Philip Gerlee
My main research interest is mathematical biology, in particular cancer modelling. I am also interested in mathematical aspects of evolution and ecology, such as the evolution of bacterial consortia and applications of game theory to biology.

Showing 57 publications
Model uncertainty, the COVID-19 pandemic, and the science-policy interface
Turing pattern formation on the sphere is robust to the removal of a hole
Evaluation and communication of pandemic scenarios
Inference on an interacting diffusion system with application to in vitro glioblastoma migration
Fast and precise inference on diffusivity in interacting particle systems
Derivation of a Generalised Replicator Equation in the Limit of Weak Selection
Bayesian inference on the Allee effect in cancer cell populations using time-lapse microscopy images
Inference of glioblastoma migration and proliferation rates using single time-point images
Ladderpath Approach: How Tinkering and Reuse Increase Complexity and Information
Weak Selection and the Separation of Eco-evo Time Scales using Perturbation Analysis
Autocrine signaling can explain the emergence of Allee effects in cancer cell populations
Predicting regional COVID-19 hospital admissions in Sweden using mobility data
The Impact of Elastic Deformations of the Extracellular Matrix on Cell Migration
Persistence of cooperation in diffusive public goods games
Mathematical modelling of cell migration: stiffness dependent jump rates result in durotaxis
Neighborhood size-effects shape growing population dynamics in evolutionary public goods games
Time scales and wave formation in non-linear spatial public goods games
Inferring rates of metastatic dissemination using stochastic network models
The Influence of Cellular Characteristics on the Evolution of Shape Homeostasis
Impact of anticipation in dynamical systems
Extinction rates in tumour public goods games
Estimating the probability of coexistence in cross-feeding communities
Travelling wave analysis of a mathematical model of glioblastoma growth
Complexity and stability in growing cancer cell populations
Bridging scales in cancer progression: Mapping genotype to phenotype using neural networks
The evolution of carrying capacity in constrained and expanding tumour cell populations
Mathematical modeling of the metastatic process
Searching for Synergies: Matrix Algebraic Approaches for Efficient Pair Screening
Cross-Feeding Dynamics Described by a Series Expansion of the Replicator Equation
The Model Muddle: In Search of Tumor Growth Laws
Effect of space in the game “war of attrition”
The Impact of Phenotypic Switching on Glioblastoma Growth and Invasion
Evolving homeostatic tissue using genetic algorithms
Structural correlations in bacterial metabolic networks
Urdar - an artificial ecology platform
Rock-scissor-paper dynamics in a digital ecology
Evolution, regulation and disruption of homeostasis and its role in carcinogenesis
Productivity and diversity in a cross-feeding population of digital organisms
Evolving Homeostatic Tissue Using Genetic Algorithms
Diffusion-limited tumour growth: Simulations and analysis.
Gene divergence and pathway duplication in the metabolic network of yeast and digital organisms
The Emergence of Overlapping Scale-free Genetic Architecture in
The Genetic coding style of digital organisms
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Showing 6 research projects
Predicting an uncertain future: improving the utility of computational models during a pandemic
Systembiologiska studier av invasivt glioblastom
Extension of homogenisation techniques for multicellular systems
Hierarchical mixed effects modelling of dynamical systems