Simulated and measured piezoelectric energy harvesting of dynamic load in tires
Proceedings - Swedish Mechanics Days 2024
Scattering of elastic waves by an orthotropic sphere
Numerical modelling of vibrational effects on buildings from blasting
Nonlinear modelling of unimorph and bimorph magneto-electro-elastic energy harvesters
3-D analytical solution of non-homogeneous transversely isotropic thick closed cylindrical shells
Effects on buildings from blast induced vibrations – a numerical pre-study
Skadeverkan mot byggnad av markvibrationer från sprängning
Multi-Objective Design Optimization of Fractal-based Piezoelectric Energy Harvester
Skadeverkan mot byggnad av markvibrationer från sprängning
Free vibrations of bi-stable pressurized FG plate-type MEMS
Scattering of elastic waves by a sphere with cubic anisotropy
Wave propagation effects from blast induced vibrations
Byggande av lätta trähus i tätbebyggda städer
Scattering of elastic SH waves by transversely isotropic sphere
A hierarchy of dynamic equations for solid isotropic micropolar circular cylinders
Achieving increased bandwidth for 4 degree of freedom self-tuning energy harvester
Verification of Self-Tuning 4DOF Piezoelectric Energy Harvester with Enhanced Bandwidth
Dynamic equations for solid isotropic radially functionally graded circular cylinders
A Systematic Approach to Develop a Family of Theories for Structural Elements
Smart design piezoelectric energy harvester with self-Tuning
Selftuning energy harvester by sliding weight
Dynamic equations for a functionally graded cylinder
A hierarchy of micropolar plate equations
A rational derivation of dynamic higher order equations for functionally graded micropolar plates
Dynamic equations for a micropolar cylinder
Dynamic equations for a fully anisotropic piezoelectric rectangular plate
A hierarchy of dynamic equations for micropolar plates
Dynamic Higher Order Functionally Graded Micropolar Plate Equations
How master theses can promote new research constellations
A hierarchy of dynamic equations for solid isotropic circular cylinders
Studenterna lyfter sig själva i Studion för Mekanik och Hållfasthetslära
Dynamic higher order micropolar plate equations
”Utbildning i världsklass” – Vad kan man göra på institutionsnivå?
Dynamic equations for a fully anisotropic elastic plate
Dynamic equations for an orthotropic plate
Dynamic higher-order equations for finite rods
Dynamic equations for an orthotropic piezoelectric plate
Dynamic equations for fluid-loaded porous plates using approximate boundary conditions
Dynamic equations for a homogenous, fully anisotropic, elastic plate
Modelling of thin piezoelectric layers on plates
Dynamic cylindrical shell equations by power series expansions
Dynamic cylindrical shell equations by power series expansions
Dispersion free wave splittings for structural elements
Approximate boundary conditions for a fluid-loaded elastic plate
Approximate boundary conditions for thin porous layers
Wave propagators for the Timoshenko beam
Direct and inverse problems on nonlinear rods
Time domain inversion of a viscoelastically restrained Timoshenko beam
Time domain Green functions for the homogeneous Timoshenko beam
Wave Propagation in Structural Elements - Direct and Inverse Problems in the Time Domain
The imbedding equations for the Timoshenko beam
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Showing 6 research projects
Damage to building of ground vibrations from blasting – Numerical modelling.
Vibrational damages in buildings from blasting effects - Field test modelling
Vibrational damages in buildings from blasting effects (pre study)
Scattering of elastic waves in anisotropic media